Wed 12 Jan, 2011 10:20 am
How many of your Liberal women friends are attractive?
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 10:23 am
How many of your so called questions are just stupid?
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 10:27 am
I remember asking one back in the 80's, but that's it.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 11:18 am
plainoldme wrote:
Sung to the tune "Taps:"
Blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
Bulah blah Blaaah
blah blah blah
(sotto voce) blah blah blah

What you plainoldme demonstrate is that you do not understand that statist -- socialist, communist, nazi, fascist, monarchist -- governments have repeatedly failed to provide more humane and more trustworthy governments than has the US Constitutional government. In fact, statist governments have actually provided inhumane and untrustworthy governments that steal from productive honest people, and eventually devolve into murderers of those from whom they have stolen. You demonstrate this clearly by advocating statist governments and by accusing your opposition of saying and doing exactly the rotten things you say and do.

Wed 12 Jan, 2011 11:32 am
Ah, I see that you were given 2 votes. Where is your leader, okie? Why, he is here, voting for his other mouth: you.

"You gotta a lotta nerve, to say . . . (with apologies to Dylan)" that I don't understand anything, oh, you, of little intellect.

Look, just because you have a bee in your bonnet, doesn't mean that the buzzing reflects reality.

You fail to understand social discourse, debate, simple and straight-forward communication.

Why, you can not even cut and paste well enough to convey the buzzing in your bonnet.

What I did was satirize your lack of content and the sheer boredom of having to deal with your repeated postings in one message.

Flew over your head, didn't it?

Remember that junk you were posting from ann coulter earlier this year allegedly from a professor at Smith College? None of it stood up to a few runs through google.

Now, I know there are several posts and that the writer used big words, but, I did break up a long article from salon and posted it here an hour ago.

You can read each section, one at a time, then drink some coffee or take a nap after each one. It is a primer on American political thought. It is not complete but it is a primer.

Hint: the word is not the first coat of paint. It is pronounced with a short i, not a long I. A primer is a basic text, an introduction.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 11:35 am

1980……………..99 million [CARTER]
1988…………… 115 million [REAGAN]
1992…………….118 million [BUSH41]
2000……………137 million [CLINTON]
2007………..….146 million [BUSH43]
2008………….. 145 million [BUSH43]
2009,……….....140 million [OBAMA]
2010.……………139 million [OBAMA] as of November 2010

1980…………………………………….59.2 [CARTER]
1988…………………………………….62.3 [REAGAN]
1992…………………………………….61.5 [BUSH41]
2000…………………………………….64.4 [CLINTON]
2007…………………………………….63.0 [BUSH43]
2008…………………………………….62.2 [BUSH43]
2009…………………………………….59.3 [OBAMA]
2010…………………………………….58.2 [OBAMA] as of November 2010

0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 11:44 am
No that our resident toddler has demonstrated his continued lack of maturity by posting his stupid chart again, I am taking my 63 year old body outside to shovel the foot-plus of snow so that I can go to work this evening and earn my $8.50/hour in our wonderful economy.

0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 11:49 am
Barack Obama and his Administration are unlawfully taking away our Property, our Liberty under the Law, our Constitutional Government, and our Capitalist Economy.

Constitution Article II. Section 4.
The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Amendment XIII (1865)
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Amendment XIV (1868)
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Amendment V. (1791)
No person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment X. (1791)
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Obama and his Administration have unlawfully taken private property from those persons and from those organizations who have lawfully earned their property, and given it to those persons and organizations who have not lawfully earned it;
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 12:30 pm

Three of Barack Obama's mentors in Chicago were trained by Saul Alinsky. Obama was hired in 1986 by the Alinsky team to organize residents on the South Side. The proposed solution to every problem on the South Side was distribution of government funds.

According to Alinsky, we are not virtuous by not wanting power. We are really cowards for not wanting power, because power is good and powerlessness is evil.

