OCCUM, I'm not mucking up a damn thing. I've shown dis-pleasure with Obama and other Dems and explained why. It's well within the context of the subject. What is unusual is I'm in disagreement with some people I'm usually in agreement with. In fact I agree with Obama on most issues. Still I will disagree forcefully when I disagree on life and death issues and issues of losing liberty in a Bushie power grab. I want the Dems to call a spade a spade when it comes to Presidential abuses of power. If that's mucking up the thread I dont see it nor would that ever be my intention. My intention is to express myself in a serious way in these serious times. "Why Doesn't the Democratic Leadership in Congress Start Holding Bush Accountable for Crimes Against the Nation, Instead of Getting Upset with Feingold for Being Outraged?"
Bush, it now appears, authorized KGB-like "black bag jobs," with law enforcement authorities breaking and entering into businesses and homes of U.S. Citizens.