Wed 26 Jan, 2011 03:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
parados wrote:
You keep posting that ican. You don't seem to realize it is proof positive that Bush's tax cuts didn't create jobs.

cicerone imposter wrote:
ican is as static as the numbers he repeatedly posts on a2k; he's bankrupt! He still can't figure out that Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2002 that was promised as job creators only deepened our unemployment ranks, and the middle class and poor's wages remained stagnant. The top 10% was the biggest gainers in wages, benefits, and wealth.

The conservatives now want to get credit for our improving economy - after Obama's been in office for two years.

I assume you both, Parados and cicerone imposter, actually believe your own fasities!

Partial History of U.S. Federal Income Tax Rates
Minimum and Maximum Income Tax Rates 1971 to 2010
1971-1981: minimum = 14%; maximum = 70% [CARTER 1977-1981]
1982-1986: minimum = 11%; maximum = 50% [REAGAN 1981-1989]
1987-1987: minimum = 11%; maximum = 38.5%
1988-1990: minimum = 15%; maximum = 33% [BUSH41 1989-1993]
1991-1992: minimum = 15%; maximum = 31%
1993-2000: minimum = 15%; maximum = 39.6% [CLINTON 1993-2001]
2001-2001: minimum = 15%; maximum = 39.1% [BUSH43 2001-2009]
2002-2002: minimum = 10%; maximum = 38.6%
2003-2009: minimum = 10%; maximum = 35%
2009-2010: minimum = 10%; maximum = 35%[OBAMA 2001-2010]

Year.......FEDERAL RECEIPTS (increased each and every year)
1980......$0.517 trillion [CARTER]
1988….…$0.909 trillion [REAGAN]
1992.......$1.091 trillion [BUSH41]
2000......$2.025 trillion [CLINTON]
2008......$2.521 trillion [BUSH43]
2010.......$2.931trillion [OBAMA]

Year.......FEDERAL OUTLAYS (increased each and every year)
1980.......$0.591 trillion [CARTER]
1988….….$1.064 trillion [REAGAN] average annual increase = 0.059 trillion
1992........$1.382 trillion [BUSH41] average annual increase = 0.080 trillion
2000.......$1.789 trillion [CLINTON] average annual increase = 0.051 trillion
2008.......$2.931 trillion [BUSH43] average annual increase = 0.143 trillion
2010........$3.091 trillion [OBAMA] average annual increase (over 2 years) = 0.058 trillion

Year………FEDERAL DEFICITS (increased 1980 to 1992; decreased 1992 to 2000; increased 2000 to 2008; decreased 2008 to 2010)
1980.......$0.074 trillion [CARTER]
1988….….$0.155 trillion [REAGAN]
1992........$0.291 trillion [BUSH41]
2000.......SURPLUS $0.236 trillion [CLINTON]
2008.......$0.410 trillion [BUSH43]
2010........$0.160 trillion [OBAMA]



** = The years after 2006 when Democrats were in the majority in both houses of Congress.
1980…………............…. 167,745 million [CARTER]
1988……….....+......…… 184,613 million [REAGAN]
1992……….....+.....….… 192,805 million [BUSH41]
2000……….....+.....…... 212,577 million [CLINTON]
2004……….....+.....….… 223,357 million [BUSH43]
2006……….....+.....….… 228,815 million [BUSH43]
2007……….....+.....….… 231,867 million [BUSH43] **
2008……….....+.....….… 233,788 million [BUSH43] **
2009……….....+.....….… 235,801 million [OBAMA] **
2010……….....+.....….… 237,830 million [OBAMA] **

** = Years after 2006 when Democrats were in the majority in both houses of Congress.
1980…………............…….99.302 million [CARTER]
1988……….....+......…… 114.968 million [REAGAN]
1992……….....+.....….… 118.492 million [BUSH41]
2000……….....+.....…... .136.891 million [CLINTON]
2004……….....+.....….… 139.252 million [BUSH43]
2006……….....+.....….… 144.427 million [BUSH43]
2007……….....+.....….… 146.047 million [BUSH43] **
2008……….....-.....….… .145.362 million [BUSH43] **
2009……….....-.....….… 139.877 million [OBAMA] **
2010……….....-.....….… 139.064 million [OBAMA] **

** = Years after 2006 when Democrats were in the majority in both houses of Congress.
1980………...........….… 59.2 [CARTER]
1988……….....+.....…… 62.3 [REAGAN]
1992……….....-.....….… 61.5 [BUSH41]
2000……….....+.....…… 64.4 [CLINTON]
2004……….....-.....….… 62.3 [BUSH43]
2006……….....+.....…… 63.1 [BUSH43]
2007……….....-.....….… 63.0 [BUSH43] **
2008……….....-.....….… 62.2 [BUSH43] **
2009……….....-.....….… 59.3 [OBAMA] **
2010……….....-.....….… 58.5 [OBAMA] **

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 04:03 pm
It's the same with ObamaCare; they haven't presented their health care plan, and wants to repeal ObamaCare that the OMB says it'll end up costing over $200 billion.

I would really like to see a viable, credible, plan from the GOP
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 05:49 pm
There was nothing new to this speech other than an appeal to patriotisim that he seemed uncomfortable with.

This is the second time he seemingly promised to seriously consider tort reform, and I fully expect that as with the last time, nothing will come from it. Ditto nuclear energy.

