The White House today said that President Obama "regrets" the furor his remarks on the arrest of his friend Henry Louis Gates Jr. have caused, as the lawyer for the cop who arrested the black Harvard University professor said the officer may sue Gates for defamation.
"I think he would regret if he realized how much of a overall distraction and obsession it would be," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
When asked if the president would apologize to the officer, as some police unions have demanded, Gibbs would only say that the president understands that the job police officers do is hard and that he has great respect for them.
Gibbs added that he did not expect Obama to have anything else to say about the incident.
"I think he's said most of what he's going to say on it," Gibbs said.
Alan McDonald, who represents Sgt. James Crowley, said the veteran cop who teaches a racial profiling class for rookie police officers has not ruled out filing a defamation of character or libel lawsuit.
"He is exploring all of his options,'' McDonald told ABC News.
Though charges were dropped, Gates has loudly asserted his arrest was a result of racial profiling.
The arrest and subsequent storm of racially charged comments has enveloped the White House after Obama said on Wednesday the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" in arresting his friend, Gates, who is a prominent black scholar.
Police organizations and others across the country are lashing out at Obama for calling out the Cambridge Police Department.
"It's not a case of racial profiling," said NPR analyst Juan Williams on "Good Morning America."