@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
okie, Congrats for one of your most intelligent posts on a2k.
Thank you, ci. I try to use logic. Being Japanese American as I think you are, you no doubt would know about discrimination by some, but you have obviously been very successful. I think I told you this, but I recently stopped at Camp Amache in Colorado and while there, met and talked with some very nice Japanese Americans, one man said he was in a camp like that in California during the war, because of FDR's policy. That was a sad chapter in our history, and you are very aware that it was instituted by a Democratic president still considered by Democrats to be one of the greatest if not the greatest president in history, Franklin Roosevelt.
The whole concept of discrimination is an interesting one, and I have come to truly believe that success comes from within. We do not succeed or fail depending largely upon outside influences. I am convinced that until minorities reject the race hustlers among them and buy into the principle that they can almost totally determine their own success, until they do that, there will continue to be problems.
I heard once when our kids were in school that "nothing like success breeds success." The idea was that a good grade in a class can help motivate more good grades, not only in that class but other classes. Another benefit of good grades is a better attitude by the teacher toward the student. I believe the same dynamics are true in society as well. If people study hard and work hard, not only do they breed more success, but they improve the attitude of others toward them, which breeds more success still. Part of this dynamic involves also their own attitude toward themselves and others. For example, if you fail, you are more likely to walk around with a chip on your shoulder, especially if you want to blame your failures upon everyone else besides yourself.
One of the central messages of the Democratic Party to minorities is that you are not capable to succeed without the government intervening and making things fair for you. The message is that you failed and will continue to fail because society will not treat you fairly and will not allow you to become educated or smart enough to succeed on your own, unless your sugar daddy government helps you. Unfortunately, too many have bought into this message and they believe this self defeating philosophy. Face it, ci, Obama's religion was based upon Black Liberation Theology, which is based upon the self image of failure and unfairness in society, so that wealth needs to be forcibly taken from the "haves" and redistributed to the "have nots." It is Marxist politics at its foundation, masquerading as a religion. Conservatives tried to warn the people about this, to no avail.
I have hope that things will change, and sometimes negative things can work for positive change. For example, Obama's election might turn out to be one of the best things that has ever happened to the conservative movement in this country, because it has opened more eyes to the fact that liberalism does not work.