@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
okie, Are you "that" ignorant? No president goes into the white house fully prepared for all the responsibilities inherent in the job. Nobody.
What Obama brings to the presidency is intelligence; something you lack.
But most of them have at least some experience. This one has little to none.
It has occurred to me this morning what may be behind the Obama administration picks. He wants as many people from all corners, especially his former foes, even somebody like Gates, so that he is not placed into the spotlight for making decisions. For a guy that trumpeted change, we may have a guy that is deathly afraid of making any decision, or perhaps for any decision made perhaps he wants somebody else to take the fall for it. Face it, he has little or no experience on which to make decisions as president. If his former foes are embedded as part of his administration, then any failures also become their failures, thus any future opposition from those people will be blunted by the fact that they are part of the same administration. It becomes difficult for them to oppose the administration that they also are a part of. Same theory with Gates, any Iraq failure of his can also be blunted by the fact that it was administered by a Bush appointee.
Obama wants credit for anything good, but for anything wrong, he will not desire to take any responsibility, and he doesn't want future opposition, so he is now neutralizing any future opposition with his appointees. This possibility at least deserves some consideration in the mix of ideas attempting to figure the guy out. Who is Obama?