Gunga, you are such a head case that I wonder how you can feed yourself. We went through your Out of Context quotes a year ago and Im not gonna go through em again cause I realize that you must really be senile to have forgotten. I think we gave you a good beat up about the nature of "quote mining" as a disengenuous means of trying to make a point.
I like to discuss new stuff Your quote of Darwin, I checked< and we didnt chastize you for that one
Your "brain trust' when they quoted Darwin failed to mention that his very quote
Quote:"Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such
intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely
graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory (of evolution)." (
Is answered by the title in chapter 9 of the 6th edition of "Origin"
_"On the Imperfection of the Geologic Record"_
He answere d it in the chapter title. More than that , Darwin posited that there were a way, if all these fossils were somehow in adjacent regions, the problem of stratigraphic geopsition would be more resolved(the issue wasnt only a temporal hiatus of apparent intermediates, but a world of specimens that was all broken up like ice floes)
THE GENIUS OF THAT STATEMENT TOOK ANOTHER 100 YEQRS TO RESOLVE. Darwin, a neophyte geologist, had no clue, as did noone else, about Seafloor spreading. Only later did we see that these many specimens were available once we "refit" the continents together prior to Iapetus .
GUNGA, go get an equivalent terminal degree in my area and Ill consider you a colleague and take your brain dead criticisms and give them deeper rebuttal, Youre just a mule for the Cretinist "scientists" ,and you dont even know that all of your quotes are either out of context or incorrect attributions
"The entire hominid (a so-called 'ape-man' fossil) collection know today
would barely cover a billiard table... Ever since Darwin... preconceptions
have led evidence by the nose in the study of fossil man."
John Reader
"Whatever Happened to Zinjanthropus?
New Scientist, March 26, 1981, pp. 802-805
That quote, for example, is a magazine article and the author, was quoting Henry Morris's 1974 book of "Scientific Creationism" the book that started the Louisiana pro Creationism laws. Morris was a real madman and has been distanced even by the cReationists for his over embellishments and outright lies. Anyway the most recent count of hominid ancestor fossils is just under 1700 individuals, a big pool table's worth.
Try to get some newer incomplete quotes, lets not play the same record over and over. your cartoons and attempts at making fun are undesratndably immature, Because your unable to attain a higher plane of understanding.
PS try to bone up on some actual science by reading some of the new 'fish to amphibian" fossil finds from the last 10 years. neil Shubin and Ted Daeschler in APrils Nature, andJennifer Clack, in an upcoming Paleoecology journal. For your information, there are over 20 individual intermediate early tetrapodal fossil fish/amphibians from the early to mid Devonian alone.
Im confident that these people dont make this up (unlike your Creationist leaers)