Same table? Where is Dag? In the USA at the moment?
They let her IN ?!?!
Homeland security my arse!
I will now inform Interpol.
I'm sure that there must be a reward.
Ooooh, let me know if there is. We'll split it.
yah, uh..huuuuhhhh.
i got dem homeland security wrapped around my finger.
She brings them bribes of mushrooms and sausage.
they don't even know what hit them until i'm safely far past the border.

dag & littlek have ceased communicating verbally with each other.
they now do it exclusively on A2k.
sad, really...
Well, it's good to see Bootsie supervising.
And Screech, he's behind Dag's 'puter. It was really funny last night while we were playing onscreen, while giggling, but remaining silent in real life.
I'm having trouble staying connected. My posts will be brief for the next nline days.
JL - hope it clears up soon, thanks for letting us know......
ah, good! Classes are starting soon. I think you'll love it once you get into it, littlek.
Congrats to snood for finishing his degree too and good luck on the conselling efforts.
So, my pre-reading has been enlightening. I had no idea how much I didn't know about the background of and theories of teaching.
The first book I read, mentioned above (I think), made me realize how the current popular system has been failing and why things like vouchers and no child left behind aren't going to work. It mentioned using public schools to train students to not only be academically adept, but to be useful, engaged citizens. I didn't realize that this was a fundamental basis for education as far back as the greek fighting between sparta and athens. The educate (in what ever manner) the people to be citizens and/or elite rulers was what school was designed for.
Turns out I'm some combination of a paragmatist and a postmodernist.
The others are what? existentialists, progressivists, essentialists...they have inundated me with more teaching philosophies than I can shake a stick at.
Can you give a short answer on why vouchers won't work? Do you think that's an opinion? Seems a bit overreaching to just say in a textbook that it won't work. Was the rationale behind the assertion convincing?
PS--If you've had enough schoolwork for one day, skip it until you feel like it.
Philosophies: idealism, realism, pragmatism, progressivism, existentialism. I haven't done the four theories yet.
As for vouchers, I got that angle from the text by Meiers. She posits (as most do) that schooling should be for producing a solid citizenship which will support a strong democracy. Many agree that that schooling should be equalateral - open to anyone and everyone. Private schools mess up the system by becoming selective. The students with the best combination of grades and money get in, the rest don't. The system there is more market based - more capitolistic. Or something like that.
Oh, I was thinking of vouchers for public schools.
(I am really interested in this section, too. It will be great to get your insights, while we move on.)
I think I'm more Pragmatist. I have to admit I didn't study much on postmoderism, and I don't have a good grasp of it beyond making a point to focus on diversity and making sure we stick it to the White Man.
<hee, kidding>
<But my book almost says that verbatim, does yours?>
I can see what you're saying about postmodernism. What book are you using?
Voucher for public schools don't work either (according to Meiers) because the schools should be for the local communities. The student body should represent the local population......