Mon 20 Feb, 2006 09:35 pm
Published on Monday, February 20, 2006 by the Guardian/UK
Israel's Policies are Feeding the Cancer of Anti-Semitism
by Paul Oestreicher
The chief rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, is right. His reaction to the Anglican synod's call for sanctions against Israel is understandable. Hatred of Judaism - now commonly called anti-semitism - is a virus that has infected Christendom for two millennia. It continues to stalk the world despite its most virulent outbreak in Nazi Germany. It should not be left untreated. For too many it remains the unlearned lesson of the Holocaust. It should haunt decent Christians for generations to come.
The German pope knows that particularly well and is on the battle lines against it. On this issue, nothing divides him from the Archbishop of Canterbury and most other church leaders. If, as some now think, today's Jews are the Muslims - hatred transferred - that simply means there is a battle to maintain our common humanity on more than one front. All collective hatreds poison the body politic.
I say this as the child of a German Jewish-born father who escaped in time. His mother did not. I say it as a half-Jewish German child chased around a British playground in the second world war and taunted with "he's not just a German, he's a Jew". A double insult. But I say this too as a Christian priest who shares the historic guilt of all the churches. All Christians share a bloody inheritance.
If I feel all that in my guts and know it in my head, I cannot stand by and watch the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - one of the world's most dangerous outbreaks of collective hatred - as a dispassionate onlooker. I cannot listen calmly when an Iranian president talks of wiping out Israel. Jewish fears go deep. They are not irrational. But I cannot listen calmly either when a great many citizens of Israel think and speak of Palestinians in the way a great many Germans thought and spoke about Jews when I was one of them and had to flee.
If the Christian in me has good reason to be ashamed, so now does the Jew in me. I passionately believe that Israel has the right, and its people have the right, to live in peace and in secure borders. But I know too that modern Israel was born in terror and made possible in its present Zionist form by killing and a measure of ethnic cleansing. That is history. Tell me of a nation with an innocent history. But the Zionism at the heart of Israeli politics is about the present and the future. It makes me fear for the soul of Israel today and the survival of its children tomorrow.
The Israel characterised by the words of Golda Meir that "there was no such thing as Palestinians ... they did not exist" is an Israel that is inevitably surrounded by enemies and that can only survive militarily and economically as a client state of the world's only superpower, for now. Nor can its nuclear monopoly in the Middle East last for ever. Peace cannot be made by building a wall on Palestinian land that makes the life of the miserably conquered more miserable still. A Palestinian bantustan will be a source of unrest and violence for ever.
I say all this despairing of the Israel I love. Its people are my people. The Palestinians are my neighbours. I wish they had stronger and better leaders. I wish their despairing young people had not been driven to violence. Just as I understand Jewish fears, I understand their despair. Only an Israel that understands that too can change it. And there are Jews in Israel and in the diaspora who know it. Most of them, out of a fear of being thought disloyal, are afraid to say what they know to be true. The state of Israel has become a cruel occupying power. Occupations, when they are resisted, are never benevolent. They morally corrupt the occupier. The brave body of Israeli conscientious objectors are the true inheritors of the prophets of Israel. They are the true patriots. What nation has ever loved its prophets?
But the main objective of my writing today, is to nail the lie that to reject Zionism as it practised today is in effect to be anti-semitic, to be an inheritor of Hitler's racism. That argument, with the Holocaust in the background, is nothing other than moral blackmail. It is highly effective. It condemns many to silence who fear to be thought anti-semitic. They are often the very opposite. They are often people whose heart bleeds at Israel's betrayal of its true heritage.
I began with the recognition that the cancer of anti-semitism has not been cured. Tragically, Israel's policies feed it - and when world Jewry defends Israeli policies right or wrong, then anger turns not only against Israel, but against all Jews. I wish it were mere rhetoric to say that Israeli politics today make a holocaust the day after tomorrow credible. If the whole Muslim world hates Israel, that is no idle speculation. To count on Arab disunity and Muslim sectarian conflict and a permanent American shield is no recipe for long-term security.
