Do attractive people have an easier life?

Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:20 am
Hi everyone - new here so thought I'd dive straight in with the posting. Looks like a great place here - I've been searching for a while for a forum that actually requires some thought!

Anyway... onto my question.

Do attractive people have an easier life? Do they find people more willing to pick up their dropped groceries, give up their seat on the bus, hire them for jobs, etc etc? And if so, is there a negative side to their beauty? Perhaps (for women) being expected to be nothing more than a bimbo... so maybe refused for more jobs.

Has anyone got any personal experience of this? I know that I used to be a very dowdy person and blended in, and once I became more confident and took more care over my appearance people were nicer to me - I'm not saying I'm a stunner by any means!!

Is it just that attractive people are aware of their looks, are therefore more confident, therefore come across as being more friendly and approachable?

What do you all think??

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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 3,499 • Replies: 42
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:33 am
Welcome to A2K, katiektk!

I do believe that attractive people gain advantages, and studies have shown that people respond more positively to pretty faces. I'm sure it makes a difference in the hiring process...
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tin sword arthur
Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:38 am
Welcome, katiektk.
I think confidence is a big part of attraction. How you carry yourself reflects on many different things, not the least of which is how others will see you.
Attitude is another thing. Someone who thinks they are unattractive and that their life will be made miserable by the attractive people will likely act less polite and be quicker of temper to others, so they are less likely to recieve those courtesies.
And I completely understand the plight of the unattractive. I am 5'10" and weight 220 lbs. I have been in two relationships in my life, and none in the last 8 years. I know that struggle. I see it every morning in the mirror. But I try.
I'll come down off my soapbox now. 2 Cents
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:47 am
I can only speak for women...

If you happen to be beautiful, you might have your oranges picked up or let in somewhere that you normally wouldn't....but you need to have enough of a head on your shoulders to realize this isn't going to last forever if all your going to rely on is your physical beauty.

I think women who have relied on their appearance without developing other areas have a harder time growing older, which believe it or not, happens to us all.

On the other had, if you have the attitude you're beautiful, regardless of what some others might say, you'll have no problems with being treated well.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:49 am
D'artagnan wrote:
I'm sure it makes a difference in the hiring process...

Definitely does. For one, appearance is huge, obviously. It may not be so much how "good looking" you are, but if you're not well groomed, or are plain out ugly as hell, it's not going to leave a favorable impression on customers. And I've been told pharma companies actually make an attempt to hire attractive sales people.
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:54 am
Chai has pointed to one aspect of this issue, and that is self-image. Someone could be possessed of beautiful hair, high cheek bones, and well-molded nose, a strong chin, and a lithe athletic figure--but it said person does not feel attractive, they likely won't be. Even someone with a host of such positive attributes needs to groom him- or herself well, to dress well, and, above all, to act with decision and confidence. The key word is attractive. Generally speaking (and when speaking of all the human race at once, generalization is necessary), people are attracted to those who are self-possessed and positive in manner and behavior; generally speaking, people--while not necessarily repelled by--wont' be attracted to those who are not. I've known hosts of men and women who lacked "classic" features which are considered beautiful, but whose self-possession and self-confidence made them attractive to others.
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:58 am
In another thread which ran for several pages here a few years ago, i mentioned the concept of jolie-laide. The word jolie means "pretty" in French--laide means ugly. But there are those who demeanor, their manor of carrying themselves, make them attractive despite characteristics which might subjectively be called ugly or unattractive.

Melina Mercouri is a classic example. Her features, in and of themselves, did not add up to beauty. But she took care of her appearance, and she had a look of smouldering sexuality which could make a man's knees weak.

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tin sword arthur
Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 12:23 pm
It all depends on your definition of "attractive". Your own personal definition. How many times have you or one of your friends seen a couple together and said "What is he/she doing with him/her?" or "How did he/she convince him/her to be with him/her?" I know I catch myself saying it.
Sorry for all the ?/?. Sad
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 12:26 pm
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 01:13 pm
Relating to my first post here... I'd like to add the sub-question...

If you've always been considered by most to be attractive and have benefited by that, so have never considered developing other aspects of their being....do you think their life past a certain arbitrary age will be easier?

I think not...again, I have seen women who get really depressed over the fact they are aging...the competition becomes stiffer. There are now many more younger, attractive people than you. Eventually they aren't the object of a turning head.

What are they to do if that's the only tool they developed, and now it's worn down? They're life is certainly not easier.

Let's keep in mind here that it's certainly not unusual to live well into our 80's, even 90's....limiting the discussion of being attractive to only people under 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 take your pick.....is not taking into consideration that is less than half your life span.

