Eorl wrote:You know perfectly well you are jumping to conclusions I did not make real life.
Do you agree that Wikipedia says that a one-year-old is not a human being?
The question at the heart of it all, as you know, is:
When does a foetus reach the point where it's right to life supersedes the rights of the mother?
The answer is arbitrary, and depends on your point of view, in your case, religious (a complete "soul" from day one), in my case, medical and scientific, and the ethics of "the greater good" for all concerned....I trust educated people to find a practical balance, just like you do with the legal driving age.
Yes, below a certain IQ level, I have no problem refusing the right to drive a car or own a gun. Certainly I don't think my three year old deserves such rights. Do you propose that she should?
Of course, you PRETEND to be the morally superior by claiming to have all the answers and you PRETEND to have the backing of medicine and science to help disguise what is a completely RELIGIOUS agenda.
We have been through this many times, real life. You are just preaching for the sake of the propaganda.
There is no 'right to drive a car'. It is a privilege, granted or refused by law.
However, we are discussing human rights, specifically the right to live. There is no comparison.
Your statement about children 'are not complete human beings' is extremely worrisome as it is very similar to the position taken by Peter Singer and others to justify infanticide.
I have never claimed to have all the answers and my consistent position has been that anyone who is unsure when life begins (which is the overwhelming majority of the population) should be pro-life, giving the benefit of the doubt to the unborn.
The issue of a soul and of religion has little bearing on it since there are many atheists and agnostics who hold the same position that I do and cite the same reasons.
I have consistently cited medical evidence and you have consistently avoided citing any medical evidence that would prove the unborn is not a living human being.
It is only your deathly fear of agreeing with a person (who happens to be religious) on any issue which keeps you from admitting the obvious.
You apparently haven't yet had the courage to leave the pack and think independently on the issue. Political posturing and sloganeering make up the bulk of your argument.