The Philosophy of the Edenic Faith

Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 12:13 pm
The quote at the top of this post is nothing but empty wordnoise,superficially slick and designed to produce a city-slicker sneer as if you can dismiss the Reformation with a wisecrack.

And you little fella , are a complete jerk. You didnt even read the previous statement to which mine was a response.
As I said before, you are your own worst opponent. You shoot yourself in the foot more often than not by just arguing against your self
Carry on bozo..
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 12:23 pm
are you a freemason?
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 12:30 pm
nah, Im cheap but I aint free.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 12:38 pm

I'm always arguing with myself.

I was simply trying to point out that the Reformation had a mite more significance than the question of whether Luther whacked the door or nailed a sheet of paper to it.I was hoping that readers might be motivated to look into it a little more deeply.It is a quite interesting subject and one of great significance and would have taken place if Luther had dropped some leaflets from a helicopter.If only one reader does look into it I will be justified.

Listen fm-I know I'm a jerk.We all are.I'm not as bad a jerk as those who don't think they are a jerk.
The Sarge told me I was ******* stupid **** so many times that only being called a jerk borders on the complimentary.
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Nahushtan Bar Eden
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:35 pm
Nahushtan Responds
Let me address some of your questions, on a one by one basis, and see if that perhaps explains some of your questions:

Question 1: Did you make this up?

Sure. Just as Jesus made up Christianity, Moses made up Judaism and Muhhammed made up Islam. I am not denying that. Does that mean in any way it is false? No. The Edenic Faith is one Path, among many that one can choose if one wants to, to practice. It is what it is: A Judeo-Christian Gnostic system of faith predicated on our tenets

Question 2: Why start a new religion?

For the same reason Buddha started his and so did Jesus. I find both contemporary Christianity, Judaism and Islam to be so overcome by the Counterfeit Spirit, instead of the True Spirit, that I am a reformer, of a sort.
Besides, we don't necessarily beleive in a pie in the sky Paradise. It is when men follow the Virtues and practice them, that we transform ourselves and the world. Yahweh made it OUR duty to make our world a paradise. And yet, because humans refuse to follow Virtue and practice Vice, that great evils have befallen the planet and the animals we share it with. We have the power to choose to obey the primary command given to us to keep and dress the Garden, or we can treatit like a garbage dump. Our decisions will either seal our fate-extinction of our species, or create Paradise on earth, here and now.
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Nahushtan Bar Eden
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:42 pm
fresco wrote:
Nahushtan (or may we call you "Serpent"),

Your number 7 says "abstinence from things which are not needed".

How about "abstinence from from belief in mythical beings" or "abstinence from encouraging the proliferation of designer niche markets in the faith industry" ?

You, of course have evidence for them being mythical? Please then, if you will, enlighten the rest of the millions and billions of idiots who blindly were deceived while you, the paragon of virtue and wisdom have pierced the veil of Reality, and now are ready to enlighten us with your blazing brilliance. Lay it on me, I want to know what experiment you carried out that ruled out the Divine or by what instrument you divined that the supernatural doesn't exist.
Did you see it in a microscope? How about in the brilliance of the night sky through a telescope? I suppose that even though our wisest men and scientists, who have pondered the mysteries of the universe for thousands of years before you were even a spermatozoa in your father's scrotum, they next to you are but benighted fools. I await, O Knowledgable One, for the evidence.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:46 pm
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Nahushtan Bar Eden
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 01:59 pm
The Pentacle Queen wrote:

How do you know that, PQ? Or is that *opinion*. Jesus did indeed make up his own religion, whether you say it was attributed to God or not, in the end he was the mouthpiece of God, and he was the one who spread *his* doctrines.
And apperently it was at the age of 30 that he realized he was the son of god, for it was then that he was baptized and the Bible says was driven into the desert to confront the Unclean Spirit over the issue of who he was and his claim as the Messiah. There is NO evidence to beleive that belive that before this time, he thought of himself as much different then, say, the nice Jewish boy down the street.\

what is my claim? Simple. I have been sent to announce that the time of our exile from Eden is drawing to a close. Humankind has dreamed of the Golden Age's return for milleniums, well it is coming sooner then later. But it is going to be dicey and it is going to take the cooperation of everyone to see it come. All these things you see happening are but a taste of what lies ahead. But in the end, the Golden Age will return. I am simply a Messenger of that.

