I've bought more than my share of cookbooks over the years, but most of them are packed away in boxes in the basement.
Years ago, I started picking up cookbooks on vacations, mostly to the south. A condo we rented in the New Orleans area had a copy of
Jambalaya, published by the Junior League of New Orleans, in a drawer in the kitchen, and some of the recipes looked really interesting. I liked the idea of being able to recreate some of the regional dishes, so I bought a copy for myself.
On another trip down south I picked up a series of three books called
River Road Recipes published by the Junior League of Baton Rouge, and another one called
The Southern Junior League Cookbook which is a copilation of recipes from Junior League cookbooks across the south. I'm on my second copy of the latter. The first one I set down too close to a hot stove element and it caught on fire.
Those are all pre-internet, which is a great cooking resource, but I think I'd still buy them today.
There's also
Stop and Smell the Rosemary: Recipes and Traditions to Remember, by the Junior League of Houston, which I picked up last year. That's a wonderful book.