Sat 11 Mar, 2006 09:43 am
I the Simpsons episode where Bart plays truant and ends up at Freddie Quimby's birthday party, where the French waiter gets hurt.
What is the classical piece of music that plays when Bart is floating down the river on a raft?
I discovered that you are looking for the episode "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" from season 5 but I can't track down the music.
Neither can I boomerang and it''s that long since I saw it I don't remember what the music was.
Maybe you should go to the video store and rent season 5 of the show.
I'll bet the credits have the music listed.
It seems weird that with all of the Simpson's sites and all of the tiny little triva that they don't have much about the music.
boomerang wrote:Maybe you should go to the video store and rent season 5 of the show.
I'll bet the credits have the music listed.
It seems weird that with all of the Simpson's sites and all of the tiny little triva that they don't have much about the music.
Download the episode with DC ++ , Save 5 bucks !
Fox 8 is running a Simpsons marathon here right now. 350 episodes over 12 days.
Wilso wrote:Fox 8 is running a Simpsons marathon here right now. 350 episodes over 12 days.
If you happen to see it Wilso and know the answer I would be very grateful, so grateful the next time I pass through Kanahooka I'd be happy to buy you a curry
I just did a quick scan of episode 1F19, and the music is mostly an American folk-sounding variation on the Simpsons theme music itself, played on harmonica and banjo. Right when the people on the raft turn out to be Hoboes, a few notes of Dixie are played before turning to some stock suspense music.
I just watched this episode again, there was a scene early in the episode where Bart is floating on a raft with Huckleberry Finn, and Abe Lincoln. The music played in this scene is Oh! Susanna.
Thanks Infrablue I thought I remembered it as being a bit of a classical piece of music.
Does anyone know the episode and season of the french (I think) Costington's Salesclerk that says, "aYESSS!"? Or possibly an audio clip of it, or a picture of him? I just find him hilarious...
What was the episode about?
I found the info, if youre interested
He's my favorite character, along with Troy McClure.