I was trawling MSN Groups many moons ago, in search of good convo with aspiring writers (to divert me from political fireboard sturm and drang).
I found Raven's Realm, and really grew to like many of the personalities there. Craven, Rog, Rae and Thorman, notably. Probably a couple more I've forgotten.
After an absence from the Realm, I peeked in and was diverted here. I was askance at the sheer magnitude of the place--so I didn't post until weeks after finding A2K.
I have been high and low, searching through communities. I don't think there is a better managed forum in those thar hills. The people here are the best. The topics are interesting--things move at a great pace. A2K is a great find.
Like someone said on this thread-- I got in, and now I can't get out.