Mon 21 Feb, 2011 08:57 am
Or it could be trying to run wars, beefed up homeland security and all these rest of government without raising taxes because it is a dirty word.

Despite the unsubstantiated claims by republicans and independents, the stimulus actually kept the economy from sliding into a depression; according to some economist.

The Stimulus May Have Saved the Economy, but It Won't Matter in November


In a July paper titled "How the Great Recession Was Brought to an End," Alan S. Blinder, an economics professor at Princeton University and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, argue that the stimulus plan has actually been a huge success. According to the pair, ARRA created 2.7 million jobs and added $460 billion to the gross domestic product. Taken in combination with the bank rescue package, they claim that the stimulus's effects were even more impressive: Without the stimulus, unemployment would be 11% today, but without either the stimulus or the rescue package, it would be a staggering 16.5%.

"If policymakers had not reacted as aggressively or as quickly as they did, the financial system might still be unsettled, the economy might still be shrinking, and the costs to U.S. taxpayers would have been vastly greater," they wrote.

Blinder and Zandi's claims are quite similar to those made by the [famously nonpartisan] Congressional Budget Office last March. According to the CBO's analysts, the stimulus program raised the country's GDP by between 1.7% and 4.2% and kept unemployment from rising a further 0.7% to 1.5%. This translates into an estimated 1.2 million to 2.8 million jobs that were directly or indirectly created by ARRA. In terms of jobs preserved, the gains were even more impressive: The CBO estimates that the stimulus saved between 1.8 million and 4.1 million full-time jobs.

Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:11 am
All in all, I feel sorry for Obama.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:21 am
Anarchy.... any day now.
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Mon 21 Feb, 2011 02:32 pm

WASHINGTON—Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced that he
intends to nominate the following individuals for key posts at the
United States Department of Justice: David Ogden, Deputy Attorney
General; Elena Kagan, Solicitor General; Tom Perrelli, Associate
Attorney General; and Dawn Johnsen, Assistant Attorney General for the
Office of Legal Counsel.

President-elect Obama said, “These individuals bring the integrity,
depth of experience and tenacity that the Department of Justice demands
in these uncertain times. I have the fullest confidence that they will
ensure that the Department of Justice once again fulfills its highest
purpose: to uphold the Constitution and protect the American people. I
look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”

The on Count IV where “City of Los Angeles received 50% more than the
entire state of Arizona” Obama is financially subsidizing a sanctuary
city. This is aiding and abetting (the protecting) the criminals that
are illegal aliens.

A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be
brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though
legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and
abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is
committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the
fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or
financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the
offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of

The second attached file is extracts of documented statistics of the
damage being done to US citizens and the economy by illegal aliens.
Obama is pro-actively interfering with law enforcement. All prior
Presidents have fully supported enforcement. Obama is directly
responsible for these rapes, murders, child molestations, drug crimes,
terrorists, spreading of diseases and other heinous crimes being
committed by illegal aliens.

On October 7, 2010, U.S. District Judge George Steeh in Michigan ruled that the mandate requiring all Americans to buy health insurance is constitutional under the Commerce Clause. The 4 plaintiffs in the case argued that Obamacare would harm them since they are currently uninsured and do not plan to buy health insurance.

On December 1, 2010, Federal Judge Jude Norman Moon in Virginia ruled
that Obamacare is constitutional since nearly everyone will require
healthcare services in their lifetime, and you can’t always predict
when. The plaintiffs in the case had objected to the law, because
there was no provision eliminating abortion funding.

On December 13, 2010, Virginia Federal District Court Judge Henry
Hudson declared the individual mandate of Obamacare unconstitutional
under the Commerce Clause.

On January 31, 2011, Florida District Court Judge Roger Vinson
declared the individual mandate unconstitutional. He said this
mandate cannot be severed from the rest of the law; therefore the
whole law is unconstitutional. The Administration had repeatedly
argued that the individual mandate was “essential”, and the judge
said you can’t pick and choose among thousands of sections.

We are debating whether or not everyone should have the federal government--that is federal tax payers--pay for their health insurance.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 02:45 pm
revelette wrote:
Despite the unsubstantiated claims by republicans and independents, the stimulus actually kept the economy from sliding into a depression; according to some economist.

This claim is unsubstantiated by the economists who continue to claim: "stimulus actually kept the economy from sliding into a depression."

According to many economists, the stimulus actually kept the economy from improving after the Bush and Democrat controlled Congress TARP bungle.

