Many Hispanics finding faith in Islam

Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 04:58 pm
I think thats pretty conclusive. Christianity has more followers than anything else, so its right and the rest are wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 05:00 pm
Thanks neologist. Very Happy Believe it or not I've just come back from working it all out - and then I find your instructions here.

But I've gone a different route.

Click image from bookmarks to place it on its own page... (or leftclick image on webpage - then click View in menu)...

Then: Rightclick image - 'save image as' - rightclick image again - 'image' - 'attributes' - (enter 80 x 100) - 'save as'.

I don't know why you need to use the stretch and skew facility. If you've got Windows XP it's not necessary.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 05:10 pm
You can't do something that a 6 year old can...

And you're debating about Religion ?

Duh! http://forums.site5.com/images/smilies/roflmao.gif

Hi free2Bdumb! Have a nice day in Lululand! http://www.xtrememass.com/forum//images/smilies/1214-2/middlefinger.gif

I'll catch up with you in your dreams... http://fool.exler.ru/sm/fkr.gif

Ever heard this one before... '"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 05:31 pm
My point is that I am interested if the islamic books have gone missing from my local library. btw you must be a close relative of herberts who posts here, just single I suppose

I thought you might be laying a bit of sarcasm on me, but apparently not.

If Islam is such an acceptable religion to civilised society then why is it that books written about Islam are disappearing off library shelves by the truck-load throughout the Western world... ?

I know what else should be shipped out of our neighbourhoods by the truck-load... heading for deportation embarkation points all across the Western world. Islam and its adherents should be quarantined and isolated in the cess-pool backwater nations of the Middle East and North Africa as soon as the transportation arrangements can be made.

Barring that, I think we should all start studying Arabic and begin attending our local mosque in preparation for the inevitable ascendancy of Islam in the West.

(PS They wouldn't let me register as 'Herbert' as apparently there is another member here by that name. Go figure).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 05:40 pm

Incidentally, freedom4free, I don't mean to spoil your comfortable leftwing delusions but did you know that Mahatma Gandhi was racially prejudiced against negroes ?


Ever heard this one before...
'"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

~ Gandhi

Calling someone racially prejudice, then using their quote...

herberts ----> http://forums.site5.com/images/smilies/batty.gif
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 05:59 pm
Are you saying that billions of people are wrong ?

Helloooo... ? You've tripped up over your own two left feet again, free2Bdumb... bowled yourself over with yet another untidy pratfall. Dear O dear, we should have a couple of First Aid St John's ambulance guys standing by on this thread.

Let's have a look at the graphic again shall we... ?


If one lot are right then it's fair to say that the rest must be wrong[/i]... you can't have a two-way bet on this. Either the Bible is the Word of God - or the Koran is the Word of God. And as they are not compatible with one another then it follows that either 2 billion Christians are wrong - or more than a billion Muslims must be wrong.

As a devout and practicing atheist of many years I believe the whole damn lot of them are simply deluding themselves for psychopathological reasons which may or may not be treatable under psychiatric care.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 06:18 pm
free2Bpersistently[/i]dumb... I was lampooning your blissful ignorance of Gandhi's not-so-virtuous alter ego which reviled and condemned negroes as 'lazy good-for-nothings' from his time spent as a young lawyer studying in South Africa.

You have a quote from Gandhi as your signature precisely because as a leftwing illiterate you ignorantly believe he is beyond moral reproach for being an icon of lefty righteousness just as is Che Guevara.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 06:21 pm
I think thats pretty conclusive. Christianity has more followers than anything else, so its right and the rest are wrong.

Just kidding, of course.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 10:54 pm
Christianity or Islam are not the biggest religions. There just the most f**ked up.What do you think the origins of Buddhism, Hindu, Chinese traditional are. Even alot non-religious people fall into this group.There are more non-jesus people then jesus people. They just don't make a big deal about it.

The bad parts of Christianity and Islam make up the same bag of sh!t, Now if we could only find a place to throw it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 11:15 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 11:16 pm
herberts wrote:
If one lot are right then it's fair to say that the rest must be wrong[/i]... you can't have a two-way bet on this. Either the Bible is the Word of God - or the Koran is the Word of God. And as they are not compatible with one another then it follows that either 2 billion Christians are wrong - or more than a billion Muslims must be wrong.

