Do attractive people have an easier life?

Reply Tue 9 May, 2006 07:38 pm
Yes it was Shaz.

I was expecting a much more dramatic response from the others.

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Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 07:02 pm
I believe it depends on which angel you see this aspect. Everyone has a different taste if it comes to judging beauty. Some think that a Enrique Iglesias is hot, others think he's just plain ugly. But let's assume that you find someone attractive (doesn't matter who it is! as long as you think she's pretty!). What are the advantages of being beautiful?

As others have told: you get more attention, especially from the opposite sex. This is "obvious". There are not a lot of beautiful people, so we won't forget a pretty face in a second. We notice them more than normal people. The only little negative downside could be that you get an excess of attention because you are "beautiful". I know that "beautiful" people can be a bit more rude, because some people assume that there "beauty" makes up for it. They believe they have more "social power". As long as their "fame" doesn't rise to their heads. We all know those popular, hot bitches.

Another thing is that being beautiful could backfire. The social environment could be more sceptical about pretty people. They could think that they have a higher grade because they are "pretty". They have received a promotion because they are "pretty". Sometimes our eyes only see the outside and we are missing what's inside their hearts.

Finally, nothing lasts forever. Sometimes beautiful people cannot handle the loss of "attention" as has been mentioned in other posts. But don't forget that every person is unique. We are all different, some are beautiful, others have a great mind,... We are all able to get our share of "attention", but we use more subtle ways to obtain it.
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Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 11:45 pm
Do attractive people have a tendency to be treated negatively by other people of the same sex?
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Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 05:12 am
In one sentence. I don't think so. People admire attractive people or they just accept it and live with it. But you can catogerize people in this way:

Objectively speaking you can observe these facts:
1) People as followers. They look at attractive people as role models. They try to imitate them. But the extent in which they imitate attractive people is subjective. They might imitate them in a large extent or just in small extent. Remember that every person is unique, and certain qualities of people are not measurable in "beauty". They might wear the same clothes, same shoes,... or just be picky and use the shoes or clothes.
2) People as innovators. They try to become the beautiful role models themselves! They have diverse options: a) using the same weapons as them: imitate them completely. I don't know how well this works, because you just might be a follower. b) using things where they are weak, and the innovator is stronger or both of them. Example: they have an ugly purse, then you better buy a beautiful purse. Or c) more radically: use total new options: new dress, new haircut that becomes fashion: thus becoming role models themselves.
3) People don't do a thing, they just accept the fact that there are beautiful people and remain "passive". And live their own life.
4) Time is also a considerable factor: how long will beauty lasts?
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Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 05:47 am
of course attractive people have it easier- by calling someone attractive you're instantly giving the person value and worth.
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:19 am
Do attractive people have a tendency to be treated negatively by other people of the same sex?

Ah ha, my mates are always giving me crap! Laughing

Obviously attractive chicks get it easier. Men have their priorities, and getting yourself a hot chick ranks up there. Therefore, attractive women getting life easier is a matter of course.
A few people have pointed out "beauty doesn't last forever". This is true, and older women who were once beautifull should really not go into the whole "I want to be beautifull again" thing.
It served its purpose, its gone, move on with stage 2. Very Happy
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material girl
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:23 am
If people are attractive and they know it, does it make them unnatractive?
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:24 am
Some think that a Enrique Iglesias is hot, others think he's just plain ugly.

Damn straight he's ugly. Laughing
Thats a very good point.
One of my mates told me he thinks Angelina Jolie is hot. I then vomitted in a sink, to convey my oppinion of her looks. And I stick by it!
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:27 am
If people are attractive and they know it, does it make them unnatractive?

Nope. Teenage Britney Spears was attractive. She knew it, and she was still attractive.
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material girl
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 07:39 am
Angelina is odd looking, tho I can see why some people think she is beautiful.

Britney is different, she's naturally lovely.
I mean the people that turn to face the best side of their face towards the camera or the guy that gives you an on purpose 'come to bed' eyes to someone he has never met beacuse he just knows he can pull them.
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 08:05 am
Oh, I get you. I wouldn't say that knowing your attractive makes you less attractive. The actions you take as a result of knowing would though. Like being up yourself and being boring like those "attractive" chicks who are obsessed with their huge sunglasses and their silly "glamour accessories". Those chicks suck. Very Happy

Oh, and talk me through the 'come to bed' eyes :wink:
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Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 08:13 am
I'm attractive. Very attractive. I've always noticed that I get more attention (and better service) than others around me... in a store, at an art exhibit, in a restaurant, in work situations, etc. I do think a good portion of the attention is due to the fact that I am confident and alert. I'm attentive to others and they respond to that. I never shuffle around looking miserable. I have a high energy level and people are drawn to that. There has never been any shortage of men. ( I like them tall anyway. Cool )

Do I feel guilty about this? No. Some things are easier for me because of my looks, but I've had plenty of suffering in my life. I realize I was blessed with beauty, but I take care of myself physically and spiritually, and those who know me appreciate me for my compassion and intelligence.
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material girl
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 08:14 am
Someone like Richard Gere has 'come to bed eyes'.
I have 'go to bed' eyes.
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 12:04 am
It depends...
It really depends..on what country you are in....

America: Yes, it does

MY country, the Philippines: No, it only matters how cunning you are

My mothers country, Russia: No, smarts is more important....

At least...thats my theory...

Although I'm certain about america......
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 04:20 am
And lets not forget the most important male trait, MONEY!
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 05:31 am
Yes to some extent.

Attractive people do get a lot of attention but don't know if they receive favours as well.

Dropped groceries: Many kind men offer the help to not so attractive women as well. I have myself picked up groceries for old ladies and helped them carry it to their car.

Give up seat in the bus: again the above applies. I have seen men leave their seats for elderly when the designated seat for elderly was full. I have been offered seat by some who were hitting on me. Better still, a gentleman left his seat for an elderly, came and stood next to me and started a conversation Smile. Intelligent fellow.

Hire them for jobs: Depends upon the job type. If you are required to be on camera, or a sales girl.. yes but a network engineer who works closed doors and an intelligent employer, no.

But if you ask me, I know all the attractive ladies at my work, which is a 1000+ employee in my building alone. If I have noticed them, I am pretty darn sure, the men have too. They get the attention no doubt. When they walk into the lobby many eyes turn to notice them. But do they get special advantages in terms of salary hikes, annual review.. definetely no.
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material girl
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 05:50 am
Can you judge your attractiveness on how people act with you?

Admittedly I dont get to meet guys and I havnt put myself up for any jobs recently and I basically see the same people all the time so we all act normally around each other.
But the other day I went to London and 2 guys paid me attention.
I asked one guy a question and he gave me a silly answer which we had a giggle at.
Another gave me a big smile when he saw me then when I left he said stuff like 'are you going aleady?'Something he hadnt done with th nice looking ladies in the queue before me.

I know these people are employed to make people feel welcome but on the rare occasions it happens I actually think to myself, do people actually find me attractive??!!
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Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 08:28 am
I don't know what you look like, mgirl, but you have a cute personality and I'm sure it radiates... people notice that.
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material girl
Reply Wed 17 May, 2006 08:29 am
Blimey, I hadnt even said anything to the second guy.
I must be a cracker!!
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Reply Sat 20 May, 2006 04:08 am
Damn, I'd give her an easier life! (if she was real Very Happy )
I must be a cracker!!

Lol, carefull with that word. I got chastised for using it on another forum, because apparently in america its derogatry for "poor white person".
Wierd place. Very Happy
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