Montana, you're already on the all-star list...goes without saying.
Ooh, I didn't make the list either! I wonder what to think of that...
But Siriusly speaking folks, don't dog me with tales of stars . . .
Fortune, you might be a star, if you would just put that gun down . . .
Montana and fortune: problem solved!
Hi there!
I googled for "Sam Kinison" and your website was one of the
choices. Actually the headline read "Schwarzenegger outlaws sex
with corpses"
Now I ask you: Who would pass up on clicking that site?
It's nice here :wink:
We're silly ain't we? Welcome
Welcome - and don't listen to panzade: he always uses the "pluralis majestatis" when speaking of himself!
Hmmm, I saw Sam Kinison once, he appeared, damn, I can't remember, before or after Whoopie Goldberg at the Comedy Club, or some name like that, on Sunset Blvd. wayyyyyyy long ago. Whoopie gained some weight since then. But so have I.
Do I have to write how I found this place in addition to voting?
No? Yes?
Oh well, I'll tell you anyway (muahaha)
Found it through Google
Oops, almost started a new topic instead of replying
Welcome Viv
That happened to me a couple of times as well.
I'd wish they switched the icons.
I was looking up highest IQ and it brought me to you! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!
Hi, Iris... glad to see you here. (Especially since you picked my first Avatar, which I still smile at seeing...)
Thanks, It is nice is it not?
Funny I typed 'help with lying husbands'into my google search engine found able2know and here I am. I have found the site helpful and extremely entertaining and hope one day that I can give advice to someone and make their lives just a little more liveable.