George wrote--
Perhaps you should reread what I actually wrote, but more carefully this time.
The cited rhetorical flourishes of Bush & Cheny were indeed merely cant formalisms offered at canned events that called for that stuff; and formalisms that are indeed often used by European leaders who want something from us.
old europe's point, namely that he is unfairly (in view of the Bush, Cheney rhetoric) denied a vote here, is indeed properly answered by pointing out that nothing we do stops the "new" Europe from exercising a little leadership itself. That it doesn't is surely not our fault, and it even more surely doesn't give Europeans any rights here.
The reflexive anti Americanism of popular European culture has been a visible component for centuries - just consider the stock Yankee character of 19th century European literature. It continues today in the pious hypocrisy of the Guardian and other like rags that so constantly assure their readers that they have somehow created something new and wonderful, thus justifying a mass forgetfulness of their ghastly pasts and the constant criticism of America it pours forth.
If you are suggesting that European colonialism in all of its features was an inevitable consequence of history, that there were no alternatives - then we have several far more fundamental disagreements involving human behavior, history and philosophy that must first be resolved before we can reach any common understanding.
"Many Europeans" means many Europeans.
I didn't read it carelessly George. I didn't consider the "rhetorical flourishes" as having any significance.
Of course we have some rights there. We are allies. You have rights here.
I don't think there is a "reflexive anti-Americanism" in Europe. Your criticisms of the Grauniad are pale besides mine. Educated Europeans are fully aware of our ghastly past. We are trying to escape from it. If anything, it is felt that Americans don't recognise their own ghastly past.
I would say that European colonialism in all of its features was an inevitable consequence of history and in doing so have the only fact of relevance to support me. All else is speculation with almost nothing else to support any of it other than hindsight and a certain wistful romanticism ladled in.
I didn't say there were no alternatives. Millions, billions even, were possible but only on the cusp of time which, it is often forgotten, moved at the same rate, or as near as dammit, that it does now and each moment being conditioned by a myriad events, many unexpected. Luther's conception say. But then again, if a movement is there to be led it will find a leader from another conception if Luther's Daddy had done what Germaine Greer recommends.
It is true that " we have several far more fundamental disagreements involving human behavior, history and philosophy that must first be resolved before we can reach any common understanding."
Oxford dons were notorious for spending their days and evenings in attempting to reach common understandings and when they did so they were only those of the very commonest sort and reached during the night-time. To an extent it requires a familiarity with a roughly agreed appreciation of the arts, the meaner apects of life, and the consumption of a fairly narrow range of narcotic substances such as absinthe and nicotine. Not a one of them could possibly have produced Whistler's Mother or From Here to Eternity to mention just two of a large list in American art.
I don't think common understandings are possible generally. We pretend otherwise for social reasons. On the subject of European and American history it is impossible to even pretend. Except when the cameras are rolling.
Who you elect President is a matter of interest to us in the same way that a distant dust cloud was of interest to an Apache scout. How you do it fascinates some of us just as any brilliant movie does.
It'll all be in some dusty archives before all that long. They'll talk about The Materialist Revolution I suppose. Encapsulating our time here in a neat phrase.