Bear with me peeps
I'm planning to go travelling RTW in early 2004. Anyway I had this really wierd idea and was wandering if anyone could help me
I was wandering if there is anywhere on this beautiful planet where you can live in trees? I was kinda thinking along the lines of an "Ewok Village" (star wars 3). Or the house from "swiss family robinson"
I know there is the "treetops" hotel in Africa, but is not really what i'm chasing. I know that you can go on canopy walks which look excellent, but you have to come down eventually

and i'm vaguely aware of a few houses at the tops of trees in Kerala in India, but thats about as far as I have got. I've tried the Lonely Planet website and search engines and was wandering if anyone has 2 cents to throw in.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks