Here's a painting I just completed the other day. As you can tell, it's still fairly wet in places, and hasn't been varnished yet. However, before I call it 'done' I was hoping to get a bit of feedback on it. I had pasted the original sketch in another thread, but will include it below:
I scanned the sketch into the computer, reversed it and blew it up in photoshop and printed it out in 11" x 17" sections. I taped the sections together, made a quick outline on them in vine charcoal and transferred the image to the canvas. (note: I tried using Farmerman's suggestion of using a solvent to transfer the printout directly to the canvas. . . this doesn't appear to work with newer model printers, as they are silicone-based inks that are affixed using extreme heat. Also I used a thicker paper which may have also hampered the technique.)
At any rate, after I had the sketch on the canvas, I went over the lines once more to make certain they were solid enough for use. I then broke out the oils and went to work, winding up with the below:
It's still wet, as you can tell around the eyes.
At any rate, once it's completed I'll be framing it as a gift. Any critiques or other comments would be welcome.