@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
While it may well be true that both men made asses of themselves equally; only one of them broke the law. And that wasn't Gates. Yet he was the one humiliated by an arrest, booking, and having his perp pics publicly posted. He's got some dough coming if he wants it, and it would be a walk in the park to get it.
Irrespective of race, his constitutional rights were violated, and it would be a walk in the park to demonstrate as much. This would be a walking no-brainer, Finn. Race would only factor in insofar as the fact finder's instincts, which in turn would likely affect the amount of damages... but is wholly irrelevant insofar as establishing damages. There can be no question his fourth Amendment rights were violated... and I believe you've conceded as much yourself.
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
But it appears that within the last 6-12 months you passed the (Wisconsin) Bar and abandoned your eatery to join a law firm.
Not true. I closed my restaurants years ago, and I did pick up a Certificate in Paralegal Studies, but that means nothing to anyone but a prospective employer because only California requires one. Outside of California, “paralegal” is little more than a title, and not an impressive title at that. Hell, if you’re up for a change of venue and career, Finn, I’ll happily bestow that title upon you, whenever you want to start… regardless of your educational background.
As good fortune would have it; I was offered the first paralegal position I interviewed for, and that morphed into a General Manager position roughly 2 months later, after I had demonstrated a wealth of skills I wasn’t initially hired to utilize. Business management skills are fairly universal, and it seems many small professional offices would benefit greatly from hiring someone with these qualifications.
Let's be very clear, here: I am NOT an attorney, have never claimed to be one, and probably will never take the time to become one at this stage in my life. I probably disclose this fact a dozen times on an average day to people seeking legal advice. I may one day choose to return to school for the purpose of passing the bar, but that would likely be out of a desire to argue interesting cases for myself as something of a hobby, and I currently have no plan to do so. Frankly, I can make a lot more money if I delegate the legal tasks and concentrate on growing the business. Our growth has already been dramatic and has already been significantly hindered by not delegating enough legal tasks to a paralegal or entry level attorney.
For what it’s worth, I agree with you completely about the use of a title in argument here, or anywhere else for that matter, insofar as assessing the correctness of a position. I respect those who’ve put the time and energy into passing the bar, but recognize that in itself really isn’t such a monumental task and certainly doesn’t preclude idiots from doing so. Just yesterday opposing counsel filed an affidavit in support of a petition for appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem…in the first person and signed it himself!

If we didn’t like the idea of facing the nitwit, it would take all of about a minute and a half to conflict him off the case, since he’s now both witness and lead counsel.
The office side of the law business requires aptitude, not formal accolades. When responding to a lengthy legal brief, I can’t tell if it was written by esteemed counsel or his paralegal, and it really doesn’t matter. To large extent, in theory, applying the appropriate law to any specific set of facts is mostly scientific… almost mathematical in many cases… if you’re on the right side of right… and somewhere between inventive and deliberately misleading if you’re on the other side. It doesn’t much matter if a lawyer, his secretary, or the retarded neighbor kid next door finds the controlling case law. It is what it is and if it wasn’t for human error, most cases would be that simple. One need not attain a title for their research to be accurate, or their argument to be compelling (though I know from personal experience that the layman who defends himself is usually making a foolish mistake.)
Finn dAbuzz wrote: Interestingly enough this accomplishment has inflated your self-worth to the point where you believe that anyone who disagrees with you is a moron, if not a bigot. (In the past you were only reflexive in charging someone with bigotry, but now that you have climbed the professional ladder the charge of cretinism seems to trip off your tongue.)

Really Finn? To the extent I come off as arrogant, and I don’t deny it, that is certainly nothing new. My sense of self-worth is utterly unaffected by what I do to earn dirty paper… though I’ll concede my confidence in my ability to locate, interpret, and Sheppardize applicable law has increased. At any rate; I in no way think of you as a moron for disagreeing with me or any other reason… so I’m not sure where you’re getting that from.
Finn dAbuzz wrote: Such arrogance will actually serve you well in your new field, the practice of law.
Very true. Even without the esteemed distinction of a J.D. following my name, I tend to walk right through adversary counsel… and enjoy it immensely! It would serve you well as well, my friend… if it indeed, it doesn’t already.
Finn dAbuzz wrote: You know, there's a fellow in this forum with whom you should get acquainted. He goes by the name of blatham.
Really? I thought surely dude was an author.