Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:10 pm
Please don't write in red. It is hard to read. And it really adds nothing to the discussion.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:13 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
Please don't write in red. It is hard to read.

OK, sorry about that.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 04:14 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
As usual, Ticomaya presents an alternative view of reality.

You present an alternative view of reality every day.

What is that supposed to mean? The polls showed that Bush was going to win and he won so you were proven wrong. So how am I presenting an alternatie view of reality?
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 09:12 pm
okie wrote:
So people like this are screaming obcenities and hatred about Bush, Clinton, and other chosen targets as part of practicing their religion each week, ci? I think we are in big trouble if these towering examples of virtue are the norm.

At any rate, I am calling it a day, and will check in tomorrow or the next day to see what other people think. I don't really care what Roxi thinks anyway, I guess it it not much more than "wow," whatever that means.

That's odd! No one asked McCain to quit his religious backers. Do the Clintons GO to church? No one's asked them or are focusing on where or IF they go to church! If it ain't one thing it's another! Who preached at that church has nothing to do with Obama! One minute he's questioned about being a Muslim, then when he professes to be a Christian, his preacher is perceived as a crank!

Funny, the timing on the priest gaff! Why he was asked to speak at the church is a mystery, but many Black churches are PRO-Active! Where do you think the Civil Rights Movement was started? When Black men are shot and killed as they are in New York and elsewhere, just for being Black, where do you think the marches are organized?

Where do you think the March on Washington was organized? Blacks don't own union halls or veterans halls to organize, so they meet in the one place they feel safe; CHURCH!

Funny, too that all the hubbub, being made over Hillary being a woman. No one complained, when it was all white men, running for office and Blacks had no problem voting for them! Why the fuss over an obscure Black man? The big speech she made today in Puerto Rico spoke volumes! She is praying something happens to Obama! Know what? If something does, I won't cast a vote for HER! EVER! :wink:
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 09:31 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
squinny, Your last paragraph pretty much sums up how I've perceived the democratic battle for the white house. Obama is still a huge question mark in my mind, and am unable to put my finger on it.

I have detected a lack of enthusiasm out of you lately. For starters, have you read his book?

The Obama mania can all be explained by hype, no substance, ci.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 09:37 pm
teenyboone wrote:
okie wrote:
So people like this are screaming obcenities and hatred about Bush, Clinton, and other chosen targets as part of practicing their religion each week, ci? I think we are in big trouble if these towering examples of virtue are the norm.

At any rate, I am calling it a day, and will check in tomorrow or the next day to see what other people think. I don't really care what Roxi thinks anyway, I guess it it not much more than "wow," whatever that means.

That's odd! No one asked McCain to quit his religious backers. Do the Clintons GO to church? No one's asked them or are focusing on where or IF they go to church! If it ain't one thing it's another! Who preached at that church has nothing to do with Obama! One minute he's questioned about being a Muslim, then when he professes to be a Christian, his preacher is perceived as a crank!

Funny, the timing on the priest gaff! Why he was asked to speak at the church is a mystery, but many Black churches are PRO-Active! Where do you think the Civil Rights Movement was started? When Black men are shot and killed as they are in New York and elsewhere, just for being Black, where do you think the marches are organized?

Where do you think the March on Washington was organized? Blacks don't own union halls or veterans halls to organize, so they meet in the one place they feel safe; CHURCH!

Funny, too that all the hubbub, being made over Hillary being a woman. No one complained, when it was all white men, running for office and Blacks had no problem voting for them! Why the fuss over an obscure Black man? The big speech she made today in Puerto Rico spoke volumes! She is praying something happens to Obama! Know what? If something does, I won't cast a vote for HER! EVER! :wink:

The Democratic primary has served a huge service to the people like yourself that have been watching and thinking. It is important for you to realize the Clintons are no different than they have always been. The Clintons that were in the Whitehouse for 8 years were just as suspect, just as corrupt, just as irresponsible and noncaring toward anyone but themselves, just as power hungry, and just as devious as they are now. The only difference is the press has now turned against them to an extent, in favor of another relatively unknown and untested politician of questionable credentials, Mr. Obama. Until recently, the Clintons image has been whitewashed, and the corruption ignored and explained away by the media and by the Democratic party.
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 10:03 pm
okie wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
okie wrote:
So people like this are screaming obcenities and hatred about Bush, Clinton, and other chosen targets as part of practicing their religion each week, ci? I think we are in big trouble if these towering examples of virtue are the norm.

At any rate, I am calling it a day, and will check in tomorrow or the next day to see what other people think. I don't really care what Roxi thinks anyway, I guess it it not much more than "wow," whatever that means.