Consider the proposition that there is no word of god. That would make them both wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 12:25 am
herberts wrote:
Thanks neologist. Very Happy Believe it or not I've just come back from working it all out - and then I find your instructions here.

But I've gone a different route.

Click image from bookmarks to place it on its own page... (or leftclick image on webpage - then click View in menu)...

Then: Rightclick image - 'save image as' - rightclick image again - 'image' - 'attributes' - (enter 80 x 100) - 'save as'.

I don't know why you need to use the stretch and skew facility. If you've got Windows XP it's not necessary.
I thought you wanted to save the exclamation points.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:39 am
I thought you wanted to save the exclamation points.

Give me time to work that out.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 03:43 am
Consider the proposition that there is no word of god. That would make them both wrong.

Technically I believe they're both wrong, but personally I'm not a resentful atheist and I'm quite happy if people find in religious belief a certain reassurance and enhanced spiritual dimension to their lives.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 05:07 am
you know herberts I share your disdain of Islam, but what do we do about it? Its all very well for us of superior insight into the human condition to say you are deluded, and some of you dangerously so...go away.

Where? Back to Bradford or Oldham?

You dont remove a problem by removing the person...well of course you do if you are Stalin or Mao or some German guy whose name escapes me for the moment...but do you really want to go down that route?

We have to live with these people, they are in fact part of us whether we like it or not. You are intelligent enough to realise that forced deportation is no final solution.

We have to fight, but fight crap ideas with better ideas. We have to ensure that the poisonous ideas of bin Laden find no resonance among muslims in this country, and if that means we have to actively subvert Islamic teaching...not so much subvert but expose it to the daylight of historical reasearch...then so be it.

But fighting bad ideas with methods that will lead in extremis to genocide is an even worse idea.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 03:39 pm
Steve... I understand where you're coming from, and I'm aware of the magnitude of sending the whole lot of them packing back to their original homelands.

But if the UK is to be preserved for future generations as the homeland of the English and the British people, then there is only one course of action that will ensure this - and that's to rid the nation of the colonial presence of Islam.

Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda have absolutely nothing to do with the need to remove Islam from British society. Islam itself is the antithesis of everything that the west stands for - it's a social and political philosophy which is rooted in the ignorance and the barbarism of pre-medieval Middle Eastern society.

A house divided against itself will fall. You cannot have an entirely separate society growing up in the British homeland as a distinct and separate people whose religion instructs them to abhor and revile the democratic institutions and social values of the non-believing infidel.

After the London bombing anonymous telephone surveys carried out amongst Britain's Muslim society uncovered a wide-spread and festering Fifth Column of Islamic hostility towards British society and the British people.

Of all those surveyed only 10% thought of themselves as 'British first - Muslim second'. In other words a massive 90% of Muslims in the UK regard themselves as colonial pioneers of international Islam.

Further Islamic immigration; more refugees; family reunion policy; the more prolific birthrate amongst Muslims; Muslims entering the political arena of Britain; exclusive Islamic schools; draconian anti-vilification laws; political correctness; the stigmatisation of British patriotism and nationalism as 'racist' and 'redneck'; the total absence of a conservative party to represent and promote an 'English' Britain instead of a multicultural and 'inclusive' Britain... all of these are conspiring towards eventually robbing the genuine Englishman and his descendants of a truly British homeland.

Where? Back to Bradford or Oldham?

You're being deliberately naive. Around 90% of Britain's Muslim youth have had it drummed into them by their immigrant parents that they are first and foremost to think of themselves as Pakistanis, or Bangladeshis, or Kurds, or Turks, or Iraqis, etc... Every effort has been made to cloister the UK-born Muslim in all the trapping of 'home' - their parent's religion, customs, language, culture, love-of-homeland, exotic music, etc etc.

Ask a UK-born Pakistani where he went for his holidays and he'll tell you he went 'back home' to visit his relatives.