There are Israelis who know all that, and there are Jews around the world who know it. In Britain, Jews for Justice for Palestinians organises to give Jewishness a human face. Tell them they are anti-semites and they will laugh bitterly, for the charge hurts deeply and is a lie. Prophets such as Uri Avnery give all this eloquent expression, but are heard by only a few. The media are afraid of a lobby that is quite prepared to do them serious damage.
Yes, of course, there are many who express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. Some are Christians. They deserve respect. If, whether wisely or not, they call for sanctions, that does not make them Jew-haters - not in theory and not in practice. My concern, however, is to express solidarity with the Israel that is not represented by its leaders or popular opinion. Once, in the days of Hitler, there was another Germany represented by those in concentration camps alongside Jews and Gypsies, the martyrs who are celebrated today. There is such an Israel too. Its voices are still free to speak, though often reviled and misunderstood. That Israel has my solidarity, as all Jews have my love and prayers.
Paul Oestreicher was a member of the Church of England's general synod and director of the Centre for International Reconciliation, Coventry Cathedral; he is now a chaplain at the University of Sussex.
© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006
Clearly the Anglican church has got it through its thick head that the whole world owes Israel a living!!!
That includes you frock boy!!
I merely pasted the article here. That does not mean that I agree with it.
I happen to think that the world does not owe Israel a living. They get more foreign aid (from the US) than any other country, which is substantial for the 4-5 million people who live there.
So, eat that with a fork, frock boy.
It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
Not to suggest in any way that I am a Middle Eastern expert, but my understanding is that Muslims, Jews, and Christians have been warring for many centuries in the Middle East and nothing much has changed *in essence*, including the fact that many other countries outside the Middle East have at one time or another had their finger in the Middle Eastern pie.
pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
the US sanctions Israeli terrorism because the whole US administration are Israel's bitches.
dont you know?
pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where
only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).
Jews control the all money plus they are the chosen people. Everything else is simply a matter of course in terms of the continued Jewish world domination.
The opinion of the Church of England's Synod carries about as much political weight as the opinion of Prince Philip ..i.e. none !
IMO Anti-semitism will flourish irrespective of the policies of the Israeli government because Jews are relatively successful in a competitive envious world. The U.S. will continue to support any nation that reflects its own ethos of democracy and enterprise. However "support" is not the same as the "never again" group psychology which grips a people surrounded by threats of annihilation. It is against such determinism to halt forever the pogroms of history that outsiders with the luxury of detached moral relativism must evaluate some of the less attractive aspects of Israeli policy.
Brandon9000 wrote:pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where
only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).
EXCUSE ME??? What is it called when Israel drop bombs on Palestinian non-combantant neighborhoods? No kids killed, of course. Oh yeah, they call it collateral damage.........
Bulldozing Palestinian homes and killing everyone in them (SURELY just a mistake). Don't give me that BS. Israelis have killed plenty of Palestinian civilians. And you know it.
Do you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians?
If not, do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
pachelbel wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where
only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).
EXCUSE ME??? What is it called when Israel drop bombs on Palestinian non-combantant neighborhoods? No kids killed, of course. Oh yeah, they call it collateral damage.........
Bulldozing Palestinian homes and killing everyone in them (SURELY just a mistake). Don't give me that BS. Israelis have killed plenty of Palestinian civilians. And you know it.
The difference is that Israel never
intentionally kills civilians. With the Palestinian suicide bombers, it is their specific
aim to kill civilians. It's the difference between night and day.
I defy you to give me one and only one example of an occasion where the Israelis killed everyone inside a home they were bulldozing. And don't give me a link to some vague claim about a hundred cases. In your words, not someone else's, give me evidence of ONE specific occasion.
Chumly wrote:Pachelbel,
Do you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians?
If not, do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
Yes to both. Why do you ask
Brandon9000 wrote:pachelbel wrote:Brandon9000 wrote:pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where
only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).