1. MFITR = Maximum Federal Income Tax Rates ( in percent)
2. FREC = Federal Receipts (in trillions of dollars)
3. FOUT = Federal Outlays (in trillions of dollars)
4. FDEF = Federal Deficits (in trillions of dollars)
5. FDEB = Federal Debts (in trillions of dollars)
6. TCPOP = Total Civilian Populations (in millions)
7. TCEMP = Total Civil Employments (in millions)
8. PCPEMP = Percent of Civilian Population Employed (in percent)

1980……....70.000…..0.5171…..0.5909…..-0.074…..0.9077…..167.75….. 99.302…..59.200
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 06:28 pm
ican711nm wrote:
This claim is unsubstantiated by the economists who continue to claim: "stimulus actually kept the economy from sliding into a depression."
It is not only unsubstantiated, it is silly. No person or government has ever spent their way to prosperity.
cicerone imposter
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 07:17 pm
It's only silly, because you don't understand why most "expert" economists believe that.

When make conclusions from a base that doesn't exist in your brains on a subject you know very little about - or nothing - it's easy to arrive at words like "silly." You just haven't explained why it's silly.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Apparently Obama's experts' programs are working so well that many of them have resigned, ci. How come? Why wouldn't they stick around to enjoy the accolades that were going to be coming their way?
cicerone imposter
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:04 pm
Resignations isn't the same as accomplishments. That's a simple concept you don't understand. If you had really listened to Obama during his campaign, you would have learned that he kept most of them in his first two years in office. Considering the simple fact that the GOP became the No Party during those two years, that's even more an accomplishment. You don't understand politics; and you never will.

Here's another fact you seem to shy away from: Obama's approval ratings have been increasing. What happened to all your polls when it was dropping?

CNN Poll: Obama's job approval rating on the rise
mug.cnnpolitics By: CNN Political Unit

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama's approval rating is up five points since December as a growing number of Americans consider him a strong leader who is tough enough to handle a crisis, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday also indicates that a jump in support by independent voters is behind the overall rise in the president's approval rating.

Fifty-three percent of people questioned in the poll approve of how Obama's handling his duties in the White House, up from 48 percent in a CNN poll that was conducted last month, as a very productive lame duck congressional session was nearing completion.

You're a loser in more than one way; you can't even be honest about issues, and always parrot your one-sided hateful meme.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Here's another fact you seem to shy away from: Obama's approval ratings have been increasing. What happened to all your polls when it was dropping?

Is that right? How come this shows he is dropping lately, with Rasmussen's Strongly Approve vs Strongly Disapprove index at nearly his all time low, at minus 18?

"Yesterday and today mark the president’s lowest ratings since mid-December. It remains to be seen whether this is merely the result of statistical noise or a change in perceptions of President Obama. For most of 2010, more than 40% of voters voiced Strong Disapproval of the president. However, following his December agreement with Senate Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, the level of Strong Disapproval had declined."
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
If you had really listened to Obama during his campaign, you would have learned that he kept most of them in his first two years in office.
His one biggest quote unquote "accomplishment" was Obamacare, which a majority of voters want repealed, ci.

"Most voters continue to favor repeal of the health care law."

0 Replies
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 09:59 pm
And if you look at the breakouts of the poll results, okie, you find that about a third of the people who are dissatisfied with the healthcare law and want it changed, are dissatisfied BECAUSE IT DOES NOT GO FAR ENOUGH. They do NOT agree with you in any way at all. Put them with the people who support it, because they ain't gonna go with you, and if you guys get rid of it, you're going to find yourselves in a world of hurt come 2012, and back to minority status you'll go. And deservedly so.
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 11:30 pm
So has Gitmo been closed yet?
How did that promise go?
Mon 21 Feb, 2011 11:50 pm
You've discovered a secret that not many know, MM and the rest aren't willing to tell. Every US president is a war criminal. It comes with the territory. Whatever promises a candidate makes, those promises have to be put on the back burner so that the plans to enrich a tiny segment of the US population goes unimpeded.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Feb, 2011 03:33 am
mysteryman wrote:

So has Gitmo been closed yet?
How did that promise go?

Just like all of PrezBO's promises.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Feb, 2011 07:19 am
Rasmussen always has Obama approval numbers the lowest of the polls, which is why I go to real clear politics where they show a number of polls including Rasmussen and reach an average. Obama approval rating is 48.8 Approve 45.3 Disapprove. Went down somewhat in recent weeks.
Tue 22 Feb, 2011 07:56 am
No matter what the poll numbers are they can't hide the fact that
the vast majority of tax paying Americans Disapprove of Obama.
Tue 22 Feb, 2011 08:06 am
Obama lies & the economy dies. ~ ~ ~ "Someday a white man's gonna to be elected President again". Peter

Someday h20boy will quote someone literate.
cicerone imposter
Tue 22 Feb, 2011 11:31 am
waterboy does't know how. His brain is already corrupted - by water.

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