Do you see dead people?

Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 04:27 am
Sorry I have to be a bookmarker myself, but I have to head out to a meeting.

I will return.
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Green Witch
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:26 am
I'm the other one wrote:
I've seen alot and when it does happen to you, it takes on a whole new meaning then what you are use to seeing in everday life. The veil between worlds is lifted and it can be quite frightning until you are use to it.

I'm sorry this is happening GreenWitch. I do believe there is an afterlife. It would just seem so pointless to die and that's it.

Man...I was just thinking how crazy everyone thinks I am. But I don't care.

IToO, Do you realize you are using some very Pagan terms? The phrase "veil between the worlds is lifted" is how a pagan describes what happens at Samhain (aka Halloween) when it is thought the dead can return for a visit.

Why are you sorry? I prefer to believe there is an afterlife, I just don't know of any real proof. I live my life based on what would be called spiritual values, if I die and go poof! - it won't matter, if I die and there's another existence I'll think I made good choices.

I think most people believe the way you do IToO and it does not necessarily make someone crazy - just optimistic.

Eorl - at this stage we can only talk about faith, I doubt there is anyway to prove what happens after we are dead. One thing for sure, we will all find out for ourselves one day. Remember, a fundamentalist atheist can be just as dangerous as fundametalist religious person. And neither gets invited to the best parties.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:50 am
I have a few minutes before I need to tote my family off for the morning..

I absolutly never believed in ghosts / spirits / faries.. or what ever you want to call them.

I was about 14, gosh.. maybe 15, when i saw the first ghost in a life long series of encounters.

4th floor of an old train house hospital.
Wich, over time was turned into a TB hospital, a mental ward , and a few other things.

4th floor, late night-ish.. so it wasnt a window washer , and there was no construction going on to explain someone being up so high.

The window was behind me , casting its light onto the wall i was facing, and there was a human shape in it.
I turned around to look at the window, and there was noone there.
Back to the wall, and the shape of a human head & shoulders was still casting a shadow in the light through the window.
Scared me . I was not sure what to make of it, but I couldnt stop staring at it.

So, fast forward a few years, and several other encounters later to 1999.

In this year, I had begun to learn how to ground myself and focus my own energy. Work with and understand energy that surrounded me all the time, and just.. be.

I started having regular visitors a little before this time, and most were child like. But, on one day in particular, a woman I worked with in grounding, and focusing , specifically asked me if I wanted to see the room full of spirits.

This question didnt come out of the blue.. I had been talking with her for a while about the things I was 'seeing' and feeling because I thought I was losing my mind.

So, I told her yes.
For others who think I am crazy, no there was no smoking of a peace pipe >snort< , no drinking, no mind altering anything.
Just meditation.

After 5 or 6 minutes, she had me open my eyes, and at first I thought something was burning.
The room was full of a light grey smoke.
And in this smoke were several figures, some little balls, and what looked to be birds.
One figure , I thought for sure was a samuri, there was another little kid who was in red and green. An old looking man with a grey beard that looked like he was starving to death. And the room just felt... full , and busy. Like a crowded party.
There were all kinds of diffrent smells, and the temperature was flopping around . As I got up to cirlce the room, one spot would be like sticking my hand in the freezer, another would feel like the suns heat.

It was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had in my life.

Since then, I have seen hundreds of 'spirits'.
What I think of them are just residual energies from people/animals. Like footprints.
Energy can not be stopped, contained, or even turned off. Once sent off from what ever source, it is always there.
And that is what I believe 'ghosts' are.
Footprints from live energy that once had a form, and more power behind it to give it 'life'.

As i worked with alzheimers patients, basically people who were brought to my care to die , me experiences numbered in the thousands easily.

I absolutly believe that your friend GW, is in such a mental calmness that she is able to be sensative to the energy footprints of her family.
Since she is familiar with that pattern of energy, it is easy for her to pick up on it, and allow it to comfort her.
I wish , as everyone dies, they would all have such a nice 'bon voyage' experience.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 07:16 am
My stance on this has always been that since the soul never dies, why not?