EXCUSE ME??? What is it called when Israel drop bombs on Palestinian non-combantant neighborhoods? No kids killed, of course. Oh yeah, they call it collateral damage.........
Bulldozing Palestinian homes and killing everyone in them (SURELY just a mistake). Don't give me that BS. Israelis have killed plenty of Palestinian civilians. And you know it.
The difference is that Israel never
intentionally kills civilians. With the Palestinian suicide bombers, it is their specific
aim to kill civilians. It's the difference between night and day.
I defy you to give me one and only one example of an occasion where the Israelis killed everyone inside a home they were bulldozing. And don't give me a link to some vague claim about a hundred cases. In your words, not someone else's, give me evidence of ONE specific occasion.
I am not at your command. Since you would not believe anything I SAY, I am posting this article written by an American journalist. See if you can read the entire article.
Charley Reese - Anti War
August 20, 2005
As I watched the extensive, plainly sympathetic coverage of Jewish settlers being evicted from their Gaza homes, I couldn't help but take note once again of the striking
double standard applied by American news media as well as the U.S. government.
I cannot recall any sympathetic coverage of Palestinians being evicted from their homes. No interviews with weeping mothers or fathers. No discussions of whether the evictions were right or wrong.
This is obviously a deliberate policy on the part of America's television networks, for after all, they had 4,170 opportunities to report on Palestinian evictions since September 2000. That's how many homes were destroyed, and, of course, doesn't count the orchards and olive trees bulldozed by the Israeli army or Israeli settlers.
Of course, Palestinians were not evicted by sympathetic soldiers or promised huge amounts of money to relocate. No, they were brutally told to get out of their houses, which were then blown up or bulldozed into rubble by decidedly unsympathetic Israeli soldiers. What little they had was destroyed, and they were offered nothing except verbal abuse by the Israelis and invisibility by the American media.
One idealistic American girl who tried to stop an Israeli bulldozer from destroying a Palestinian home was crushed to death by the bulldozer. Naturally, the United States government did nothing, and the American media obediently either ignored her death or accepted the Israeli excuse that the driver couldn't see her, which is bull. She was killed in broad, sunny daylight while wearing a blaze-orange jacket and standing atop a pile of dirt.
As an American consumer of commercial news, you should protest. You are being denied the balanced coverage of this conflict that would allow you to form an intelligent opinion.
You are, in effect, being fed Israeli propaganda, and if all you know is what you read in most newspapers and see on television, then you would surely think the Palestinians are a faceless mob of howling savages. Actually, they are among the most highly educated and industrious people in the Middle East. A considerable number of them are Christians.
I'm sure you are aware of the Israeli children who have been killed in this current intifada, which started Sept. 29, 2000. There were 122. But are you aware of the 686 Palestinian children who have died? About 1,000 Israeli adults have been killed, while 3,653 Palestinian adults have been killed. About 7,000 Israelis have been wounded; 29,014 Palestinians have been wounded. The Palestinians have nothing with which to resist the occupation of their land except rifles, pistols, homemade bombs and small rockets. Israel, of course, is ranked fifth in the world as a military power and has all the modern weaponry America can supply.
The West Bank and Gaza are not "disputed territory," which is the latest Israeli propaganda term adopted by the American lickspittle politicians.
Under international law, the West Bank and Gaza are illegally occupied by the Israeli military. They were seized in 1967 in Israel's blitzkrieg war. The Palestinians, who even then had no government and no army, did not provoke the war.
The tragic truth is that the Palestinian majority that wants peace has not been allowed to have a functioning government and is therefore helpless to stop independent groups from carrying out attacks against the Israeli occupiers. The Palestinian Authority was denied the tools necessary to govern from the get-go.
I will say this about the Israelis: They have chutzpah. Evacuating a minuscule number of settlers from Palestinian land, they tell the Palestinians it is now up to them to live peacefully. Of course, Gaza will be a fenced-off prison. That's the equivalent of the Nazis telling the Poles after the German invasion that it was up to them to live peacefully if they didn't want to be murdered and imprisoned.
