Instead of garlic bread, perhaps you'll enjoy a box of Sweet Baby Cheeses.
Well, we know what happens to bread and water, but what about tomato sauce?
In this town it's called.... Martyr Source.
..and they have this great self-raising flour they rises when you cook it, and then 3 days later, it RISES AGAIN !
Cool, but I feel guilty about punching the dough back down and tossing it in the air.
Well, dough is bit like your religious following. If you want it to be malleable so you can make it do what you want, you gotta bash the be-Jesus out of it.
Is this where self-flagellation comes from, or is that what garlic bread is for (and why it's shaped the way it is)?
No, that comes from here:
The Pizza Lord's Prayer
Our Pizza
Who art in Oven
Hollow be thy crust.
In Pizza Town
Thy will be Round
On Earth
In a Pizza Oven
Give Us this day our Garlic Bread.
And Give Us our Cheap Vouchers,
And forgive us when we forget to bring our Cheap Vouchers with us.
Lead us not into "Tan's Asian",
But deliver us. (sans weevils),
For thine is the Flour,
The "Thin Crust" and the "Cheesy"
Forever and ever
Ah yum
Venite, exultemus Domino's.
(Sorry, but you know you really shouldn't encourage me Jes, I just can't resist a pun-fest)
That does it Eorl, you're under arrest! You too Jes, as an accomplis. Five years hard time ... delivering Dominos pizzas!
aaaarrrgghh! Foiled again !!
Curse you Anon!... and your Pun Police !! Nooooooo.....
(would you like a Seasoned Member with that...?)
<covers eyes>
I'm a married woman and should not be looking at seasoned members.
If he pulls it off perhaps the Vatican will send him a pedophile priest or two.
jespah wrote:<covers eyes>
I'm a married woman and should not be looking at seasoned members.
I was going to tell Eorl to keep my member out of this. I want to know how he knew it was seasoned !!
jespah wrote:<covers eyes>
I'm a married woman and should not be looking at seasoned members.
... or maybe he meant another seasoned member ...
No, I was just refering to myself.....
I mean, not that,
I wouldn't .... I can't.....Sure I do yoga but.......
I never......
Hey, look over there !!! Something !!!! Over there!!!!!
Look, up in the sky, it's a pizza oven!