Steve... I understand where you're coming from, and I'm aware of the magnitude of sending the whole lot of them packing back to their original homelands.
But if the UK is to be preserved for future generations as the homeland of the English and the British people, then there is only one course of action that will ensure this - and that's to rid the nation of the colonial presence of Islam.
Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda have absolutely nothing to do with the need to remove Islam from British society. Islam itself is the antithesis of everything that the west stands for - it's a social and political philosophy which is rooted in the ignorance and the barbarism of pre-medieval Middle Eastern society.
A house divided against itself will fall. You cannot have an entirely separate society growing up in the British homeland as a distinct and separate people whose religion instructs them to abhor and revile the democratic institutions and social values of the non-believing infidel.
After the London bombing anonymous telephone surveys carried out amongst Britain's Muslim society uncovered a wide-spread and festering Fifth Column of Islamic hostility towards British society and the British people.
Of all those surveyed only 10% thought of themselves as 'British first - Muslim second'. In other words a massive 90% of Muslims in the UK regard themselves as colonial pioneers of international Islam.
Further Islamic immigration; more refugees; family reunion policy; the more prolific birthrate amongst Muslims; Muslims entering the political arena of Britain; exclusive Islamic schools; draconian anti-vilification laws; political correctness; the stigmatisation of British patriotism and nationalism as 'racist' and 'redneck'; the total absence of a conservative party to represent and promote an 'English' Britain instead of a multicultural and 'inclusive' Britain... all of these are conspiring towards eventually robbing the genuine Englishman and his descendants of a truly British homeland.
Quote:Where? Back to Bradford or Oldham?
You're being deliberately naive. Around 90% of Britain's Muslim youth have had it drummed into them by their immigrant parents that they are first and foremost to think of themselves as Pakistanis, or Bangladeshis, or Kurds, or Turks, or Iraqis, etc... Every effort has been made to cloister the UK-born Muslim in all the trapping of 'home' - their parent's religion, customs, language, culture, love-of-homeland, exotic music, etc etc.
Ask a UK-born Pakistani where he went for his holidays and he'll tell you he went 'back home' to visit his relatives.
Visiting cricket teams are greeted by UK-born immigrant youths as heroes and icons of their ethnic homelands ... India... Pakistan...
Repatriation is the answer. Forcible repatriation of these phony 'immigrants' who are nothing more than economic opportunists arrived in the UK with every intention of remaining, generation after generation as mosque-visiting faithful colonialist of their beloved Islamic homelands.