Alinsky's most basic principle for radicals is: lie to opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates and liberals.

" Lest we forget, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where my mythology leaves off and history begins--or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--Lucifer."

'Radicals should be political relativists and should take an agnostic view of means and ends."

" The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." The stated cause is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause which is accumulation of power to make the revolution.

Alinsky's demagogic standard of the revolution is democracy--a democracy which upends all social hierarchies, including those based on merit. Alinsky built his initial power base among the underclass and the urban poor by calling to make the last ones first and the first ones last until they become equal to the last ones.
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 01:55 pm
You forget that people have read your ideas on constitutional law, Ican, and know well how an incompetent like you can twist things. Match incompetency with your rightwing nuttiness and you think anyone other than the folks who inhabit the same echo chamber will believe what you've written here.

0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 03:24 pm
My goal is the establishment of a new and stable world order. ... The USA is the main obstacle to establishing a new and stable World Order. ... My process was and is:
1. Establish a shadow government;
2. Control communications;
3. Destabilize the state;
4. Provoke an election crisis;
5. Take power.

GEORGE SOROS in his 1995 book, page 145, Soros on Soros, wrote:
I do not accept the rules imposed by others. If I did, I would not be alive today. I am a law-abiding citizen, but I recognize that there are regimes that need to be opposed rather than accepted. And in periods of regime change, the normal rules don't apply. One needs to adjust one's behavior to the changing circumstances.

Bruck, in The World According to Soros, page 58, wrote:
Tividar [George Soros's father] saved his family by splitting them up, providing them with forged papers and false identities as Christians, and bribing Gentile families to take them in. George Soros took the name Sandor Kiss, and posed as the godson of a man named Baumbach, an official of Hungary's fascist regime. Baumbach was assigned to deliver deportation notices to Jews and confiscate Jewish property. [Baumbach] brought young Soros with him on his rounds.

Michael Kaufman in his biography of George Soros, page 293, Soros , wrote:
My goal is to become the conscience of the world

GEORGE SOROS in his 2000 book, page 337, Open Society, wrote:
Usually it takes a crisis to prompt a meaningful change in direction.

GEORGE SOROS in the Washington Post, page A03, November 11, 2003, wrote:
Ousting Bush from the White House is the central focus of my life. It's a matter of life and death.

GEORGE SOROS in the 2003 edition of his book, page 15, The Alchemy of Finance, wrote:
My greatest fear is that the Bush Doctrine will succeed--that Bush will crush the terrorists, tame the rogue states of the axis of evil, and usher in a golden age of American supremacy. American supremacy is flawed and bound to fail in the long run.

What I am afraid of is that the pursuit of American supremacy may be successful for a while because the United States in fact employs a dominant position in the world today.

GEORGE SOROS on June 10, 2004 to the Associated Press, wrote:

These are not normal times.

GEORGE SOROS in his 2004 book, page 159, The Bubble of American Supremacy, wrote:
The principles of the Declaration of Independence are not self-evident truths but arrangements necessitated by our inherently imperfect understanding.

In April 2005 the Soros funded Campus Progress web site posted this headline: "An Invitation to Help Design the Constitution in 2020" (This was an invitation to a Yale law School Conference on "The Constitution of 2020: a progressive vision of what the Constitution ought to be.")

Sam Hananel in his associated Press article, December 10, 2004, wrote:
On December 9, 2004, Eli Pariser, who headed Soros's group Moveon PAC, boasted to his members, "Now the Democratic Party is our party. We bought it, we own it."

Soros … pushed for the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 which was intended to ban "soft money" contributions to federal election campaigns. Soros has responded that his donations to unaffiliated organizations do not raise the same corruption issues as donations directly to the candidates or political parties.

Soros gave $3 million to the Center for American Progress, committed $5 million to MoveOn, while he and his friend Peter Lewis each gave America Coming Together $10 million. (All were groups that worked to support Democrats in the 2004 election.) On September 28, 2004 he dedicated more money to the campaign and kicked off his own multi-state tour with a speech: Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush[19] delivered at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 03:29 pm
Wow! Soros and Alinsky (who must be the powerful dead man in the world) in one day.

