To assess Obama's approval ratings, let's compare them with George W. Bush's approval ratings.
Of note: Obama was swept into power amidst messianic fervor, assigning to him godlike qualities of wisdom, charisma, foresight, hope, and change that we can believe in. Great multitudes worshipped at his feet, cried, swooned, and spread rose petals in his path.
George W. Bush was elected by the narrowest of margins in 2000 and when he took office almost 50% of the population resented him, hated him, gave him no chance at all. By 2004, the country was already war weary and his enemies had changed the message they once embraced into a calculated indictment of President Bush--he lied us into war. Bush lied, people died, etc. and in their talking points they had absolved themselves of all culpability.
So you have posted Obama's current numbers. Here's Bush's numbers at approximately the same period in his first and second terms:
Now if George W. Bush, the most hated man ever to take office, had numbers comparable to Obama, the annointed one, would that suggest that Obama could be in trouble if he isn't able to turn this around?