Hi Terry,
I am still trying to do the math within the four dimensions which are more or less obvious to most of us.
I have done enough to realize that it is not inconsequential (the red shift)
and still have a sneaky suspicion that it may be absolute. ( if anything can be)
I have outlined the math required on the Abuzz thread,(2) Describe and discuss your Bibles books, by Ican. ( about 1/2 way down the thread)
( You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince)
Satts and Ican have both been very helpful but ascertaining a particles size at a given distance is difficult for one who is "checkbook challenged".
I am still fairly well convinced that the "Expanding Universe" is naught but another religious explanation.
I certainly would be grateful for any help or insights that you may have, to say the least. Arguements welcome!!!
As regards the book (Hyperspace). I will try to look it up. I have run into one trying to explain "braines", and several others that appealed to other dimensions to explain our existence. But (IMO natch) all of the books which postulate an unknowable, unduplicable suspension of the laws of Physics have weaknesses similar to the various tracts which postulate an unknowable, unduplicable entiety.
Sometimes these books are even more blatant in their suspension of natural laws than the religious ones. One of these is "The Five Ages of The Universe". by Fred Adams and Greg Laughlin. If you need a disgusted chuckle read it. The physics is worse than Eric Lerners.
The book "Cosmology and Controversy"(the historical development of two theories of the universe) by Helge Kragh does a good job of determining that there is no sure thing yet as far a originations go.
(It's nice to {think-believe} that I am not completely bonkers. I gracefully admit that may be only my opinion!!!