Israel's Policies Feed the Cancer of Anti-Semitism

Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 10:18 pm
Chumly wrote:
Whoa, easy big boy! I am asking a few questions of you in your words. I am not asking for views regurgitated from someone else. I am not arguing with you about any point. I am not asking for or expecting political rhetoric.

You have not answered any of my questions so I'll pose them again for your convenience:

When you say "yes to both" how can you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians and at the same time apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?

What is your particular sympathy for Palestinians?

How do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?

And I'll add one more: Do you have a particular bias vis-a vis Israel? If so why?

I would expect you will answer honestly and directly and simply and to the point and in your own words.

I'm not going to keep repeating myself. If you are too dense to get it, then sie la vie. I've got better things to do than educate you, or make you feel good about being a Jew and sympathizing with Israel.

I stand by my comment: Israelis are terrorists. Simple. Rolling Eyes THEY KILL PALESTINIANS.

What part of that didn't you get?
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Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2006 10:55 pm
What is your definition of "terrorists"?

You mention "they kill Palestinians", why should you care if they do or not?
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 01:00 am
George Bush is a terrorist.

Terrorists have been around since the world began. They didn't 'begin' on Sept. 11.

Definition: a fanatic who kills for either military gain or misplaced religious fervour. (Bush thinks God talks to him) however Bush JR and SR could qualify for 'military gain' as well, since he profits from defense spending via the Carlyle Group, and Cheney, of course, Halliburton.

Why should YOU care if I care about what happens to the Palestinians? I am not a Palestinian, but they definitely have my sympathy. Does that bother you?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 01:00 pm
Chumly wrote:
What is your definition of "terrorists"?

You mention "they kill Palestinians", why should you care if they do or not?

Unlike nut jobs Israelis like you we actually care about humanity or do you only feel the need to grieve when Jewsh people are killed?
Isnt you racist nazi superiorty complex feeding anti semitic stereo types that suggested religious Jewish people regard themselves as a superior to all other human beings!!

Shame on you for promotng anti semitism!!
mind you, given that your an Israeli apologist you bound to be racist.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:27 pm
pachelbel wrote:
George Bush is a terrorist.
How do you know this?
pachelbel wrote:
Terrorists have been around since the world began. They didn't 'begin' on Sept. 11.
When exactly did the world begin?
pachelbel wrote:
Why should YOU care if I care about what happens to the Palestinians?
Why should you care, whether I care, about what you care, about what happens to the Palestinians?
pachelbel wrote:
I am not a Palestinian, but they definitely have my sympathy.
Do the Palestinians have your sympathy over all the other peoples of the world in troublesome environs? Why?
pachelbel wrote:
Does that bother you?
I am not sure yet, it depends on your true reasons why, which so far you have not made clear at all. You have simply resorted to politicized rhetoric and myopic exaggeration with lots of copy & pasting from source that suite your apparent bias.
In your own words, how do you feel about the Jews? Do you like them or not? Do you trust them or not? Do you think they are bad or good?

In your own words, how do you feel about the Palestinians? Do you like them or not? Do you trust them or not? Do you think they are bad or good?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 12:54 am
OK. We can reduce it to 3rd grade level if that is what you need.

George Bush is a terrorist: why? because he practices the same methods on people as Saddam Hussein. What is the difference? Saddam didn't directly point a gun at people and kill them, he had people do it for him. Georgie also doesn't 'point' the gun at people, but innocent Iraqis are dead, aren't they? For what? Bush has helped to promote terrorism in the world with his myopic, no-mindedness. Do you feel safer? If you're a Bush lover, I've nothing further to say after this post. He claims to talk to God. How convenient! You have a certifiable nutcase running your show.

Terrorism began when Cain killed Abel. You know, the brothers? Murder begins quite early in the Bible, about the first 8-9 pages.

If you're thinking Biblical terms we can only go back 6000 yrs. Scientific view, one can go further back into the mists of time. Wars/terrorism is nothing new.

Every war since then has been terrorism against other countries either for resources or territory. What do you call war? A tea party?

Just because it happened to Americans it is suddenly exalted to the status of 'terrorism' like it's a new thing! Well, it's not new to the countries that America has been terrorizing for years. And they always do it for 'democractic' reasons. Actually it's to install a little puppet government, so they can control that country. That's not terrorism? What would you rather call it? White man's burden?

Do I like Jews? Individually, yes. I have friends who are Jewish. I find it - humourous? or maybe peculiar that they feel they must tell you they are Jewish within a few minutes or hours of meeting Jewish people. Why is that? Are they special? I don't tell people what nationality I am.

