Quote:People making less use the welfare system more, so shouldn't they pay more?
Not only does this statement stem from faulty logic, it reflects the writer's unfamiliarity with the real world.
Quote:People making less use Medicaid more, so shouldn't they pay more for the extra cost?
My above comment applies here.
Quote:People making less may actually use the highways more to go back and forth to Walmart several times per day, so shouldn't they pay for road maintenance more?
I know that the average Walmart customer can be from any level of society. While the store in this instance was K-Mart, many years ago, when their son began prep school, photos of The Donald and estranged wife Evana were plastered all over the wires as they were photographed leaving a K-Mart after buying bedding and other dorm supplies at K-Mart.
Furthermore, despite the fact that I will make less than $23,000 this year, I never shop at Walmart. I disapprove of the company. I did, once, do a comparison shopping run there when I was painting my living room. The same supplies that were carried at the independently owned paint store were there . . . at the same prices.
Finally, considering how common and vulgar the taste you demonstrate here is there is no reason why you should decry the plastics sold at Walmart, particularly since you have demonstrated a lack of care for the environment.
Quote:People making less drive less efficient older cars, which spew more pollution into the atmosphere, thus causing more environmental damage.
You imply that is a choice.
Quote:People making less may be more inclined to burn wood to heat their homes, thus causing more pollution into the atmosphere.
This statement is not verifiable.
My ex-husband holds a doctorate in chemistry and worked in sales and marketing for high tech companies, bringing home what the average American father grossed. We heated partially with wood at our first house as an environmental measure.
Quote:People that make very much less, so as they pay absolutely nothing in taxes, shouldn't they receive absolutely no government service whatsoever?
Despite earning in the high teens and low twenties since 2007 (worked at a retail store, substitute taught, co-wrote and edited a teacher's manual, temped at a business school and taught at community college), I have always had to pay taxes. Earnings have to be at the christine o'donnell level to not pay taxes.
Quote:Fact is squinney, people making less may consume just as much or more in terms of food, in fact they may be consuming unhealthy stuff. . .The poor may also be more likely to smoke, which only adds to the costs. And what about drug use?
Where is your source for the above? My food comes directly from several farms, some of which I can walk to. It is true that places like the Salinas Valley, immortalized by John Steinbeck, are totally without farmers' markets and have few supermarkets, forcing the agricultural workers exploited to put ice berg lettuce on your table to eat solely at McDonalds. However, from the 1960s on when people organized food co-ops to today when the only home gardens and backyard chicken co-ops are tended by lower earning workers, it is not true that all of AMerica's poor and marginal people eat unhealthy food.
Think of the fat lawyers and the fat women who are earning the second professional salary.
Saying the poor are more likely to smoke is something you pulled out of the air. As for drugs, sure, there are meth labs aplenty among people on the bottom of the economic scale but those folks might be turning to manufacturing meth because there jobs were sent overseas by the top 1%, who can afford cocaine and imported Scotch.