I had an experience in which a dead friend came to me in a dream. Was it all a figment of my imagination? Maybe. But somehow, in my heart, I doubt it.

I've lived with spirits all my life. As a child, I can remember having the feeling that someone was in my room, watching me. It went away for a while, when I was a teenager but then in college, it started back up again and hasn't stopped since.

I remember the first time it came back. I was in my dorm room, in my loft which was about 3 feet from the ceiling. (so no one could have been standing by my bed over me). I woke with a start, feeling as though someone was literally in my face, leaning over me, starting. No one was there. This occured on several occasions, sometimes accompanied by the feeling of someone sitting on the corner of the bed. Things would be moved, the room always felt heavy and sad. I hated being home. It really scared me. On another occasion, I heared footsteps in the middle room one night, as though someone was dragging socked feet across the carpet. Whatever, whoever was there, was really trying to scare us and make us miserable. Then one day, I came home and it was gone. The feeling in the room was gone. It was by far the most bizarre thing ever.

After that, I started getting into the whole occult thing, learning about spirits and cross overs. After moving, I got the feeling of a spirit again, someone watching me. Only this time, it didn't scare me. It was just...there.

Things would be moved, one night the thermostat got turned off, someone would be watching me. It was a female presense. And she wasn't malicious. I call her Sarah.

Any time things like that happen, I just aknowledge her and she settles down. It's weird. Sometimes she does scare me (you know how the human mind works) and I tell her she's scaring me. The feeling goes away.

I did see her once. I was living with my best friend in a three bedroom, two bath apt. I was in the back bathroom where there was an empty bedroom that you could see into when you looked in the mirror. One night, I was getting ready for the bar and I looked in the mirror and saw my roomie walk across the bedroom behind me. I started talking to her and realized with a start, that the bedroom was dark and my roommate was actually walking down the hall towards me. I did a double take and the image was gone. It was a woman, with long dark hair wearing a white dress. Perhaps a dressing gown or something. I ran out to my roomate and she looked at me like, "what?" It was eerie.

You might think I am nuts but there is no doubt in my mind that when we leave this earth, we don't really die.

GW, I have no doubt about what is happening. I think once we open ourselves up to it, we can see and feel the things that aren't physical any more. We only use a small portion of our brains so what makes anyone think that we are using all our senses? Ok, no jokes about the Sixth Sense... :wink:
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 07:48 am
Never saw a dead person, but I smelled one once. In other words, bookmark.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:35 am
Hi, Merry -- don't think I've been ignoring you. I bought a new PC laptop and it had no floppy disk so I lost all my old E mail addresses. PM me with yours so I can add you!

I'm glad I don't see my Dad too often in my dreams. We didn't get along all that well. My Mom is sitting over there on the couch.
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Im the other one
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:44 am
dlowan wrote:
Oy! I wish I had kindly dead folk visit me in MY dreams.

Maybe msolga could loan you one sometime. Very Happy
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Im the other one
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:51 am
GreenWitch, I will have to return later today and answer your post as I have more to say to you.

It's funny you should mention the first line. It's not the first time I've heard it. Smile
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 01:36 pm
Lightwizard wrote:

I'm glad I don't see my Dad too often in my dreams. We didn't get along all that well. .

I see my husbands father in my dreams alot.
And i couldnt stand him.
Can i send him to you for awhile? Laughing
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 01:43 pm
Was he the one that hung out in Bean's room?
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Region Philbis
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 01:55 pm
dead people Arrow http://www3.clearlight.com/~acsa/journal/images/dhcycle.jpg
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 01:56 pm
I've seen lots of dead people and it was not nice at all...
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 04:56 pm
Take a vacation in Iraq and you are guaranteed to see some dead people within a week.
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:11 pm
Re: Do you see dead people?
Green Witch wrote:

Her mother died at least 10 years ago and she never met her mother's sister (her aunt) because she died in a concentration camp around 1942. She says they don't actually speak to her but stand at her bedside and make her feel loved. She says both of them look to be in their 20's, but she knows who they are and she is comforted by their presence. I just tell her she is lucky to be having such an experience.

