Afghan officials said Sunday they were preparing to release a man possibly facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity from Islam after a judge sent the case of Abdul Rahman back to prosecutors, ruling that he lacked enough evidence to proceed.
The Afghanistan attorney-general's office indicated that Rahman could be freed while it reviewed the matter.
In recent days the Afghan government and courts had come under significant political pressure from Western governments to clear Rahman, made additionally compelling by President Hamid Karzai's dependence on Western troops to keep order and suppress ousted Taliban elements still active almost five years after the US invasion of the country in 2001.
Several Western representations pointed to provisions in the 2004 Afghanistan Constitution guaranteeing free exercise of religion (Article II: "Followers of other religions are free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites within the limits of the provisions of law.").
Germany had additionally suggested it would consider dropping or reducing aid.
Afghan Court Drops Case Against Christian