Thu 16 Feb, 2006 09:49 pm
Does anyone know who the actor is in the napster mitch's music? He's also in an american airlines, red zone, mastercard, dentyne tango, nicorette, tgi friday's, and verizon commercial, dancing in a bowling alley. I've been sick and in bed for a couple weeks, so not only am i watching to much tv, I've become somewhat nurotic. Anyway, I keep seeing this guy in every commercial. Does anyone know who he is? Please help!!
Somebody's gotta know.
This guy?
You may be more ill than you think.
You get the oddest things when you search for Bowling Man.
There's this
and this:
and this
This man is not an actor.
Did you mean this?
Images have to have a .jpg at the end of their properties to show up.
No I don't mean that. I'm extremely bad with computers. Starting to get better though, I've been ill and bed ridden for awhile. That's why I have so much time to watch tv and be nurotic about people appearing in multiple commercials. Anyway,if you google the words mitch and napster under images you can watch the whole commercial. It's pretty funny.