Freezing spending after increasing it by 21% (not including the Stimulus package ) is hardly a sharp turn to fiscal responsibility.

I was glad to see that 3 of the justices chose not to appear and provide him with a possible prop. I'm surprised Roberts showed.

The silly seating arrangement just gave Obama a line some version of which I suspect we'll be hearing for a while: " It's not enough for us to sit together today, we have to work together tomorrow." By "working together," he, of course, means agreeing with Democrats.

The Sputnik Moment bit fell flat, as expected.

All told it was a fairly typical Obama speech.

Wed 26 Jan, 2011 05:51 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You neglected to mention the salmon quip in your critique.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 05:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Why? They would be stupid to act in any aggressive way.

And Iran and North Korea have never done that before.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 05:53 pm
Isn't all sides working together a sort of one party state?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 06:17 pm
RJB - I actually missed it but it seemed to get some genuine laughs...what was it?
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 06:28 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
He was talking about inefficient overlapping federal agencies. His example was the Commerce Department monitoring salmon while they were in salt water while the Interior Department watched over them while they were in fresh water. The punch line involved whether another bureau was in the mix while they were being smoked.
It appears he was wrong about that. He would have had a stronger case had he used sea turtles.
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 07:21 pm
You quoted okie of the short memory proclaiming Obama complimented America.

A great deal of that speech was a sort of presidential boiler plate. Frankly, I wish that some chief executive would have the courage to not say "May god bless the US of A."
0 Replies
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 07:22 pm
unless you fear the truth, you have nothing to fear from me

There isn't an emoticon to represent my reaction. What an oversight.
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 07:30 pm
I was struck by the contrast between Ryan's presentation and Bachmann's. While there was little content to Ryan's speech, it was dignified and he sounded like a reasonable human being. BAchmann seemed on the verge of hysteria.
cicerone imposter
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 07:39 pm
Makes me continue to wonder what the Tea Party brings to our country with people like Palin and Bachmann leading the call for the "conservatives."
0 Replies
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 08:44 pm
Was I the only one to lose A2K for an hour or so?
Wed 26 Jan, 2011 09:01 pm
No. you weren't. I had had computer problems yesterday, so I thought they returned until I realized it was the site and not my machine.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 07:00 am
Thanks. I've also now seen the quip clip.

People tend to have low expectations for politicians' when it comes to humor, and the quips they employ in speeches, and they usually get a better reaction than they deserve. Such was the case with the salmon quip. It deserved smiles, not audible laughter.

BHO is no JFK in many respects, and humor is a clear one.
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 08:42 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
It is really no big surprise that you found the President's SOTU address boring, some so called Christians were even driven to using abbreviations for curse words.

His Sputnik moment may have fallen flat for some of you, but his use of the word was relevant for his overall point.

The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.

None of us can predict with certainty what the next big industry will be, or where the new jobs will come from. Thirty years ago, we couldn't know that something called the Internet would lead to an economic revolution. What we can do – what America does better than anyone – is spark the creativity and imagination of our people. We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers; of Google and Facebook. In America, innovation doesn't just change our lives. It's how we make a living.

Our free enterprise system is what drives innovation. But because it's not always profitable for companies to invest in basic research, throughout history our government has provided cutting-edge scientists and inventors with the support that they need. That's what planted the seeds for the Internet. That's what helped make possible things like computer chips and GPS.

Just think of all the good jobs – from manufacturing to retail – that have come from those breakthroughs.

Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a satellite called Sputnik¸ we had no idea how we'd beat them to the moon. The science wasn't there yet. NASA didn't even exist. But after investing in better research and education, we didn't just surpass the Soviets; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs.

This is our generation's Sputnik moment. Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of research and development we haven't seen since the height of the Space Race. In a few weeks, I will be sending a budget to Congress that helps us meet that goal. We'll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology – an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people.

Already, we are seeing the promise of renewable energy. Robert and Gary Allen are brothers who run a small Michigan roofing company. After September 11th, they volunteered their best roofers to help repair the Pentagon. But half of their factory went unused, and the recession hit them hard.

Today, with the help of a government loan, that empty space is being used to manufacture solar shingles that are being sold all across the country. In Robert's words, "We reinvented ourselves."

That's what Americans have done for over two hundred years: reinvented ourselves. And to spur on more success stories like the Allen Brothers, we've begun to reinvent our energy policy. We're not just handing out money. We're issuing a challenge. We're telling America's scientists and engineers that if they assemble teams of the best minds in their fields, and focus on the hardest problems in clean energy, we'll fund the Apollo Projects of our time.

Thu 27 Jan, 2011 08:48 am
revelette wrote:

His Sputnik moment may have fallen flat for some of you, but his use of the word was relevant for his overall point.

His overall point is to celebrate the achievements of Communism and Sputnik was one of these Communist achievements.
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 08:53 am
Plainoldfool, I wish there was an emoticon to represent what a huge ignoranus you are.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 09:13 am
Ah, you listen to NPR.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 09:27 am
His overall point is to celebrate the achievements of Communism and Sputnik was one of these Communist achievements.

No, his point was that when we knuckled down and invested in research in science, we found a way to beat the Soviets to the moon.

Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a satellite called Sputnik¸ we had no idea how we'd beat them to the moon. The science wasn't there yet. NASA didn't even exist. But after investing in better research and education, we didn't just surpass the Soviets; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs.

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