Also every people may speak with death people at least in dream. But somebody may speak with them directly.

Islamic interpretations support your ideas..

''Man's spirit is definitely immortal. In my opinion, the matter is so certain that further explanation would be profitless. Indeed, the distance between us and the caravans of innumerable immortal spirits who are waiting to go to the hereafter in the Intermediate and Spirit Worlds is so fine and slight that there is no need to demonstrate it with proofs. Numberless saints and people of illumination getting in touch with them, and those who discern the secrets of the grave seeing them, and even a number of ordinary people communicating with them, and the mass of people forming relations with them in true dreams, have formed a mass of unanimous reports, and quite simply become part of the commonly accepted knowledge of mankind. However, because materialist thought has stupified everyone in this age, it has been able to implant doubts in their minds concerning even the most evident matters. In order to remove these doubts, therefore, we shall set forth an Introduction and four Sources from the numerous sources springing from the heart's intuition and the intellect's insight.'' BSN 29.word
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 05:17 pm
And also these sentences r important in this matter

''…… Not only the human spirit, but also the simplest levels of existence have not been created for extinction; they manifest a form of immortality.

Even an insignificant flower, which has no spirit, when it ceases from external existence, manifests a sort of immortality in a thousand ways.

For its form is made permanent in countless memories. And finding perpetuation in all its hundreds of seeds, the law according to which it was formed continues.

Since the flower's law of formation, the model of its form, which resembles a tiny fragment of spirit, is made permanent by an All-Wise Preserver; and since it is preserved throughout turbulent transformations with perfect order in its tiny seeds and made permanent; if you do not understand the degree to which the human spirit, which is of an extremely comprehensive and elevated nature, and has been clothed with external existence, and is a conscious, living, and luminous commanding law, most certainly manifests immortality, and is tied and bound to eternity…. ''
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:04 pm
Eorl wrote:
Even if you do see them, doesn't mean they are there.
The First: This is the reflection of dense, physical objects. These reflections are both other than the thing reflected; they are not the same, and they are dead, without life. They possess no quality other than their apparent identity. For example, if you enter a store full of mirrors, one Said will become thousands of Said's, but the only living one is you, all the others are dead. They possess none of the characteristics of life.

The Second: This is the reflection of physical luminous objects. This reflection is not the same as the thing reflected, but neither is it other than it. It does not hold the luminous object's nature, but it possesses most of its characteristics, and may be considered as living. For example, the sun entered the world and displayed its reflection in all mirrors. Present in each of the reflections are light and the seven colours in light, which are like the sun's qualities. Let us suppose the sun possessed consciousness, and its heat was pure power; its light, pure knowledge; and its seven colours, the seven attributes: the single sun would be present in all mirrors at one moment, and would be able to make each a throne for itself and a sort of telephone. One mirror would not be an obstacle to another. It would be able to meet with all of us by means of our mirrors. While we are distant from it, it would be closer to us than ourselves.

The Third:
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:37 pm
Best buddy saw tons of them, but then again that's because he used to work in a morgue. You ever wonder what they do with leftover stuff which they forgot to put back in?

They play hoops with them just like with paper wads.

/derail off
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:44 pm
Watch CSI for a bevy of dead and dissected dead bodies.
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Green Witch
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 08:53 pm
OK, I thought I was being witty by taking that line from a Bruce Willis movie - so much for that - all you bums started dragging up dead bodies and now this thread looks like a graveyard on Halloween.

New directions:

Let me be more blunt - do you see the souls, spirits or ghosts of the dearly or not so dearly departed?
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Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 09:32 pm
Can I be blunt too?

No, and neither do you.
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