Tue 25 Apr, 2006 03:11 pm
Yes folks, it's true.
The end of the world as we know it is upon us.
How do I know, you ask?
Well, nay sayers, my proof is unlike any you've heard thus far and I am sure once you grasp the depth of what I tell you, you will see that there is no other explanation.
My anniversary this year is 06-06-06
I just found out my credit score and its 666 (no ****)
And the kicker....
Some dude just went pee in the ladies room while I was in there.
Yes folks, it's true.
The end of the world as we know it is upon us.
the devil in a boxer suit speaks
I am horrified about the bloke peeing in your vicinity (ooh that could sound kinda .... n'mind). Did you slam the toilet seat down on his doo-dah?
Wait a minnit, when you say the "Rapture is at hand", is that like a literal meaning? You were in the girlies bathroom, skirt hiked, legs akimbo, and some bloke comes in, pees and you can't finish coz you're imagining pee-drops all over the nice clean girls toilet seat. Ooh I get it, rapture over then, eh? Righto so.
hold your rapture with both hands
Rapture? Is that the feeling you get when knocking off a good piece of A$$?
The shockingly ribald nature of these posts is reason sufficient for the word rapture never to have been mentioned in the bible.
Rap is short for rapture, a musical form that may drive us all off the Earth.
I think of rapture as sexual myself..
In case of rapture, this post
You're making be rapture a gut.
I dont like raptors, theyve got that whole jurassic vibe
Too many raspberries rupture a gut rapidly, said the brown bear.
I just found out about Rapture TV. Apparently, it's a music channel with a few shows about videogames that shows Full Metal Alchemist on Tuesdays and Wolf's Rain on Thursdays and Sundays. It is hidden amongst all these bizarro channels I've never heard of.
This TV channel is also famous for the number of times it has "failed" financially only to be relaunched.
If you have some time on your hands and feel like getting a little depressed about the state of mind of some members of the human race, I recommend a visit to the
Rapture Ready forum.
tycoon wrote:If you have some time on your hands and feel like getting a little depressed about the state of mind of some members of the human race, I recommend a visit to the
Rapture Ready forum.
The very title of that forum is scaring me.
Is one of the criteria of being "rapture ready" wearing white tennis shoes, by any chance?
tycoon wrote-
Quote:If you have some time on your hands and feel like getting a little depressed about the state of mind of some members of the human race, I recommend a visit to the Rapture Ready forum.
I don't think we need go that far ty.