Someone should report that last post.
Lash wrote:MA wrote:God does not hold a child accountable until they are old enough to make their own decision for or against God
But, you don't have any proof, even from the Bible, that this is so. If you're going to speak for God, surely you at least have a quote...? If not, don't you think you should?
Eh...I say, do you have proof for this comment you made about what God does...?
If not, say so. If so, show your proof.
Oh, by the by, can anyone explain to me why the religiously fervent seem incapable of using the language effectively? They habitually butcher verbs, never mind spelling . . .
If thou'st learned thyne spelling from the divine bible, thou would'st have a verb problem to.
So dont shat on it.
In fact, i am sufficiently familiar with the conjugation of verbs in the second person singular, that i doubt not that i could teach thee a thing or two about thy language, wouldst thou admit to it or not.
whost are you asking to admist to whatist?
Remove the mote from thine own eye, before flashing thy high beams at mine.
thou shall not stareist at my high beams, oh evilist one..
Sheesh, wimmins . . .
GO and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.
If thou be'st born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me,
All strange wonders that befell thee,
And swear,
No where
Lives a woman true and fair.
If thou find'st one, let me know,
Such a pilgrimage were sweet;
Yet do not, I would not go,
Though at next door we might meet,
Though she were true, when you met her,
And last, till you write your letter,
Yet she
Will be
False, ere I come, to two, or three.
Oh a destoryed thread! How devine!
Momma Angel wrote:I would say that Satan is for abortion, for Islam, not for prayer in schools, I don't talk about the war, and if he's got any taste he would be for Taylor Hicks on American Idol.
I have to agree with you Momma Angel, abortion is an evil, barbaric practice. I can't understand why anyone would defend it.
(As for 'Idol' , I have no opinion since I have never watched it. I suspect that there are many in the same position who are too embarrassed to admit it. I am not.)
I'm sure you'd all agree that abortion is a lot more humane than deserting a baby after it is born.
(real life, there are far too many reality television shows now days so personally I don't blame you.)
aperson wrote:real life wrote:Momma Angel wrote:I would say that Satan is for abortion.......
I have to agree with you Momma Angel, abortion is an evil, barbaric practice. I can't understand why anyone would defend it.....
I'm sure you'd all agree that abortion is a lot more humane than deserting a baby after it is born.....
No, I think leaving the baby on a doorstep to be cared for by strangers is far more humane than a D&C abortion where the unborn is hacked to pieces by a razor sharp instrument and the dismembered body is thrown into the garbage or sold.
You would think that, real life.
But that's just because you believe in "instant" human beings (as well as various other forms of magic and fairytale)
And I was refering to literally deserting the baby. As in leaving in some remote place to die.
Besides, how do you no the feotus can feel pain at the time of abortion?
Eorl wrote:You would think that, real life.
But that's just because you believe in "instant" human beings (as well as various other forms of magic and fairytale)
Hi Eorl,
Then perhaps you will answer the question you seem to have avoided til now:
When does the unborn become a human being, and thus, worthy of protection?[/u]
Be very specific, since by legal definition abortion would be allowed prior to this point and prohibited after (you do believe that if a human being is present that it should not be aborted, don't you?).
Give us a date that you would prohibit abortion after.
and I've told you before, I am not qualified to give you an answer.
However, I WILL trust the consensus of the majority medical & biological expert opinion on the matter.
I've also told you before, I'd prefer there were no abortions....but I'll fight tooth and nail to have it kept legal up to the point where the above mentioned experts suggest it should not be.
real life wrote:[
I'm sure you'd all agree that abortion is a lot more humane than deserting a baby after it is born.....
No, I think leaving the baby on a doorstep to be cared for by strangers is far more humane than a D&C abortion [/quote]
So tell me, real life. Has your real life ever dealt with a baby left on your doorstep?