Be nice, Cicerone (although that image was damn funny). And you tell the clouds to be nice, too.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:08 am Post subject:
"If you live as if there is no god and find that there is, a just god would understand that your decision was based on the evidence (or lack thereof) available to you, and would judge you on the life you lived, the love you gave, and the lessons you learned. There would be no punishment for making an honest mistake."
...but that, too is a wager.
You said a lot, but I'll just say my god is not vengeful, and that part of "living as if" there is a God means to include faith. And that is nothing to base a debate on."
Snood, I get advantages from not being religious. I have no guilt of a religous nature, feel no "sin", and feel no remorse from participating in sexual acts. My beliefs and values do not coincide with those of any major religion I am currently aware of, and being a member of such would be deleterious to my scientific and social values. I can understand some of the benefits other people get from their belief in a g-d, but having some benefits doesn't make somthing the correct choice. I live my life based on my personal experiences. Iv'e been exposed to literature, science, and art, philosophy, family, animals, etc. none of these influences in my life have pointed to a god, and I am fully able to enjoy my life without pretending there is a diety watching my moral outcomes as prescribed by a book. I'm sure in that final hour, I will want some sort of comfort that my body and self will not perish, but there is no reason for me to believe otherwise.
If you believe in faith, how do you know what to have faith in?
I have logical reasons to believe that the scientific method, and the methods of debate will steer me to truth. Because having faith in most book-bound dieties would require me to ignore some of the things I can sense, It would be a contradictory thing to do.
Historically, people have believed in dieties such as Zeus, Inanna, Loki, Jesus, any Pharasis-god, Mary Magdalene (one of the mystery cults), Yaweh, muhammed, etc. I think that because we hold those old relgions to be false, there is a good chance the new relgions are also false. There are cycles of things that cause repitition throughout human history. Would you have faith Muhammed? Zeus? What if you lived in a time when everyone believed in these dieties?
All in all, it is a wager. But it's one I'm prepared to make. If a guy in the subway says he'll kill me if I don't give him all my money, and he's a cripple with no weapons and looks insane, I'm not going to give him my money. If a 2000 year old book tells me I'll be specially tortured for the rest of eternity because of certain life choices, I'm prepared not to devote to them the only precious life I have to live.