That's odd! No one asked McCain to quit his religious backers. Do the Clintons GO to church? No one's asked them or are focusing on where or IF they go to church! If it ain't one thing it's another! Who preached at that church has nothing to do with Obama! One minute he's questioned about being a Muslim, then when he professes to be a Christian, his preacher is perceived as a crank!

Funny, the timing on the priest gaff! Why he was asked to speak at the church is a mystery, but many Black churches are PRO-Active! Where do you think the Civil Rights Movement was started? When Black men are shot and killed as they are in New York and elsewhere, just for being Black, where do you think the marches are organized?

Where do you think the March on Washington was organized? Blacks don't own union halls or veterans halls to organize, so they meet in the one place they feel safe; CHURCH!

Funny, too that all the hubbub, being made over Hillary being a woman. No one complained, when it was all white men, running for office and Blacks had no problem voting for them! Why the fuss over an obscure Black man? The big speech she made today in Puerto Rico spoke volumes! She is praying something happens to Obama! Know what? If something does, I won't cast a vote for HER! EVER! :wink:

The Democratic primary has served a huge service to the people like yourself that have been watching and thinking. It is important for you to realize the Clintons are no different than they have always been. The Clintons that were in the Whitehouse for 8 years were just as suspect, just as corrupt, just as irresponsible and noncaring toward anyone but themselves, just as power hungry, and just as devious as they are now. The only difference is the press has now turned against them to an extent, in favor of another relatively unknown and untested politician of questionable credentials, Mr. Obama. Until recently, the Clintons image has been whitewashed, and the corruption ignored and explained away by the media and by the Democratic party.

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!
0 Replies
Sun 1 Jun, 2008 10:20 pm
teenyboone wrote:

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!

If you didn't know it, then you need to pull your head out of the sand. I guess you never heard of Whitewater, FBI files, Rose law firm files, bar bouncer white house security, rape charges by women and personal threats to those women, the Indonesian mafia, Chinese military money and technology for campaign contributions, pardon of terrorists, foreign campaign money, intimidation of political ememies using the IRS, the list goes on. It is really a very long list, teeny. This is what I am talking about when I mentioned the media whitewashed all of that and covered it up and ignored it. Most of you believed it didn't amount to anything but his so-called personal life, when in truth the Clinton administration was the most corrupt administration by far, of any in the history of the country in not just my opinion. I suspect this couple is connected somehow to some shadowey international mafia or something. No proof and I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the Clinton era defies all explanation by normal reasoning.

Have the courage to face the truth, teeny, the Democratic Party is corrupt through and through.
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 06:01 am
okie wrote:
teenyboone wrote:

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!

If you didn't know it, then you need to pull your head out of the sand. I guess you never heard of Whitewater, FBI files, Rose law firm files, bar bouncer white house security, rape charges by women and personal threats to those women, the Indonesian mafia, Chinese military money and technology for campaign contributions, pardon of terrorists, foreign campaign money, intimidation of political ememies using the IRS, the list goes on. It is really a very long list, teeny. This is what I am talking about when I mentioned the media whitewashed all of that and covered it up and ignored it. Most of you believed it didn't amount to anything but his so-called personal life, when in truth the Clinton administration was the most corrupt administration by far, of any in the history of the country in not just my opinion. I suspect this couple is connected somehow to some shadowey international mafia or something. No proof and I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the Clinton era defies all explanation by normal reasoning.

Have the courage to face the truth, teeny, the Democratic Party is corrupt through and through.

Okie, there's a grain of truth in what you stated; that all political parties are corrupt, including the democrats! You can't clump Democrats and NOT include Repugs, after all the finagling that's gone on since Bush stole the election in 2000!

Just take White-Water! The Republicans wasted 8 million dollars, investigating a $40,000 dollar LOSS! Then, they started investigating accusations, that Bill hit on this one or that one and some were so ugly, I thought, was Bill that hard up? Bill Clinton, we've found out IS a man, DOES have a sex drive unlike Bob Dole who was the spokesperson for Viagra!

I didn't read about any Democrats involved in the Congressional Page scandal! I didn't read about any Democrat screwing his aide, while his wife was dying of cancer, did you? Newt Gingrinch, the hypocrite, just admitted, while investigating and impeaching Bill Clinton, HE was engaged in screwing his assistant, then MARRIED the B*TCH, while his wife died of cancer! How can you spell Hypocrite? I don't know of any Democrat engaged in the lobbyists scandal, like Tom "teriffic" Delay, did you?
Republicans "kill" their girlfriends, as did the congressman from California, but not enough evidence to prove it. Her body was found in Rock Creek Park! He threw evidence away that linked him to an expensive wristwatch she bought for him and he denies it. The "shadow" military, Blackwater, making more money than our underpaid, underequipped Army! Ever heard of Halliburton or JBR? All owned by Cheney, the draft dodger!

