3/10 for panting at the painting
5/10 ordinary nothin special.
10/10 cuz It;s a kangaroo!! and it looks like it is about to pounce
Pounce or bounce. I dont think kangaroos "pounce"
but I'd pounce on you m'dear if given half a chance :wink:
10/10 back atcha CL
Crazielady gets a 10 from me.
One cool pic of one cool chick.
10/10 detano inipo
That's a beautiful avatar.
10/10. Kehoe's av makes me get a big googly smile on my face everytime I see it. 'Course, I'm partial to the kitties obviously.
Reminds me of our cat, Rascal, so of course 10/10.
Harrumph about corgis... they do not yap. At least Pacco doesn't.
8/10. Summer fun, days gone by.
<an aside - I know Set isn't a corgi. My old and soon to be again avatar is. Schniff>
osso, i LOVE this newish avatar of yours.
I like fire. And I hope Dag is there to meet me when I get to hell.
Monger!!!! where have you been?????????!!!!!!!!
I'm partial to that avatar above, I shot the photo. So, 10/10.
<I'm really here to tell Monger it's good to see him>
Me too.
Oh, and 10/10 for the Bootsie and her blue background.
9/10, would've liked to've seen the face a bit better.
PS Hello, Monger.