If you don't like the Message, don't kill the Messenger.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 02:28 pm
gnosis poses the croses roses
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 03:28 pm
NBE wrote-

If you don't like the Message, don't kill the Messenger.

Oh man-

We like the message alright.It's just that it won't happen by wishful thinking.That only gets in the way and confuses everybody.

I think you would be well advised to read up on events in the middle-east in those far off days.I think you simplify into meaninglessness.There were people of the type Jesus was all over the place.

And I for one have no intention of harming a hair on your head.All the governments of the civilised world are working night and day to bring us into Paradise.It is just that it is a very difficult road and we must have patience and try to understand the obstacles that exist.There are no quick fixes.

Dear Queenie-

It's okay.I quite like demonstrating how the scientific atheists can soon start showing intolerance if you fail to tickle under their chins in the approved manner.They think that anybody who has another point of view is stupid and an ID-iot and if they ever come to power it is obvious that they can't possibly allow stupid ID-iots to have any say in anything.We know best is their motto.

Oh Yeah Oh Yeah Oh Yeah.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 03:56 pm
spendius wrote:
I quite like demonstrating how the scientific atheists can soon start showing intolerance if you fail to tickle under their chins in the approved manner.
Opinions are interesting, but facts are Sacred. Moreover not all opinions are of equal value. Some opinions are based on sober analysis of factual data. Others are based on wishful thinking.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 04:29 pm

I agree facts are sacred.

It is simply that I "think" it is a fact that if the Scientific Method ever comes to power it will be in a terror state.Such a fact,and I am in good company thinking it true, takes precedence over all other facts.Science is a tool of mankind not its master.Have you ever heard the views of Scientific Method fundamentalists.I have and a good few times.

The main difficulty is that any intolerance breeds more intolerance and it has to stop sometime if you don't want a civil war of somesort and I'm for stopping it now.I think the legal profession might have to make a few sacrifices and that entertainment channels will have to think up some better programmes than the Dawkins wind up but they won't mind surely if it is for the greater good.

Is that wishful thinking?

I hope you enjoyed your break and kept your oil consumption to the absolute minimum.

10.30 again.Oh dear.How many more pints of ale do I have to drink.
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 03:26 am
spendy just likes throwing a spanner in the works and getting everyone fired up about nothing. then he will frustrate us all by telling us that he actually agreed in the first place.

Ok then guru, if you seriously think that you have been sent to spread that message, fair enough, but dont compare yourself to the likes of jesus or buhdda untill 5 million of us decide to believe you, maybe in a couple of thousand years time, or sooner if what you are saying is true. Im not complaining, it sounds good!
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 06:41 am
spendy just likes throwing a spanner in the works and getting everyone fired up about nothing. then he will frustrate us all by telling us that he actually agreed in the first place.

Really?, you think so?, Ive always assumed it was the refreshment talking since he often forgets his place and frequently contradicts himself .
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 06:51 am

Don't worry your pretty little head about me comparing myself to anybody let alone those two persons you mentioned.

What is "the works" I'm supposed to be throwing a spanner into.Is it THE WORKS or just your works.
There is a difference.

I'll give you an example.At holiday times the News often comes up with a breathless,excited statement,accompanied by a selection of advertising pictures,to the effect that 2 million have flown off for a "luxury holiday in the sun (beach with semi-naked ladies grinning) to get away from the nasty English weather.They never say that 58 million haven't done or that it's the boredom of their lives that they are trying to get away from and the big laugh is that they are taking the cause of the boredom with them-namely themselves.And to be able to afford it they have cheap night flights which waken up all the poor sods near the flight paths twice outbound and twice inbound.And the people they wake up are the ones who have to work harder to make the exports to pay for the currency the "posh" have taken overseas so they can pretend they are Latin lovers for 2 weeks or get more pissed than they dare do at home.And they blot out the sun with their exhausts and they waste scarce resources their loved grandchildren are going to need and they fetch back diseases and bloody mind-numbing videos of themselves smirking in front of a fountain in some sweaty dump, where they have to smear themselves with cream to reduce the risk of cancer,which they then inflict on their nearest and dearest and anybody else within range and they fetch back duty frees because they like evading tax which is levied to pay for health and education and then they complain about waiting lists and poor schools and,with a bit of luck,they are picked out by Customs Officers for rectal examination.

And you don't need to be a guru to know that a large proportion of these dangerous dafties work in television and newspapers and make the statement I started with to justify their position as superior persons.

Is any of that an opinion or is it rather a very bare outline of the sordid facts which I could easily extend to beyond the length of the average attention span.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 07:03 am

fm wrote-

Really?, you think so?, Ive always assumed it was the refreshment talking since he often forgets his place and frequently contradicts himself .

You'll have to forgive fm Queenie.He lives by empty assertions.Beware of using words like "often" and "frequently" as they are the stock-in-trade of those with nothing to say about where I have "lost my place" or have contradicted myself.
When you go to university you will need to avoid word formulations such as those becaue in England they are known for what they are which is damp flannel.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 07:40 am
spendius wrote:

I agree facts are sacred.

actually I said they were Sacred. Perhaps I should have said Divine

It is simply that I "think" it is a fact that if the Scientific Method ever comes to power it will be in a terror state.Such a fact,and I am in good company thinking it true, takes precedence over all other facts.Science is a tool of mankind not its master.Have you ever heard the views of Scientific Method fundamentalists.I have and a good few times.

I agree its a tool to be used for the benefit of mankind. And how useful is it! Where it is seen to do harm, you inevitably have someone with evil intent behind it. Scientific endeavour itself is amoral not immoral.

The main difficulty is that any intolerance breeds more intolerance and it has to stop sometime if you don't want a civil war of somesort and I'm for stopping it now.I think the legal profession might have to make a few sacrifices and that entertainment channels will have to think up some better programmes than the Dawkins wind up but they won't mind surely if it is for the greater good.

but what is intolerance? Non belief in the Holocaust? Or the moon landings? Or rigid doctrinal faith in Allah and Mohammed or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Sauce be On Him)? Or reductio ad absurdum that 1+1=3 ?

Is that wishful thinking?

I hope you enjoyed your break and kept your oil consumption to the absolute minimum.

Thanks I did. Germany is a very civilised place. Ale consumption about normal...schnapps well thats another matter

10.30 again.Oh dear.How many more pints of ale do I have to drink.

In short Spendy there is no other way forward than the hard bumpy road of scientific endeavour. But that it should be understandable to us is reaching for the Divine.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 07:53 am


But scientific endevour is being controlled by moral values.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 09:19 am

Sunday Times-Feb 19-Page 15 in article headed Climate Of Fear.

"A return flight from London to Miami generates more carbon dioxide,per passenger,than a small car does in a year."

And I don't have a car Steve nor a passport and I can easily afford either.That is because I decided many years ago that I was going to take personal responsibility in these matters. So you can imagine my feelings when I see people bragging about their consumption patterns as if they are something to be envied and therefore emulated.

It's like eating the seed corn.No wonder pride is at the top of the list of seven deadly sins.

And our great leader told a House of Commons committee that any attempt to restrain aviation was "unrealistic" and "hard to sell".Some leader eh?
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The Pentacle Queen
Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:51 am
sorry, am i being thick? how is any of this related to the thread?
was it me, or where we in the middle of dissing the next jesus.
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