Someones life cannot be said to be "easier" because they had a few years where they were hot stuff coming through.

Look past your nose folks....if you can see through the nose hairs and eyebrows that are growing out of control because you're aging.

Actually, I think it's hyterically funny that someone who is let's say 25-30 and attractive believes it's going to last. It's funny because if they're lucking they will be able to look at themselves many years from now and laugh at their youth and how what they thought was never going to end has become so unimportant.

Oh, and for those who would bring up cosmetic surgery? Fine, expect it's just a veneer, you're still changing on the inside.
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 01:26 pm
I do believe that life, on simpler terms, is easier for people who are attractive.
Not meaning model beautiful.. just simple and attractive.
Well groomed defiantly being a must.

I think , when a person is easier on the eyes, people are more willing to start a conversation , will take a second to hold open a door for you, acknowledge your presence in a crowded store, give you more time in a job interview, listen closer when you request something, etc..

on those types of simple terms, yes being attractive makes life...

actually I SHOULD say.. more pleasant.
Not necessarily easier..
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Reply Wed 3 May, 2006 11:54 pm
In some ways, life is easier for the attractive. But what type of attraction?

There is youth. People do like youth. Young flesh! In my own (jaded?) mind, I think in terms of getting things done for you as a woman - the 'perks' a bimbo/sexpot gets - youth is equal to the gift of exceptional appearance.

Then there is attraction of mind, personality, heart. This brings good to us and does make life somewhat easier...and people are more likely to want to help you.

Then there is attraction based on such things as fame, power, etc. Take some rock stars and professional sports stars, as an example. People are attracted to 'em and want to kiss their butt every which way: even though some of them are downright butt-ugly.

The way I figure it is: you pay for everything in life. If things are handed to you bc you are pretty at 20: you'll have to pay for it in some other way.
Nothing nothing is free. Even Paris Hilton is missing out on a few things - or will.
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material girl
Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 03:33 am

I will take me and 2 friends as example-
Friend 1- very beautiful, sexy/mature looking, well presented,has a well paid job and has had countless boyfriends and has grown in confidence.
Negative sides, she didnt always have confidence.As a teen she had a boyfriend who appeared dominating but in hindsight I realised that was hiding the fact he didnt want to lose her so he was nasty to her and she felt supressed.
She has had lots of boyfriends but the down side is that she has more people to break up with.Sadly Ive had to see al that happen.She is happy now tho.

Freind 2-In my opinion very pretty, but not in a way society thinks.She is VERY confident in a non pushy way.She has had a number of boyfriends, now married.She has a well paid job and i believe her confidence/presentation/personality has got her were she is today.
So its not necessarily looks that count as long as you are smiley and nice.

Friend 3-(which is me by the way)average looksmake up helps), rarely has boyfriends,one sandwich short of a picnic, low self esteem.Im in a dead end job and i have to wait a while if I try to pull out of the driveway for someone to let me out.

I have found once I smile and be chatty people do open up to me.So I dont think its all about looks but it sure as hell bloomin helps in life.

If you knew you didnt have to worry about your looks imagine how much free time youd have and how happy youd be!hallow but true.
Also even if you meet not particularly good looking people I find if there personality is lovely then there face becomes lovely in my own opinion.

Sympathy vote
I was ina club once with my #1 beautiful friend, a guy was talking to her, he had such a happy look on his face, when i aked him a question his face changed to one of total fear a she was talking to me.
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 04:13 am
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 10:13 am
Being attractive certainly opens the door,
yet education, personality and experience keeps it open.
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 10:17 am
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 06:56 pm
Yes, and that's they way it always will be.

Charles Darwin explained it better than I can.
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 10:24 pm
Eorl wrote:
Yes, and that's they way it always will be.

Charles Darwin explained it better than I can.

What the hell has Darwin got to do with beauty or the perception of beauty?
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Reply Thu 4 May, 2006 10:45 pm
Because beauty is largely a function of youth, health and symmetry.

Why do good looking people find it easier?....because other people want (consciously or otherwise) to reproduce with them, which creates the healthiest offspring.

It's basic biology, yeah?

I saw a really bad TV experiment recently(which proves nuthin' but demonstrates the point) about how long a man will leave his arm in freezing water, depending on how hot the lab tech was. Ugly lab tech was under one minute, hot lab tech was up to 4 minutes.

I definitely think this works against women much more than against men, and again for good biological reasons. People keep forgetting they are animals.
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Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 12:15 am
I totally saw that too, Eorl. Too funny.
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