When you really get into the nitty gritty of it, language is quite the pain in the arse. Someone pointed out a classic phrase that we all use without thinking a while back, "it's raining", what's raining? Kind of places some of this in perspective. It can be extremely hard, if not impossible, to convey certain thoughts and feelings with some of these subjects. I know I've thought about things that I've instantly realised I'd struggle to convey in any serious sense.
Regarding the gestures and expressions of nature, I don't see it as a will but more of an
happening or
process. Again the language barrier creeps in. How about,
Quote:Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life
and as choice is of nature
Also, instead of looking at choice from the individual perspective, so, I could do this, that or the other and there will be a will or want to make that choice, how about taking a step back and looking at someone else's situation and seeing the choices available to said person as an inevitability of him existing. Then, when you take a further step back, you forget ego and self etc (or individuals) and see them as simply a component of a whole, choices simply become expressions of nature, inevitable ones based on what nature is (or we think it is).