Morning, soz!
My favourite way of preparing new, baby potatoes is in the microwave! I say "!" because many folk will not go
near a microwave, so I don't know where you stand on this .....
Anyway, this is the easiest, most delicious way of preparing new potatoes I know of, learned from Barbara Kafka's
Microwave Gourmet. Just put 'em in a casserole type dish (with lid), add as much garlic as you can cope with (for me, usually around 5, crushed), a tablespoon of olive oil, a sprinkle of salt & toss around .... then 10 minutes on high & we're laughing!
But I see that you
already have garlic with your pork dish ... Hmmmm ... OK what to substitute it with then? <thinking, thinking> Perhaps some nice chili flakes? Dill? (Dill is
wonderful with new potatoes, tossed with a bit of butter (or olive oil, I guess) at the last minute. I'm of Eastern European descent. I
) Or some other herb that lives happily with potatoes, tossed in at the last minutes. I have been known to throw in rocket leaves, or baby spinach leaves toward the very end of the cooking. Good & adds a nice touch of green colour!Whatever you do, you can't go far wrong with new potatoes! Yum! And you can also cook them in one those double steamer pots, them toss with your chosen oil/herb's later, if that is more to your liking!