Tue 7 Mar, 2006 02:14 am
DrewDad said he got some stretched canvases from Hobby Lobby, then just painted them colors and hung them up.
I'm hearing this idea a lot. Is it coming from shows? Is this a by-word-of-mouth idea?
If it's shows, or books, someone tell me which ones. I need to collect ideas.
And, if anyone else is using simply-colored canvases (no picture painted, no frames), please let me know. I'd like to know how.
Checker arrangements? Bars? Grid patterns? ...
Thank you,
I have two stretched canvas' (each about 40x60) that I painted and use as a headboard for my bed.
They're very simple. I painted the Kanji symbols for health and for happiness on the canvas and then mucked them over with color and glaze so that they appear only faintly.
I don't think I saw the idea anywhere but instead just wanted something cheap but nice looking.
We got the idea from Martha Stewart, and those redecorating shows.
The nudge from Martha Stewart was to put them on hinges so that they could be draped with blankets and whatnot for dramatic play.