I had to help a lady who lives mostly in a motorized wheelchair last week. She had run over a mouse sticky trap and gotten it and clothes wound around a wheel. I ended up getting her a have a heart mouse trap.
roger, sorry I misidentified your order on down. You clearly have forward facing eyes.9you know, eyes in front, born to hunt. eyes on the side, run and hide) True, we have no dentition to work with for a clear identification but the tail could have been a fluke.Weasels are fond of eating eggs and can get their little tails caught by the rooster
ahh ... cav... do you not eviscerate the mouse(rat) before deep frying?
Ya'll just take the dentition on faith. Ya hear me now, farmerman?
farmerman, sure, if you don't want 'flavour'...sorta like how the French roast small game birds whole, uneviscerated, so you can chomp on the brains, and all the other 'goodies' inside.
Even adult men, who wear "Bunny Pants"!
You know, New Haven. "God Bless America" is not my choice of songs for the USA, cause God has already blessed and man is doing his best to unbless.
All creatures great and small, now. Even bunnies and weasels.
You do realize, Deb, that bunnies do not say GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, but they do make noises. We had a Persian cat that somehow unearthed a warren, after the babies. Horror of horrors, those little things squeaked. We stayed on rabbit patrol from then on. Cats can be anti heroes, too.
Bunny Deb usually makes "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr", Letty.
Obviously, our bunny doesn't know that the "secret bunny code" isn't that secret at all:
Secret Rabbit Code
I'm a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr person myself, Walter. Deb's gonna have to get a patent on that word and then I'll have to find another onomatopoeia like :
Crikey, Walter - that stuff looks too scary to download! What does it say?
Oh - and if you wanna bait the Bunny, c'mon over here! Bring it on, wusses!
(evil laughter.....)
I would never go deeper into that! (= no idea at all).
Q: A2K--ITS BORRRING. (is it just me?)
A: it's just you
Letty wrote:You know, New Haven.
"God Bless America" is not my choice of songs for the USA, cause
God has already blessed and man is doing his best to unbless.
All creatures great and small, now. Even bunnies and weasels.

Does Frank Apsia know about this?
Did Joan of Arc wear "Bunny Pants"?
Might I add, "French Bunny Pants"?
jjorge*197982* wrote:Q: A2K--ITS BORRRING. (is it just me?)
A: it's just you
I was told yesterday, that it was ME. If it's you, it can't be me. If it's me, it can't be YOU. Are you me, or is me you?
With all the Content Specialists on board, we'll surely come up with the right answer. Won't we?