The hypocrite congressman that tries to "pick up" men in airport bathrooms, but claims he isn't gay! Any democrats found doing that?
Oh and what about the Louisiana Congressman, found engaging prostitutes? Oh I forgot, she was found dead, after "hanging" herself, before she said, if she was accused of suicide, don't believe it! Well, that's just what they claim she did, but won't divuge the typewritten "suicide" note! What other Democrat scandals can you dig up? I have a few more Repug scandals, if you can't think! :wink:
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 06:37 am
okie wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
squinny, Your last paragraph pretty much sums up how I've perceived the democratic battle for the white house. Obama is still a huge question mark in my mind, and am unable to put my finger on it.

I have detected a lack of enthusiasm out of you lately. For starters, have you read his book?

The Obama mania can all be explained by hype, no substance, ci.

"Let us reach... for what we know is possible!"
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 07:42 am
okie wrote:
I have detected a lack of enthusiasm out of you lately.

When you, okie, are traveling in Asia for a couple of weeks, you certainly would post like hell just to show your enthusiasm.
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 09:51 am
teenyboone wrote:

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!


There's a lot you write here that I don't agree with at all, though we do agree on some issues. However, I do sincerely like your spirit and the candor with which you so directly address the points you make. Smile

In this post you do a good job rationalizing the defense of President Clinton's "indiscretions" while in the White House (and presumably those that occurred earlier in Arkansas.)

In the next post you trot out a litany of equivalent stupidities by Republicans and attack them relentlessly. Isn't it clear that all of this is a result of human venality on both sides of the political asile? The long-range history of this stuff doesn't show much difference among politicians of either party. Democrats in your own state (Louisiana, I believe) have revealed the results of their long term venality and greed in mismanaging the levee system that protected New Orleans (a system that is the property and responsibility of the state, not the Federal Government -- the last round of Federal money authorized to upgrade the levees was diverted in an earmark by a Louisiana Democrat senator - J. Bennet Johnson - for the expansion of a waterway, later named after him).

Blacks & whites too are, alike, equally vulnerable to these human frailties. All of them are lamentable, but no one group is particularly worse than the others.
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 03:59 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
teenyboone wrote:

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!


There's a lot you write here that I don't agree with at all, though we do agree on some issues. However, I do sincerely like your spirit and the candor with which you so directly address the points you make. Smile

In this post you do a good job rationalizing the defense of President Clinton's "indiscretions" while in the White House (and presumably those that occurred earlier in Arkansas.)

In the next post you trot out a litany of equivalent stupidities by Republicans and attack them relentlessly. Isn't it clear that all of this is a result of human venality on both sides of the political asile? The long-range history of this stuff doesn't show much difference among politicians of either party. Democrats in your own state (Louisiana, I believe) have revealed the results of their long term venality and greed in mismanaging the levee system that protected New Orleans (a system that is the property and responsibility of the state, not the Federal Government -- the last round of Federal money authorized to upgrade the levees was diverted in an earmark by a Louisiana Democrat senator - J. Bennet Johnson - for the expansion of a waterway, later named after him).

Blacks & whites too are, alike, equally vulnerable to these human frailties. All of them are lamentable, but no one group is particularly worse than the others.

Where there you have it! Dems and Repugs are both crooked, thieves and wheeler dealer, but republicans have a bad habit of making themselves "think" they're better by screaming "family values", ca;;ing themselves christians and patriots and depict Democrats as something vile, when THEY are worse if not as bad! That, became eviddent the past 6 years, when the republicans called democrats "tax and spend", then spent the surplus trillions Bill Clinton had just built up, justifying an illegal war, to hire Blackwater, then underpay and underfit our troops! Yes, 4000 Americans AREN'T coming home!

As far as color, Black nor white are hardly in any position to judge the other, except whites, get better jobs, are paid more and less educated, and as far as women, there's STILL a "glass ceiling", be they Black or White! As far as sin, there's sufficient infidelity for all to go around! Color has nothing to do with MORALS! You learn morality from your parents, if you're fortunate. Good kids get abused and bad kids run away from home! I had parents who were "overachievers"! What ever they didn't have, they reminded you that they didn't, made you feel guilty for having an opportunity, they didn't! It's "effed" up all around!

I could never please them! I saw myself as a failure, because I didn't have a masters degree! I saw myself as a failure because I didn't marry a doctor or a lawyer! I'm still the only sibling still married and my kids are doing great! I hate Blacks who think the government owes them something and I hate whites who feel "entitled"! I just want to be left alone! Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 04:03 pm
teenyboone wrote:
... I had parents who were "overachievers"! What ever they didn't have, they reminded you that they didn't, made you feel guilty for having an opportunity, they didn't! It's "effed" up all around!