Collectively, no I do not like the Jews. I think they are misguided in their belief that they are chosen. I think they use guilt tactics to get what they want from the US. And I think they whine a lot.

Millions of people died under Stalin, 10 or 20 million. How about Mao? Millions again. More dead than the Jews. How come no one hears about that? Why do the Jews overshadow those tragedies which were much larger in scope?

Palestinians have my sympathy because THEY WERE THERE FIRST. Most of the recent Jews who came did so in the late 19th century. The Turks ruled the area at the time. The Balfour Declaration made Israel a homeland for the Jews in 1947. Woopiedoo. Who gave the Brits a right to declare that? Terrorism is being practiced on the Palestinians by the Israelis and I'd be real surprised if God were on their side. Of course, Bush thinks God's on HIS side. God gets around I guess. God takes sides?

There now. Feel better? Want me to drop it down another level so you can comprehend? Feel free to look up the Balfour Declaration. Should be easily found online.

Matzo ball, anyone?
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 01:28 am
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 01:34 am
pachelbel wrote:
OK. We can reduce it to 3rd grade level if that is what you need.
pachelbel wrote:
Want me to drop it down another level so you can comprehend?
I would remind you that such personal attacks will only serve to diminish my consideration of your text.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 02:19 am
stevewonder wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
Chumly wrote:
It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".

I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway. Confused Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?

When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).

I have brilliant idea on how to stop sucde bombers!!
I think if the US starts giving billion of dollars of military aid, F-16s, tanks and the latest shoot em up gagdets I think they'll stop strapping bombs to themselves and blewing themselves up!!!

I should be F****** taking over from Kofi whats his face!

Oh and give them some bull dozers for good measure so they bull doze any israel who objects to the F 16 and tanks blewing them to ****!

or there is another idea the Israels could start treating the Palestinians like human beings and stop impersonating Nazis!!!

Sounds crazy folks but it just might work!!

Listening to israeli-american (and I use the second word losely) rant on about suicde bombers as though butter would melt in their mouths is boring the **** outta me and further more its patronizing me..!!!!

Hey losers! some of us have got brains you morons!!!

The Palestinians intentionally target noncombatants, including children. The Israelis do not. The Palestinians try to create terror by murdering the innocent.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 02:21 am
pachelbel wrote:
George Bush is a terrorist.

Terrorists have been around since the world began. They didn't 'begin' on Sept. 11.

Definition: a fanatic who kills for either military gain or misplaced religious fervour. (Bush thinks God talks to him) however Bush JR and SR could qualify for 'military gain' as well, since he profits from defense spending via the Carlyle Group, and Cheney, of course, Halliburton.

Why should YOU care if I care about what happens to the Palestinians? I am not a Palestinian, but they definitely have my sympathy. Does that bother you?

A terrorist is someone who deliberately aims his weapons at non-combatants, as the primary, intended target. Bush doesn't do that.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 02:55 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
A terrorist is someone who deliberately aims his weapons at non-combatants, as the primary, intended target. Bush doesn't do that.
Except to his speech writers when they must cringe through his DubyaSpeak!
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 03:10 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
A terrorist is someone who deliberately aims his weapons at non-combatants, as the primary, intended target.
It is not quite so simple! Even though I support your views, I must point out that taken out of context of a justifiable war, and taken out of context of the war period, and taken out of context of the mindset and circumstances of the time, certain past actions meet your criteria, yet are not terrorism.

WW II and some of the Allied non strategic bombings are an examples, as are Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 05:50 pm
Neither did Saddam.
He had someone else do it for him.
Do you get it, now?
There is no difference between Bush and Saddam.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 06:28 pm
Are you making such a spurious and sweeping generalization as "there is no difference between Bush and Saddam" in all contexts? Rather amusing if so!
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Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 07:25 pm
What differences do you see between the two?

They are both war mongers, power hungry, megalomanics.

Georgie liked Saddam well enough in the 1990's to give him weapons. When the Kurds were gassed, Saddam got the gas from the US.

If you think killing people is amusing, why don't you move to the US? Then you can help support their perpetual wars via taxes.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 08:01 pm
pachelbel wrote:
What differences do you see between the two?

Off the top of my head in no particular order here are a just few:

Bush was democratically elected.
Saddam was not democratically elected but forced his way to power through terrorizing his own peoples.

Bush is bound by the US constitution and laws.
Saddam was not bound by any fair and reasonable body of laws and constitution but forced his way to power through terrorizing his own peoples.

Saddam has murdered many peoples within his own borders.
Bush not a one.

Saddam held power by terrorizing his own peoples.
Bush holds power through the elected democratic governmental system.

