Diest TKO
Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:41 pm

Did anyone watch the Smith Dinner last night? Both Obama and McCain were there. I'll be looking for video. It was spectacular on both their part. I loved it!

Diest TKO
Thu 16 Oct, 2008 10:59 pm



Thu 16 Oct, 2008 11:05 pm
@Diest TKO,
I saw it - I thought they were both very good; very funny and also gracious toward each other. I think it was classy, and something of which they can both be proud.
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 05:38 am
It was here to Parados...posted more than once...and we argued about it for about a week on one of the hundred Palin threads.
0 Replies
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 06:26 am
@Diest TKO,
My favorite was the "I punched a papparazzi in the face..." bit. I thought McCain's humor was subtle and creative -- liked the way he wrapped it up.
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 07:33 am
Perhaps he should have quit while he was ahead. He finally made it to Letterman's.

Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:24 am
I was happy to see Dave bring up Liddy. Not sure if he followed through to the extent that he could, but still good to see.

18 days to go....!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 11:29 am
It was not only classy, but I saw the "old" McCain.
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 12:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

It was not only classy, but I saw the "old" McCain.

The new McCain is the same guy as the old McCain, need I keep telling you, ci. You need to quit falling for the sucker stuff fed you by the media.

And McCain does have a sense of humor, he didn't have to invent one, as Obama did.
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 12:45 pm
okie wrote:
And McCain does have a sense of humor, he didn't have to invent one, as Obama did.

Okie, go back and check the very first post on this thread.

It was accounts of Obama's very funny performance in a similar venue that was the catalyst for me starting this, more than 2 1/2 years ago...
Diest TKO
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 02:12 pm
I've seen a lot of footage from Obama at his rallies and his humor shines through quite naturally. During the period after the RNC where some democrats were worried about the lead McCain took there was a sort of panic, but Obama would simply come out on stage and smile, and be calm. Instead of scaring the base, he comforted them and calmed them down.

And he did it with humor.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 03:29 pm
okie's biggest problem is a) his memory is worse than mine, and b) he makes up things that are not based on facts or common knowledge.
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Fri 17 Oct, 2008 06:50 pm
sozobe wrote:

okie wrote:
And McCain does have a sense of humor, he didn't have to invent one, as Obama did.

Okie, go back and check the very first post on this thread.

It was accounts of Obama's very funny performance in a similar venue that was the catalyst for me starting this, more than 2 1/2 years ago...

I went back and read your first post, sozobe. Interesting take on Obama, and contrast with then and now.

I think he can put on a show when necessary, but as I have observed him, no, I see him as somewhat robotoc, not genuine, not alive, everything is scripted, even humor. Granted, I do not know him personally, only observed during speeches, rallies, and debates. I see an angry or a hidden side to Obama, that is carefully camouflaged. He is programmed. This is a totally honest assessment I believe, not simply because I am partisan.

I also think McCain has a temper that could be pretty harsh, but I find his personality pretty much an open book, what you see is what you get, and his temper has mellowed as he has gotten older. I think in McCains case, his ability to lead is infinitely better now than in his younger days. That is not the case with every person, but it is especially the case with McCain in my opinion.

Back to Obama, there is a very small percentage of my mind that says I could be mistaken about Obama, that he is what and who he says he is, and that he will do as he says he will do, which I don't even agree with but at least I could live with, but this small percentage has dwindled from fairly significant at the beginning of this campaign to a very small percentage now. Remember, I favored Obama to knock out Hillary, and actually I am glad to see Hillary gone for now. Now, after reading his book and watching numerous rallies and debates, I have gone so far as to say he is a con man, that is pretty strong, but I do harbor those suspicions. A political con man.
0 Replies
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 07:52 pm
@Diest TKO,
Wow, that was awesome.

Like the man said, that's an occasion to be proud to be American for you guys there. Just the other night, these two men were biting each other's head off, it's all out battle. And yet they're able to take a step back and gather as colleagues. To express respect and even exchange gentle jokes in friendly spirit. That says something really good about your political system.

Yes, there's a gnawing unease at the back of my mind at the sight of all these top honchos, who otherwise put on a fighting show for us, but in the end are all good old boy chaps with each other at luxury parties ... that kind of feeling. But as far as that's off-putting, it's made up by far by the fact that, even when rhetorics are harsh, you have opposing political leaders there who can take a break from it all and meet in a friendly spirit, be civil to each other, sincerely respectful even, and who can mock themselves a bit while they're at it too. Those are real virtues.

I think Dutch politicians would be able to do that too. Hungarian ones tho, I dunno! Razz

They were pretty funny jokes too. I expect they didnt write them (with Obama this was pretty obvious), but they delivered them with flair.

I gotta say McCain "won" the comparison though, easily -- and you know what I think of his politics. His jokes were funnier. The ones about Clinton rocked! Laughing Also his ending, toyingly playing up the expectations, well played. And he delivered them better, as if they were his own and in a running ongoing manner - rather than, like Obama, looking down, telling a joke, looking down, telling another joke, etc.

Moreover, and especially - even as I think that McCain's campaign has gone fully off the rails and taken on a real ugly face, he was the best of himself here. His words about Obama were extremely gracious. Especially considering his conservative backers (if that's the right word) are blaming him for being too soft on Obama, and here he just shrugs off all of that campaign stuff and speaks these very respectful, dignified words.

I mean, imagine you're in a mindnumbing, exhausting campaign for that one single thing you've wanted most of all ever in your life, and here's this younger guy busily, let's be honest, trashing your chances - how would you react, how would you feel? I'd be so bitter I'd want to throw all the silverware on those tables at the guy. But he didnt just stay polite, he went above and beyond the duty, sort of, in praising him that way.