I could never please them! I saw myself as a failure, because I didn't have a masters degree! I saw myself as a failure because I didn't marry a doctor or a lawyer! I'm still the only sibling still married and my kids are doing great! I hate Blacks who think the government owes them something and I hate whites who feel "entitled"! I just want to be left alone! Rolling Eyes

Well, it appears they at least reared a daughter who could speak for herself and make good choices. Laughing
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 04:15 pm
teenyboone, All my siblings were over-achievers too, and I lived under their accomplishments for most of my life. My older brother was an attorney, and worked for the state as a administrative judge. My younger brother was an opthomologist with an MBA, and is now a state legislator. My sister is an RN. This under-achiever, however, managed to get a college degree much later in life, and worked most of my professional career in management positions. And that's after barely finishing high school. I was the last to get a college degree, but the first to retire in our family; that was my "achievement."
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 05:58 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone, All my siblings were over-achievers too, and I lived under their accomplishments for most of my life. My older brother was an attorney, and worked for the state as a administrative judge. My younger brother was an opthomologist with an MBA, and is now a state legislator. My sister is an RN. This under-achiever, however, managed to get a college degree much later in life, and worked most of my professional career in management positions. And that's after barely finishing high school. I was the last to get a college degree, but the first to retire in our family; that was my "achievement."

I think you are a success! You too GerogeBob! I feel drained, now!
You kept your "eye" on the prize! I hope your family appreciate you.

Thanks George for your kind words. I thought it was me! Are you the youngest?
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 06:07 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
teenyboone wrote:

I can't object to what I don't know, but times were better when they were in the WH. I don't know of any corruption, but much was made over the President's personal life, which I don't think is any of our business, but when the Republicans were doing pretty much the same thin, they look like a bunch of hypocrites, doing the same things as Bill. Getting caught like the guy leading a double life in Washington, is something else!

Talking about the guy from Staten Island, who had an accident and it was learned he had a mistress and a baby!


There's a lot you write here that I don't agree with at all, though we do agree on some issues. However, I do sincerely like your spirit and the candor with which you so directly address the points you make. Smile

In this post you do a good job rationalizing the defense of President Clinton's "indiscretions" while in the White House (and presumably those that occurred earlier in Arkansas.)

In the next post you trot out a litany of equivalent stupidities by Republicans and attack them relentlessly. Isn't it clear that all of this is a result of human venality on both sides of the political asile? The long-range history of this stuff doesn't show much difference among politicians of either party. Democrats in your own state (Louisiana, I believe) have revealed the results of their long term venality and greed in mismanaging the levee system that protected New Orleans (a system that is the property and responsibility of the state, not the Federal Government -- the last round of Federal money authorized to upgrade the levees was diverted in an earmark by a Louisiana Democrat senator - J. Bennet Johnson - for the expansion of a waterway, later named after him).

Blacks & whites too are, alike, equally vulnerable to these human frailties. All of them are lamentable, but no one group is particularly worse than the others.

I came back here, to say, I'm no big lover of the Clintons. It's just that the pile on by Republicans and how they tried to ruin the reputation of a not so bad, man, irked me to no end. You feel bad for someone thought of, as an underdog! I felt bad, when I thought they were trying to pin something on Nixon, then I found out that he was the brains behind Watergate!

We just never had a government like this! We had never had a President shot in modern times, either! I was raised to trust that grownups told the truth. How naive I was! After Kennedy was shot, I started to become cynical. The civil rights movement was on a slow motion start until 1963. I was 19 at the time. I watched the march on Washington, from my TV. I was afraid of my own shadow, at the time! I was small and puny!
It was then, that my days with the Mickey Mouse Club, was over! I had become an adult and didn't like it! The 60's started to move in the fast lane and in 3 years would be on speed! More, later! Cool
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 08:21 pm
teenyboone wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
teenyboone, All my siblings were over-achievers too, and I lived under their accomplishments for most of my life. My older brother was an attorney, and worked for the state as a administrative judge. My younger brother was an opthomologist with an MBA, and is now a state legislator. My sister is an RN. This under-achiever, however, managed to get a college degree much later in life, and worked most of my professional career in management positions. And that's after barely finishing high school. I was the last to get a college degree, but the first to retire in our family; that was my "achievement."

I think you are a success! You too GerogeBob! I feel drained, now!
You kept your "eye" on the prize! I hope your family appreciate you.

Thanks George for your kind words. I thought it was me! Are you the youngest?

No, I am the oldest of six. First-born children are all brought up by amateurs! :wink: Irish Catholic too. That probably explains my affection for teenybone's in-your-face qualities.
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 08:27 pm
The civility here is killing me. Stop it.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 2 Jun, 2008 08:31 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
The civility here is killing me. Stop it.

rjb, Didn't realize you had humour in you blood until now. LOL
0 Replies

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