Sat 26 Feb, 2011 01:19 pm
where's your proof asshole?
0 Replies
Sat 26 Feb, 2011 06:24 pm
I'm not a fan of Joe Kennedy, the oil guy, but, he once said something along the lines of Obama's gay marriage statement. Kennedy said that he supports a woman's right to choose but that it was difficult for him to ignore his Catholic upbringing and the teaching that abortion ends a life. I respected Kennedy for that just as I respect Obama for saying he struggles with same-sex marriage. Honesty is a good thing.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Feb, 2011 06:25 pm
I have to agree with you on spendius' statement: I thought it was gobbledeegook.
Sat 26 Feb, 2011 06:26 pm
It makes you an uninteresting partner in dialogue.

Only in the sense of allowing the techniques to be exposed to view so that others may decide whether to adopt them.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Feb, 2011 06:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
A literary quote doesn't even mean a person is well read. He could simply own or have access to a copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 05:11 am
I have to agree with you on spendius' statement: I thought it was gobbledeegook.

That is 100% gobbledeegook in the absence of the reasons. I showed why para's remarks were interwoven gobbledeegook. I didn't simply blurt out that they were. Tiny tots can blurt.

That blurts are expected to influence the opinions of A2kers is something to do with you and not A2K. It's a function of your general underestimation of others. If blurts have influence in your social circles then you are either Queen Bee or your circles are characterised by antagonistic blurtings. I can hardly believe there is general agreement about everything.

I'm inclined to think that the post of mine referred to overwhelmed your attention span and concept range. Blurts being the all-purpose bolt-hole applicable to anything at any time and thus meaningless.
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 09:24 am
Your writing is pretentious and your attitude is fatuous. Evidence? Who wants to read enough of any post of yours to produce evidence? I am generally turned off by word ten.
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 12:29 pm
That's the idea my dear. My posts are not directed at people such as yourself. If you're saying they should be you are directing the thread to your level.

Your assertions are not only meaningless to me. They are meaningless logically. If what you assert is pretentious and fatuous is actually pretentious and fatuous we would be in a pretty pickle. Put me back on Ignore eh?
0 Replies
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 01:29 pm
A literary quote doesn't even mean a person is well read. He could simply own or have access to a copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.

Such is most assuredly the case for many a grammarian, POM. Many hold their slender copy of Strunk & White in a firm grip but their hold of English and its workings is much more tenuous.
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 06:37 pm
Which does not mean a literary quote is no good. Any quotes I offer come from having read the author concerned. In some cases from a study of them.

References to Bartlett's Familiar Quotations and such like are merely self-comforting escape hatches.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 07:07 pm
Socialists are thieves who steal from those earning their living--capitalists--and transferring what they steal to those who do not earn their livng.

Barack Obama is attempting to replace capitalism with socialism by incremental steps each of which he anticipates few people will attempt to stop. He learned this technique from people who learned this technique from Saul Alinsky among others.

What the socialists are apparently unable to comprehend are the obvious consequences of stealing from the productive (i.e., producers of goods, commodities, services, and/or investments) to fund the unproductive. More and more of the productive will either cease bothering to be productive themselves and begin being the receivers of more and more stolen goods, or they will escape to a safer land. Eventually, either the thieving socialism will evolve into a dictatorship, or begin to be replaced by an increasing return to more capitalism.

Wouldn't it be a whole lot smarter to not wait and now begin replacing the socialism we now have by an increasing return to more capitalism? Of course it would be a whole lot smarter!
cicerone imposter
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 07:10 pm
ican's an idiot who believes republicans don't get any social services in this country. He doesn't even know that GW Bush signed the Medicare drugs legislation that republicans also get.
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 07:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Ican collects SS. But that isn't a social service in his mind I guess.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Feb, 2011 10:12 pm
Socialists arrived too late. There was nothing to steal. The top 1% of American wage-earners already cleaned the cupboard.
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 05:49 am
A literary quote doesn't even mean a person is well read. He could simply own or have access to a copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.

I assume that was a pathetic attempt to belittle my references to a court jester and the Yorick persona in Shakespeare and Sterne.

Sterne, whose Parson Yorick is himself, bemoans the abolition of the post of Court Jester, beginning in the reign of Horwendillus, King of Denmark, for centuries. When Hamlet holds up the skull saying "Alas, poor Yorick" it is Shakespeare lamenting the risks he was running by jesting too much in a moody Court. The implication is that the original Yorick jested too much. When Stern uses the expression "Alas, poor Yorick!" at the end of Chapter XII of Volume I of Tristram Shandy, a must read for any young man, he encloses it in a rectangle and offers consolation to his own Yorick's ghost by referring to his grave beside a footpath in the churchyard and the pity and esteem denoted by the plaintive tone in which the expression is used many times a day. Sterne is, of course, alluding to his own sense of jest which he feels he has had to kill to get published and retain his post as a parson. Or even to stay alive. The last page of Chapter XII is a blank, black page. By that he tells the reader that his jests from there on are shrouded in mists of wit and innuendo.

From Wikipedia.

"Alas, poor Yorick" has always been one of the most fondly remembered lines from Hamlet (or misremembered lines—Hamlet does not say "Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him well"). As early as 1760, in his novel Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne introduced the parson Yorick, one of whose ancestors emigrated from Denmark to England to become the English king's court jester. In fact, the narrator claims, "Hamlet's Yorick, in our Shakespear, many of whose plays, you know, are founded upon authenticated facts,—was certainly the very man."

I hope you can see, very plainoldme, that your ignorant jibe was misplaced and derives from your habitual underestimation of strangers based on your own experiences of people in your circles to whom it may very well apply.

I'll say it again. Mr Obama needs a Court Jester. All leaders do. Like the one Felix Happer (Burt Lancaster) employs in Local Hero and who he (Happer) tells the sheriff at the end to "shoot to kill." Happer represents Big Oil.

Dumb down your friends pom. Not A2K.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 11:36 am
What ever happened to all those conservatives who kept telling us all Muslims are terrorists? We argued over this issue often on these boards, and their silence is now deafening with most Middle East countries are "peacefully" demonstrating for democracy and freedom.

I know these conservatives will never admit they were wrong, because that's their "style," but the are also hypocrites of the worst kind.

Muslim = terrorist? Give me a ******* break!
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 11:38 am
plainoldme wrote:
Socialists arrived too late. There was nothing to steal. The top 1% of American wage-earners already cleaned the cupboard.
Jealousy and Envy will never make you happy or successful, pom.
cicerone imposter
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 11:44 am
"Jealousy and Envy" is much preferred over ignorance and stupidity - like you!

You lack "common sense"; look it up in the dictionary.
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 12:20 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What ever happened to all those conservatives who kept telling us all Muslims are terrorists? We argued over this issue often on these boards, and their silence is now deafening with most Middle East countries are "peacefully" demonstrating for democracy and freedom.

They had to peacefully demonstrate. What do you think "democracy and freedom" will look like if they get them? You just use glitter words to light up your profile.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Feb, 2011 12:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I dont think it was "all those conservatives" saying it.
It was a few people on here that enjoy being ignorant.

Speaking only for myself, I never said it, nor did I ever believe it.
We all know who it was, because it was only 3 0r 4 people saying it.
They just said it so often it seemed like a lot of people saying it.

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