Fri 28 Apr, 2006 10:36 am
I have a rainsoft softener model am32ct that will not go into brine cycle right.
First off, i been fighting this thing for a month changed everything posible from hardware store that i can replace except brine float.
I replaced all o rings lubed them all, cleaned the tabs best i could for the drain and brine i guess, and checked all lines for cracks blockage ect.
I am not sure first of all how the brine float or triguard is the corect term, how it is supose to act during each cycle.
It doesnt seem to suck out the water like it is suppose to on brine, only if i disconnect line for moment at triguard when air gets in it and then it may suck water out for few minuts then gets stuck again at bottom of triguard, the ball i mean, is it suppose to go down then back up in the triguard the water flow until brine cycle is finished.
I also have to help the timer at at first 3-6 min cause it sticks every time at that same spot so there are two problems im having.
I am not sure also there is little foam washer with tiny pin hole in middle that goes in triguard and i cant remember if it goes in top or bottom line on triguard and if its even important at all.
Right now i have it in top line of triguard.
Any hints on where to go on this thing would be great, i am really flustered
why i can not get it running right.
It filled the brine tank up full the other day cause forgot and left timer on and it stuck on the 3 min for who knows how many hours, i had to siphon all water out.
Also at what cycle does the brine tank get filled back at cause I can not seem to get that right either, it may be all human error as well since I tore the whole thing down and put back together, I hope I have it all right
It is working better then origenally cause it wouldnt even brine at all befor.
Also i remember when repair man was here last working on it he went through each cycle and I remember the ball in triguard going crazy on a certain cycle and i am not seeing that happen either.
Well if anyone can help me i would be so happy and jump for joy cause i can not find any info on rainsoft at all even from google search, plz someone head me in right direction.
Have you tried their homepage,
Sorry am new to this forum, guess i posted in wrong place, I apolizize
I'm relatively new myself, and I'm pretty sure you posted in the right place. It was a general distress call. Did you try the Rainsoft website? Did it help?
Rainsoft softener will not brine right
Oh yeah, i got a hold of them and they are not easy to work with plus they want to charge 110.00 just to come and look at it cause there is no local dealer here in my town.
They will not give me info about it cause they want to service it and I am tired of paying 2 service calls now in past and with same problem again.
Im the type if u want something done right do it yourself,lol.
That's too bad about the company. You'd think they'd charge less to just come out and take a look at the unit. I shouldn't be too surprised, I guess.
Someone here is bound to be able to help you. With the number of members on A2K, it would be nearly an impossibility that no help would be forthcoming.
Good luck!
No longer need info on this, not sure what fixed it, maybe a mix of everything, o rings changed, washer in triguard in wrong place, and shut off tabs corroded at brass washers, cleaned all up and works well.
lostonrainsoft wrote:No longer need info on this, not sure what fixed it, maybe a mix of everything, o rings changed, washer in triguard in wrong place, and shut off tabs corroded at brass washers, cleaned all up and works well.
I just noticed my security settings had changed preventing me from logging into this forum.
I'm glad you have solved the problem.