Dux wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Here is a concept of God:
Some kind of originally existing being or condition -- with absolutely no personal aspects at all. No desire to reveal self -- or communicate with humans or whales or tse tse flies.
Why should I simply discard that possibility just so that atheists can say -- see, if you discard that possibility, there are no gods?
Well, who made that concept, I suppose you, but why did you made it.
It serves a purpose, to get an easier life, mainly because you want to believe, but you don't due to the lack of evidence, evidence that will never be found of a god. What you can find is, through philosophy & psychology the terms of how gods are created & the purpuses they serve.
Jesus Christ, Dux, wake up.
The last thing in the world I want to do is to "believe." I am an agnostic -- and I acknowledge that I do not know and don't have enough evidence upon which to base a guess (what you call a belief).
You want to believe. You want to BELIEVE that there are no gods.
But instead of acknowledging that you are just guessing -- you try to present it as something that simply is.
But you have never presented even a tiny bit of evidence that there are no gods -- NOTHING.
All you do is assert that there are no gods -- and assert stuff that leads to that wild, unsubstantiated guess.
Now you are asking everyone to simply discard ANY AND ALL concepts of god so that you can say: See, there are no gods.
But I have given you a concept of god that might be.
What evidence do you have that this one possible god does not exist.
And if you have none -- stop pretending you know there are no gods, because that is just as inane as the theists who pretend they KNOW there is a God.
Quote:I've got no real concept of a god, since they are all man-made & they serve a purpose, however wicked that purpuse may be.
You have said that dozens of times now. What evidence do you have that all concepts of god are man-made -- or do you suppose simply because you can write those words, they have to be true?
Quote:As ironically as it may sound, we created gods, they didn't create us. Since we create them they are man-made, they are false, If I had a personal concept of god then it'll be false cause I made it.
How do you know we created gods and that they did not create us.
And learn some logic before you post. It is entirely possible for you to have a personal concept of god and have it accidentally be correct. It does not have to be false just because you made it up. Anyone can occasionally make guesses that prove to be correct.
Quote:Later I'll post some concepts they serve that I've writtena fter tons of hours reflexing about it,
"Reflexing about it!!!"
Quote:Have a nice night

You too, Dux. I'm enjoying crossing swords with you. You are very determined.
But wrong! :wink: