Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town

Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 03:55 pm
Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town


I wasn't sure where to put this, but I don't think it belongs in Politics, nor does it really qualify as Philosophy, so here we go in here.

If Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan has his way, a new town being built in Florida will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principles, with no place to get an abortion, pornography or birth control.

The pizza magnate is bankrolling the project with at least $250 million and calls it "God's will."

Civil libertarians say the plan is unconstitutional and are threatening to sue.

The town of Ave Maria is being constructed around Ave Maria University, the first Catholic university to be built in the United States in about 40 years. Both are set to open next year about 25 miles east of Naples in southwestern Florida.

The town and the university, developed in partnership with the Barron Collier Co., an agricultural and real estate business, will be set on 5,000 acres with a European-inspired town center, a massive church and what planners call the largest crucifix in the nation, at nearly 65 feet tall. Monaghan envisions 11,000 homes and 20,000 residents.

Now as silly as this all sounds to me, why should people object to it? I frankly think it sounds like "Pleasantville" where people live idyllic lives and nothing ever goes wrong ...very pollyanna indeed!!

BUT ... WHY should anyone object if there are people who want to move into and make this type of environment work for them.

Civil libertarians say the plan is unconstitutional and are threatening to sue.

Who are the civil libertarians to tell these people how to live???

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,387 • Replies: 55
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:03 pm
If it were indeed a place in which neither birth control nor abortion were permitted, that would be a violation of law, and potentially a violation of the civil rights of anyone resident there.

Your question, "Who are the civil libertarians to tell these people how to live???"--suggests that only a certain type of person will live there. Do you think it either legal or fair for someone to restrict who may or may not purchase a lot there? Do you think it legal or fair to restrict who may buy a house there?

Certainly civil libertarians are entitled to object to a project if the project seeks to restrict who may live there, and which of their civil liberties they may exercise.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:04 pm
The concept would be fine, and I would have no objection to it if:

This town were completely private, and received no money from the local, state or federal government. The town took care of the roads, garbage, any and all infrastructure, by themselves. As soon as one penny of taxpayer money goes into this venture, it must be deemed illegal.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:16 pm
We've had a couple of go-rounds on Mr. Monaghan, including here ... link ... click
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:30 pm
Same objections as Setanta and Phoenix, but I like your new avatar. Maybe I can have it when you wear it out?
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:45 pm
ehBeth wrote:
We've had a couple of go-rounds on Mr. Monaghan, including here ... link ... click

I'll need to go read these posts don't I don't do a rehash.

My thinking is that it is up to the people to make the decision to live there and adhere to all the rules etc. I was thinking of just the pure sense of the idea with out consideration to support from ALL governmental sources. I would think that these people would have to basically sign on to the idea that they give up all these sources and be totally independent and pay their own way. This alone is impossible I guess.

I will go read the other link provided by ehBeth to prevent any further duplication of posts.

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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:45 pm
roger wrote:
Same objections as Setanta and Phoenix, but I like your new avatar. Maybe I can have it when you wear it out?

Only if you let me borrow the rat!

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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:52 pm
Setanta wrote:
suggests that only a certain type of person will live there. Do you think it either legal or fair for someone to restrict who may or may not purchase a lot there? Do you think it legal or fair to restrict who may buy a house there?

I just had to respond to this one though ... Who the hell would WANT to live in this community if you weren't "of the mind"??

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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:54 pm
Lots of people live many places which are less congenial to them but which afford them employment. So, all the cops, fire-fighters, garbage men, city parks landscapers--they're all gonna be gung-ho ultramontane Catholics, huh?

I doubt it . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 05:23 pm
But we'll just go to the Hut, thanks.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 06:03 pm
It just hit me. Whatever happened to the good old US of A "melting pot"?
Thomas S. Monaghan might want to look at a country like Iraq if he wants to see what happens when people break up into "tribes". Gee, maybe when everybody has their own little territories like the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds, we can wage war on one another! Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 06:23 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
It just hit me. Whatever happened to the good old US of A "melting pot"?

I asked that same question in a thread here way back when and the general concensus was that the melting pot idea died and was replaced with something resembling more of a salad bowl. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 08:53 pm
Re: Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town
Anon-Voter wrote:
Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town

"Religious fanatic takes over town". Film at eleven.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:07 pm

What about the 14 year old girl whose parents move her to this town...What about her rights of access to things like birth control and abortion?
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 09:07 pm
neologist wrote:
But we'll just go to the Hut, thanks.

Ok, I'm stupid ... that went way over my head. What does that mean??

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 10:19 pm
Setanta wrote:
Lots of people live many places which are less congenial to them but which afford them employment. So, all the cops, fire-fighters, garbage men, city parks landscapers--they're all gonna be gung-ho ultramontane Catholics, huh?

I doubt it . . .


I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in a community that devout if they weren't in clear flavor of the program. The rules would be so suffocating for an "outsider", plus, I don't think they would be accepted into the community. I'm sure there would entrance requirements and a committee that would review applications and references, etc.

I frankly think it's a great idea letting them all live together in one place. They get what they want, and they don't mess up the public systems in other towns. They can teach all the religious classes they wish, and they don't influence the people who don't wish their kids to take the catechism and religious venues.

As I think more about it now, they should be required to pay all the normal taxes that us unbelievers do as far State and Federal, yet their local taxes and property taxes could be used to pay their local expenses. They could do local sales taxes, whatever it takes! After all, they would be living in Heaven on Earth! They should be willing to pay whatever it takes to live in Heaven on Earth!

I think it would be an interesting study just to see how successful a Catholic Theocracy can be in real practice. It would be interesting to see the "products" of such a society. Would they be amazingly well adjusted, happy, successful people, or would they be a mess, unable to cope in any situation, or any society. Would they be any more honorable than you, I, an unbeliever ... someone of another faith .. or worse ... a non-capitalist.

What do you think, all that moral guidance and positive influence??? Winner or Loser ???

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 04:54 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
It just hit me. Whatever happened to the good old US of A "melting pot"?
Thomas S. Monaghan might want to look at a country like Iraq if he wants to see what happens when people break up into "tribes". Gee, maybe when everybody has their own little territories like the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds, we can wage war on one another! Evil or Very Mad


This has been a burr in my furr for a long time. This isolationist, "I've got mine, fukk you" attitude of the American mindset now is appalling to me. I*'ve always thought we were the haven for people who needed it, and that we always protected the little guy. It turns out we not like that at all and it really makes me sad!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 04:55 pm
Re: Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town
rosborne979 wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Pizza Magnate Seeks Catholic-Governed Town

"Religious fanatic takes over town". Film at eleven.

I frankly think we should take all the religious fanatics of all stripes, heavily arm them, and dump them in the middle of the desert!!

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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 04:58 pm
Eorl wrote:

What about the 14 year old girl whose parents move her to this town...What about her rights of access to things like birth control and abortion?

Well Eorl,

That child is the responsibility of the parents until she is 18. I can't really do their parenting for them. If they tried to do mine for me, I'd just as soon as put a bullet between their eyes!

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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 04:59 pm
Anon, it just didn't sink in with you, did it? If there aren't enough ultramontane fanatics for the fire department or the sanitation department, they are still going to need fire fighters and garbage collectors.

You seem to view the world with as much unreality as Mr. Monaghan . . .
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