Visiting cricket teams are greeted by UK-born immigrant youths as heroes and icons of their ethnic homelands ... India... Pakistan...

Repatriation is the answer. Forcible repatriation of these phony 'immigrants' who are nothing more than economic opportunists arrived in the UK with every intention of remaining, generation after generation as mosque-visiting faithful colonialist of their beloved Islamic homelands.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 04:00 pm

... homeland of the English and the British people...
their ethnic homelands ... India... Pakistan...

History of 500 years British Rule in India

Yet, the British were able to maintain a vast and stable empire in the ... They were able to recklessly exploit India's natural resources and drain the ...

Double standards ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 04:33 pm
British colonialism always had a Sunset Clause built into it... and right on cue they quit the various colonies and withdrew to the homeland without a shot needing to be fired by the indigenous peoples.

More's the pity we can't say the same about our Muslim colonialists.

And what you call 'exploitation' was in fact employment opportunity[/i] and economic improvement[/i] for a great number of the indigenous people of these former colonies.

Wherever the British were stationed it was to there that great numbers of the local population came to seek employment in the military and in the industries that were made possible by the colonial presence of the British.

Roads and railways were built - and British-style law courts and democratic political institutions were introduced where before there had only been legal and political systems based almost entirely upon corruption and graft and payment-for-favours-done.

Sure, free2Bdumb... the British were such a brutish and callously cruel colonialist power that as soon as they withdrew from their former colonies their foreign embassies needed riot-control to police the mobs who then came to pound the desks to insist they be granted visas to go live amongst these hated British colonialists....

0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:57 am
herberts wrote:

Where? Back to Bradford or Oldham?

You're being deliberately naive. Around 90% of Britain's Muslim youth have had it drummed into them by their immigrant parents that they are first and foremost to think of themselves as Pakistanis, or Bangladeshis, or Kurds, or Turks, or Iraqis, etc...
I might be naive but not deliberately so. British nationals of Bangladeshi origin cannot be forcibly repatriated to Bangladesh. I think its you who are being naive in thinking there is a simple repatriation solution. There isnt. These people are legally as British as you or I. Even if I thought "repatriation" was a solution, which I emphatically do not, the practical legal and logistical problems involved make it quite impossible.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 04:03 pm
Steve.... if politicians could at the stroke of a pen - and without any mandate from the British electorate, and in the face of Enoch Powell's protests - proceed to flood the British homeland with every stripe and colour of Third World race, culture, and religion for the next 50-years as they have done --- then so too can they legislate to reverse this process.

It only needs the political will to make this possible.

Britain now has well over a 1000 mosques throughout the land - and far more sinister than these simply being places of innocent worship -- these are each of them indoctrination centres for advocating to UK-born youths of Muslim background that as Muslims they should NOT identify as 'English', or even 'Western' - as to sympathise with the large bulk of secular Western culture and social mores is a betrayal of Islam's core tenets and belief systems.

British nationals of Bangladeshi origin cannot be forcibly repatriated to Bangladesh. I think its you who are being naive in thinking there is a simple repatriation solution.

I would at first place a permanent moratorium upon any further immigration or refugees influx of those of the Islamic faith. Secondly I would ban all UK-based Islamic schools - whether these be funded privately or through the government's public education programme.

Thirdly I would offer those Muslims who wished to return to their Islamic homelands a full life-time pension paid by the British government into their overseas accounts.

Fourthly, all mosques would be required to conduct their services in the English language - or be locked down.

Fifely - no more hijabs, no more burqas, no more wearing of exotic foreign national costumes in the streets as a gesture of non-assimilation and 'up-yours' to the British host people. They have secured permission from the British government to arrive as migrants for the express purpose of becoming English - and it's about time they honoured this contract by starting to adopt the customs, and the dress, and the culture of the nation they have sworn allegiance to at their citizenship ceremonies.

Can't forcibly repatriate Bangladeshis back to their beloved homeland... ? It was only 30-years ago that the Western Samoans forcible repatriated a full million[/i] of their citizens of Chinese background back to their country of origin. They did this to reclaim their homeland back for the Samoan people and the Samoan culture.
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