Saddam was a brutal dictator of a backwards brutal regime.
Bush is an elected politician of one the most enlightened and progressive and freest countries in the world despite it's faults.

pachelbel wrote:
If you think killing people is amusing, why don't you move to the US? Then you can help support their perpetual wars via taxes.
A puerile, completely irrelevant and entirely false attack on my person demonstrating only your inability to argue with merit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 02:05 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
Chumly wrote:
It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".

I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway. Confused Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?

When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).

I have brilliant idea on how to stop sucde bombers!!
I think if the US starts giving billion of dollars of military aid, F-16s, tanks and the latest shoot em up gagdets I think they'll stop strapping bombs to themselves and blewing themselves up!!!

I should be F****** taking over from Kofi whats his face!

Oh and give them some bull dozers for good measure so they bull doze any israel who objects to the F 16 and tanks blewing them to ****!

or there is another idea the Israels could start treating the Palestinians like human beings and stop impersonating Nazis!!!

Sounds crazy folks but it just might work!!

Listening to israeli-american (and I use the second word losely) rant on about suicde bombers as though butter would melt in their mouths is boring the **** outta me and further more its patronizing me..!!!!

Hey losers! some of us have got brains you morons!!!

The Palestinians intentionally target noncombatants, including children. The Israelis do not. The Palestinians try to create terror by murdering the innocent.

You just havent a clue!!
what all 9 million Palestinains in the world target civilians?? That is racist stereo typing and absurd as saying all Americans are war mongers or Jewish people eat babies or all Germans are nazis...........your statement is racist and foolish.

On the other the Israeli admnistration is responsible for its actions of bull dozing houses and blowing people up wth F-16s and stealing their land.

But answer this question which came first, the refugee camps and the theft of Palestine OR the suicide bomber??

Israel is a 'state' built upon the oppression, subjuation and humilation of an entire nation, therefore its stands to reason that it is the most wretched nation of the nations on earth.
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Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 03:52 pm

Your simplistic last paragraph completely ignores the role played by Arab governments in promoting and encouraging the refugee problem for their own purposes. A fraction of their oil revenues could have done much to alleviate the situation.

I do not support some of the practices of the Israeli government, but I believe they are genuinely trying to do the minimum to protect their citizens.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Mar, 2006 08:26 pm
fresco wrote:
A fraction of their oil revenues could have done much to alleviate the situation.
I would think that idea could be expanded to include other Middle Eastern problems if it were not for religion / ignorance.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Mar, 2006 01:00 am
Chumly wrote:
pachelbel wrote:
What differences do you see between the two?

Off the top of my head in no particular order here are a just few:

Bush was democratically elected. His election was fixed. Remember hanging chads? Remember missing ballots?

Saddam was not democratically elected but forced his way to power through terrorizing his own peoples. There are different way to terrorize people. Making them live in unfounded fear is one. Bush is good at that game.
Bush is bound by the US constitution and laws. Oh? Where have you been? He is way above the law! He rewrites that part of the Constitution that blocks his way.

Saddam was not bound by any fair and reasonable body of laws and constitution but forced his way to power through terrorizing his own peoples. Oh? Is that why the US invaded Iraq? Because he wasn't treating his people right? Why did Bush give him weapons in the 90's?

Saddam has murdered many peoples within his own borders.
Bush not a one. Oh bullcrap. Neither pointed a weapon at anyone, but thousands are still dead. Get real.

Saddam held power by terrorizing his own peoples. So? Still see no difference between Bush and Saddam.
Bush holds power through the elected democratic governmental system. ?? What do you think the threat of impending terrorism is on people? Amber alerts? Orange alerts? Yes, they've had the desired effect. Wake up.

Saddam was a brutal dictator of a backwards brutal regime. Laughing Yes, I forgot the torture prisons devised by the Repubs. Guess that is not considered a brutal regime? I also forgot that Bush actually said 'it'd be easier if I was a dictator".
Bush is an elected politician of one the most enlightened and progressive and freest countries in the world despite it's faults. Bush was elected by machines that were controlled and owned by the Repubs. There was a lot of problems with the software, remember? Look it up. As for 'freest, enlightened and progressive countries in the world' that is YOUR opinion. The WORLD holds a different view, if you'd get your head out of ----wherever it is. Very Happy

pachelbel wrote:
If you think killing people is amusing, why don't you move to the US? Then you can help support their perpetual wars via taxes.
A puerile, completely irrelevant and entirely false attack on my person demonstrating only your inability to argue with merit.

No, not an attack on you - an observation that you, as a Canadian, could be so blind as to support someone like Bush, who has been the worst thing that has happened to America in a long time. Since you seem so pro-American, would you not be happier in that wondrous land of the free? I'm ashamed that you call yourself a Canadian.
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