okie wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
okie wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
So, okie, you seem to be concerned about the possibility of a parallel military that is not under the same command and control as the US military and that might not be loyal to the US but rather some political faction or person. I wonder how you feel about Blackwater.
I have not studied Blackwater. Isn't it a civilian security contractor to do work for us in foreign countries? Good grief, whats the problem? Even here in this country, there are many security firms that contract with for example shopping malls, to protect their private property. That is worlds apart from some kind of government civilian security force.
It's a security force made up of US and foreign mercenaries who operated in Iraq as soldiers with an immunity our soldiers are not afforded. It owns weapons, airplanes, armored vehicles, helicopters, and even a ship. It is run by a highly ideological right-wing Christianist. Unlike our own military, they could be deployed against US citizens. Scary to you?
Run by idealogical right wing Christianists? What is a Christianist? And you have any evidence at all? And so if the people that own the company belong to a religion, I am not aware that breaks any laws.
So, you don't care if companies which operate in America and funded by the US government are ran by Radical Islamists? That's the exact equivalent of what we are talking about here.
Quote:Any evidence they can be deployed against us? Or did you just make this all up? No, this is not scary, unless you have a guy like Obama that cannot be trusted and he decides to try to use something like this.
Why turn this to your boogeyman, Obama? They
were deployed in America - by Bush.
Quote:Tens of thousands of Hurricane Katrina victims remain without homes. The environment is devastated. People are disenfranchised. Financial resources, desperate residents are told, are scarce. But at least New Orleans has a Wal-Mart parking lot serving as a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center with perhaps the tightest security of any parking lot in the world. That's thanks to the more than $30 million Washington has shelled out to the Blackwater USA security firm since its men deployed after Katrina hit. Under contract with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Protective Service, Blackwater's men are ostensibly protecting federal reconstruction projects for FEMA. Documents show that the government paid Blackwater $950 a day for each of its guards in the area. Interviewed by The Nation last September, several of the company's guards stationed in New Orleans said they were being paid $350 a day. That would have left Blackwater with $600 per man, per day to cover lodging, ammo, other overhead--and profits.
Blackwater has already been used as a domestic, non-military security force under the direct control of the executive branch, immune to prosecution, accountable to nobody at all. The very **** you complain that Obama wants to do, Bush and the Republicans DID do. And not a word out of you about how wrong that is, to employ mercenaries to provide security within one's own country.