Fri 7 Apr, 2006 05:48 pm
What is your favorite acrylic mixture to get a rich adobe color? A few years ago I did a couple of paintings with a really nice adobe, but neglected to write down the combination. Now I'm having trouble duplicating it.
If there's a color I could use right out of the tube or jar (my preference is usually for medium viscosity jar colors) what would it be?
Burnt sienna, maybe?
Not sure what you mean by "adobe"...?
Well, sort of essence of Southwest U.S. - the clay used to make houses.
Yellow ochre and just about anything, really.
That's about what I thought. Random image for burnt sienna:
I'm much more familiar with watercolors than acrylics, this looks useful:
The undertone looks about right:
Here's Questioner's suggestion:
In-between (raw sienna):
Acrylic color mix
Thank you both.
Burnt sienna comes closest, but my original mixture had a bit more red - somewhere between #5  in Sozobe's small image. Or the Burnt Sienna/Titanium White, maybe. I suppose I could add something in a bright red line, e.g. cadmium to jazz it up a bit.
This may be too warm for you, but I like orange vat + titan buff + plus a little burnt sienna.
My computer may be out for a week.
Acrylic color mix
I just tried Liquitex Red Oxide for something else, and it's pretty much what I'm looking for.
Thank you everybody for your help.