I couldnt help feeling like it was almost as if he was speaking to his more militant supporters, the ones telling him at rallies that they are afraid of what Obama will do to the country - as if he wanted to allay and still their worst fears about an Obama presidency, in advance. Or as if he was saying the things he'd like to tell them. And that's so against basic campaign tactics, especially considering that fear of Obama is pretty much all his campaign is running on now. But it's good for the country, to have the rival presidents make clear that they respect their opponent, that their opponent is a worthy man -- and that he did that so unreservedly, yeah -- respect.
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 07:56 pm
Good god I can sound pompous. Sorry bout that.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:55 pm
I liked the Obama one when he said "he could see the Russian Room from across the hall." The implication was quite clear.
0 Replies
Fri 17 Oct, 2008 11:09 pm
I am going to use a BBB tactic here and post all of this, because it is pertinent to Obama's honesty and attempts to disassociate himself from ACORN, an all too unusual practice now, for him to disassociate himself from questionable characters and organizations:


"Obama's campaign website states:

Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.

Is that really a FACT, or just another lie? Let's take a look at a quote from a 2004 article - Case Study: Chicago- The Barack Obama Campaign - written by Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN Leader, which was published in the journal Social Policy. Did we mention that Social Policy recently pulled this particular article from their website, while leaving links to all other articles up?

"Obama took the case, known as ACORN vs. Edgar (the name of the Republican governor at the time) and we won. Obama then went on to run a voter registration project with Project VOTE in 1992 that made it possible for Carol Moseley Braun to win the Senate that year. Project VOTE delivered 50,000 newly registered voters in that campaign (ACORN delivered about 5,000 of them).

Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for STate Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends."

Not only does Foulkes boast of Obama's ACORN leadership training, but also makes it clear that Obama's post-law school organizing of "Project VOTE" in 1992 was undertaken in direct partnership with ACORN. The tie between Project VOTE and ACORN is also something that Obama and others have attempted to disprove in recent weeks as ACORN has come under fire for allegations of voter registration fraud.

As recently as March 2008, the Los Angeles Times also made reference to Barack Obama's involvement with ACORN:

"At the time, Talbot worked at the social action group ACORN and initially considered Obama a competitor. But she became so impressed with his work that she invited him to help train her staff." (LA Times, March 2, 2008)

All this information was easily pulled up with minimal time investment. It took less than thirty minutes to find, despite attempts by some to bury the truth. If I could find this with little effort, imagine what could be dug up with a serious, in-depth investigation. Scary, isn't it?

Nevertheless, Barack Obama's campaign website continues to lie and deny the truth about his involvement and association with ACORN. No matter how many times you say it, it does not make it true. The facts do not lie, Senator Obama. It's time to come clean and tell the truth, and it's time for the American people to demand it.

***Update: A person who left a comment on the story below (thank you) has notified us that the Obama website has changed. We have done a follow up story that can be read following this link Here is our follow up story:
http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/7231 ***"

Obama Campaign Involved in More Cover-Ups in ACORN Scandal


Obama Campaign Involved in More Cover-Ups in ACORN Scandal

"On Thursday we revealed the connection between Barack Obama and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and uncovered a 2004 article that discussed his involvement with the organization which had recently been removed from the web. Today, the cover-ups continue and language on Obama's fightthesmears.com website has been altered in order to make it look like he has been telling the truth about his ACORN associations all along.

Fortunately, we and many others online know how to do a screen capture and how to use a little something called Google Cache.

As of yesterday, Fightthesmears.com stated:

Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.

Sometime on Friday, the website was altered, and the text was changed to state:

Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.

The mere fact that his campaign has now changed the language of the site shows that they have conceded the fact that their original remark was a bold-face lie. As a lawyer Sen. Obama should know the importance of language.

The original statement implied that he had no working connection with ACORN, whereas the new statement now insists that he has never been employed or hired by ACORN.

It is good to see the truth finally come out now, but why were they trying to hide his association with ACORN, and what else is Obama lying to us about? Perhaps the biggest question now is how and why they got the Social Policy article stricken from most of the world wide web in the first.place. What are they trying to hide?"

Fri 17 Oct, 2008 11:28 pm
Not only that, organizations including ACORN will be shaping the agenda for America, before Obama is even inaugurated, that according to Obama, yeah, great, the same people that sound eerily like Lenin or Trotsky, and the same people that helped perpetrate the loan fiascos in this country representing hundreds of billions of dollars of debt, that we will all have to pay for.

I am beginning to understand what community organizing is, it is mob intimidations of businesses, established laws, and rightful governments to do their bidding.

0 Replies
Sat 18 Oct, 2008 12:46 am
Grampy McInsane was unable to hide his disdain during Obama's "routine." The guy is seething with anger that Obama took the presidency away from him. The one that he assumed was his birthright.

I could have voted for the MCain I thought I knew in 2000 but it turns out what we thought of MCain was a myth apparently. What we now have is tired , old embittered man who is about to become a footnote in history.

What McCain should do now is try to resuscitate his legacy. Trouble is that this man is and has always been less than honorable, from his time at the Naval Academy to his adultery to his current state of encouraging racist supporters.
Sat 18 Oct, 2008 12:51 am
McCain's material was better but he didn't write it.

But as I mentioned above, even in that setting, Gramps couldn't hide his disdain for Obama. Not from people who are able to read body language anyway.

BTW what kind of man says nice things about someone then the next day approves a robocall implying the man is a traitor.

Only in the US of A?
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