ENDY. I just saw this now.

I love seeing your work. I always smile when I see you around, you so inspire me.
I have feared writing this last while. A good while. This poem is not good in itself, but I want to post it anyways. I have not written about my dad since I was a teen, and those were few and far. One day it will all come, and yet for now I felt moved to write something. A touch on one of my strong places that I feel will need to be written about soon.
"Je t'adore"
Don't laugh, daddy.
I wasn't trying to tell a joke.
Sitting on the fence,
invisible in shiny dress
papa is home!
He's bought another car?!
the best car!
full leather interior and reading lights
a tape player and CHROME.
chrrrrrome, chou, chrrrrome!
My papa fixes bridges
he climbs like a monkey
he's laughing up there, up there
haha! your daddy doesn't do that
your daddy doesn't smell like grease?
We've seen bad streets
we eat on the grass if we want to
nice men give daddy bibles,
nice women give him smiles.
I've got my own helmet purple,
we're only going out before supper,
He's got his own leather full,
ahh, no need to make it home for supper.
He is painting on my walls
I've drawn my map my characters
he's doing mache at the table
wears cologne when he's alone.
Papa will take you to all those wild places
he'll take you home and talk you to sleep.
Je t'adore, papa
I'll see ya on the road.
Like I said, it's a touch. My papa lives on the road. Always. He's everywhere I'm going to.