The illegal settlements in Gaza were put there despite America's opposition and in disregard of international law. Now, of course, the
Israelis want the American taxpayers to pay $2.2 billion to correct their mistake made in defiance of U.S. policy. They expect us to pay for the transfer of the Israeli settlers.
If the U.S. government goes along with this outrageous request, that ought to be the last straw for every patriotic American.
****FYI GW Bush paid the costs for the removal just recently. Remember?
And I repeat the question: Give me one example of a case in which the Israeli bulldozing of a home resulted in the deaths of all inside, as you claim occurs, or admit that you were wrong. The Palestinians intentionally target non-combatants, including children, which utterly negates and case they may have wished to make.
pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:Pachelbel,
Do you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians?
If not, do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
Yes to both. Why do you ask
I wish to inquire about the motivation for your views given that you have made them public.
When you say "yes to both" how can you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians and at the same time apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
What is your particular sympathy for Palestinians?
How do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
'apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?'
You will notice that I have in quotes a portion of your post? Notice especially the word 'treated unfairly'. I don't see that Israel has been treated unfairly. Show me where they have been. On the contrary, they have been GIVEN more than any other country --as you are well aware. Their guilt tactics are working, but may not continue to do so forever.
Iraq has my (and the world's-except America, of course) sympathy for obvious reasons.
I explained my sympathy for Palestinians via the article posted by a reputable journalist, if you doubt his verisimilitude, do a google search.
It has been well documented that the Israelis have bulldozed homes resulting in deaths. Naturally I depend on news sources. What do you depend on? Have you been there and seen for yourself? You wish to ignore the truth and cling to propaganda? Are you afraid to do a google (or whatever) search? I guarantee, you'll find much evidence pointing to Palestinians being targetted by Is. How do you explain the deaths compared to Israelis?
Show me an article that documents that Israelis have NOT murdered Palestinians by bulldozing their homes. I'll show you hundreds more that prove otherwise.
Whoa, easy big boy! I am asking a few questions of you in your words. I am not asking for views regurgitated from someone else. I am not arguing with you about any point. I am not asking for or expecting political rhetoric.
You have not answered any of my questions so I'll pose them again for your convenience:
When you say "yes to both" how can you have a particular sympathy for Palestinians and at the same time apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
What is your particular sympathy for Palestinians?
How do you apply your concern to all countries and to all peoples equally if they have been treated unfairly?
And I'll add one more: Do you have a particular bias vis-a vis Israel? If so why?
I would expect you will answer honestly and directly and simply and to the point and in your own words.
Brandon9000 wrote:pachelbel wrote:Chumly wrote:It's probably more apt to say simply that Israel's mere existence "feeds the cancer of anti-Semitism".
I suppose so. Their treatment of the Palestinians doesn't win points with me, anyway.
Terrorism, plain and simple, and sanctioned by the US. Why?
When Palestinian's strap bombs to themselves and go into public places where
only non-combatants and even children will be blown up, it pales anything Israel might do wrong (like trying to continue to exist).
I have brilliant idea on how to stop sucde bombers!!
I think if the US starts giving billion of dollars of military aid, F-16s, tanks and the latest shoot em up gagdets I think they'll stop strapping bombs to themselves and blewing themselves up!!!
I should be F****** taking over from Kofi whats his face!
Oh and give them some bull dozers for good measure so they bull doze any israel who objects to the F 16 and tanks blewing them to ****!
or there is another idea the Israels could start treating the Palestinians like human beings and stop impersonating Nazis!!!
Sounds crazy folks but it just might work!!
Listening to israeli-american (and I use the second word losely) rant on about suicde bombers as though butter would melt in their mouths is boring the **** outta me and further more its patronizing me..!!!!
Hey losers! some of us have got brains you morons!!!