Certainly he's smart, but I've not seen any evidence that he, as many of his supporters believe, is one of if not the most intelligent presidents we have ever had.
I don't think he's particularly sharp off the cuff.
Most of the comments made in these debate (no matter who the candidate may be) are pre-scripted and rehearsed. They don't really indicate an ability to think on one's feet. Perhaps this is one of the reasons the moderators seem to keep trying to catch them off guard. ("Who are your favorite scientists Gov. Perry?)
Obama has a thick streak of arrogance running through him which lead to off-the-cuff comments like:
"You're likeable, enough." to Hillary Clinton during one of their debates
"...the Cambridge police acted stupidly" After his friend Henry Louis Gates was arrested at his home.
“Elections have consequences, and I won.” to Eric Cantor at a meeting with Republican and Democratic legislators shortly after he took office.
"Let me just make this point, John, because we are not campaigning anymore," to John McCain after McCain complained that the process of enacting Obamacare was not sufficently transparent.
I can appreciate that if one is a strong supporter of Obama, most, if not all, of these comments seem like perfectly acceptable retorts. No doubt Rick Perry's strongest supporters have lost the ability to wince when Perry utters similar comments, but neither of these men will need to win over their strongest supporters if and when they meet in a debate.
Much is made of the potential for gaffes in these debates and considering the media attention they get, they actually can become a big deal.
I suspect you may diagree, but President Obama's performance thus far doesn't warrant arrogance, nor much confidence for that matter. Sneering at one another in this forum is par for the course and I don't think any of us are running for office, but when you are trying to get people in the middle of the road to like you and even stick with you, displays of arrogance are not a good idea.
Perhaps he will have that streak under control if and when he debates Perry and it won't be an issue. As the incumbent president, he obviously has a distinct advantage in terms of being perceived by audiences as "Presidential." He can squander that advantage with arrogant and petty insults.
In any case, the notion that Obama is going to obliterate any of the Republican candidates in a debate is ridiculous, but fans of The West Wing can hope life will imitate art.