shadowboxer wrote:teenyboone wrote:shadowboxer wrote:hi,
Ive been searching for something on Google, and here I am! :-)

How nice for you! I am in the US, in New Jersey! Welcome!
Hello teenyboone!
Thanks! How big is New Jersey?

I mean the population.

- 8,698,879 as of 12/04. About the population of New York City, 21 counties, skiing in the Northwest Counties, swimming on the Shore, (Atlantic Ocean), where I am, Gambling in Atlantic City, farming in South Jersey, (peaches, blueberries, cranberries, corn and tomatoes), lovingly referred to, as Jersey Corn, Jersey Tomatoes, #2 grower of blueberries in the country. The most densely populated state in the US, with the most Scientists, of Pharmaceutical production, such as Johnson and Johnson, Merck, LaRoche-Hoffman, etc. I am retired from AT&T Bell Laboratories, that gave you the laser, the integrated circuit or computer chip, microwave technology and was the largest regulated monopoly until 1984, when the government broke up AT&T. New Jersey is the location, where Washington crossed the Delaware River, during the Revolution of 1776, the largest Battle, (Battle of Monmouth), where I live, The Wizard, Thomas Alva Edison of electric light fame, the first signal from a satellite, Telstar, that bounced the first space signal, at Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ, the home of Campbell's Soup in Camden, the Statue of Liberty, actually sits in the Harbo,r on the New Jersey Side, as well as Ellis Island, home of the NY Giants Football team in the Meadowlands and the Jets Football, the Nets basketball team and the Jersey Devils Hockey team. New York is 55 miles from me, (Asbury Park) and 75 miles, to Philadelphia to the South, 3 hours by car, to Washington, D.C. and 6 hours north to Boston, Mass. We are located in the Mid-Atlantic States, in the NorthEast corridor and one of the original 13 Colonies. Many signers of the Declaration of Independance, lived here. Dayton, Livingston and Gov. Morris are 3 of the signers. All have towns named for them, as well as Dayton, Ohio! Benjamin Franklin's illegitimate son, was a loyalist Governor of New Jersey, returned to England and died there. I am a Native of New Orleans, La., a Creole, descended from American Indians, African Slaves and the French, African-American and a woman of color. I read a lot and knew all about Louisiana, knew nothing about New Jersey, except that it is here, so when I moved East over 30 years ago, I resolved to find out all I could, about where I lived. Many native New Jerseyans, don't bother to find out about where they are, but I am a geneaology buff too, so History is very important to me, because as slaves, my people lost their language, their culture and our collective history, so for my children to remember who we were, I read up on all cultures. Sorry, I haven't gotten to yours yet, except back in 1956, when I was 12, the Hungarians had a revolution! See, I was reading even then! Hope I helped.