Our little toddler must be very angry!

0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 03:43 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Michael Lind's analysis is brilliant, as is his writing. .....
Oh, no question, pom, absolutely the most brilliant thing I've read in the last 2 and half minutes. In fact, come to think of it, its the only thing I've read.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 03:51 pm
These are some of the transfers of private property made by President Barack Obama from those who lawfully earned it to those who did not and do not lawfully earn it.

Obama Healthcare Reform:
National health reform is here. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the reconciliation bill are law. Together, they will trigger sweeping changes and disruptions — some rather quickly and some over many years.
What's really in Obama's health care reform bill? Almost no one knows, and here's why: It's 1,017 pages long and written in an alien form of bureaucratic English that can barely be decoded by earthlings.
• Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
• Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax."

The Troubled Asset Relief Program, commonly referred to as TARP, is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector which was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It is the largest component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis. …

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, abbreviated ARRA (Pub.L. 111-5) and commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, is an economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009.

Fannie Mae
The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) (OTCBB: FNMA), commonly known as Fannie Mae, was set up as a stockholder-owned corporation chartered by Congress in 1968 as a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), ..

Freddie Mac:
The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), known as Freddie Mac (OTCBB: FMCC), is a public government sponsored enterprise (GSE), headquartered in the Tyson's Corner CDP in unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia. …

Nowhere in the Constitution has the President been granted the power to transfer private property from those who lawfully earned it to those who did not and do not lawfully earn it. Making such property transfers violates the Constitution of the USA as currently lawfully amended..

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 12 Jan, 2011 09:46 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


I don't prescribe to the professed theory of you Cyclo and CI that a poster needs to footnote their posts.

Of course you don't. It would greatly limit your ability to sling false bullshit into the thread if you held yourself responsible for actual facts being within pieces you link to.

Why would I or anyone ignore your posts? You're not an idiot or a troll. You're just maliciously greedy and willing to advance points based on those qualities. The worst sort of person to ignore - for all of us.


You are quite the peach.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Jan, 2011 03:12 pm
Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) has proposed that, when President Obama delivers his State of the Union address later this month, members of Congress should not sit with the Repubs together stage left while the Dems are grouped stage right.
Rather they should sit randomly. Symbolic, of course. I wonder if the idea will gain any traction.
Thu 13 Jan, 2011 05:51 pm
Interesting idea.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Jan, 2011 07:09 pm
realjohnboy wrote:
Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) has proposed that, when President Obama delivers his State of the Union address later this month, members of Congress should not sit with the Repubs together stage left while the Dems are grouped stage right.
Rather they should sit randomly. Symbolic, of course. I wonder if the idea will gain any traction.
That seems to be rather pointless. What would he want next, abolish parties and pretend everyone is the same? It strikes me as a pointless exercise of symbolism over substance. It is infinitely more healthy, I think, to admit we have two parties and that parties have differing opinions, for reasons. After all, disagreement is what democracy is about, and we should not attempt to hide disagreement.

Perhaps he just cannot handle the fact that Repubs outnumber the Dems? I doubt he would have proposed that if the Dems still had the numbers.
0 Replies
Thu 13 Jan, 2011 07:11 pm
realjohnboy wrote:

Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) has proposed that, when President Obama delivers his State of the Union address later this month, members of Congress should not sit with the Repubs together stage left while the Dems are grouped stage right.
Rather they should sit randomly. Symbolic, of course. I wonder if the idea will gain any traction.

Steny Hoyer says he's on board and that it would be a nice gesture.

Not surprising to see that the Republicans are against it, though.

Thu 13 Jan, 2011 07:13 pm
I will ask you, do you think it would have been proposed and would you favor it if Dems still had the numbers on the Republicans?

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